New Member Welcome Thread 2

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Hi; I'm a Red Neck from East Texas. I collect WW2, and earlier. I' ve been been here sinse before WW2. Radom, luger, P38, Nambu, Mauser and any other information you might share. Thanks S.D. Head :pleasantry::to_pick_ones_nose:

Welcome from Texas. I am not really a collector as such but I do have one P38 that my brother gave me. It is in very good shape.
Thanks guys! Finding decent information on guns and gun laws in my area is kinda hard. Going to college kinda sticks you in a crappy 2A position.
Hey new member from South Carolina. Just recently picked up a Glock 22 and I'm now going to also purchase the Glock 23. I will also be receiving my CWP in the next month or so. Look forward to learning and sharing my own experiences.
Hey new member from South Carolina. Just recently picked up a Glock 22 and I'm now going to also purchase the Glock 23. I will also be receiving my CWP in the next month or so. Look forward to learning and sharing my own experiences.
Welcome from the UpState, JC. We're glad to have you aboard!
Guess I should say hi. Really LOVE the forum and appreciate the website. I guess you could say I'm a redneck stuck in the nest of liberals in Boston. They breed in the big cities. So, just cuz I'm from here don't think I'm a Kennedy fan. :fie:
Old Owl, welcome. I don't think anyone will hold your location against you, except to wonder why you haven't moved to more favorable climes?
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