emt and volunteer fire fighters getting discounts?

who needs a handgun more for their profession?

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regular emt's dude! quit trying to justify the medcal field.

regular emt's and volunteer fire fighters are the topic.........and besides what do you call a corpsman that is seal qualified? how about a seal...............just elaborating on your swat medic who would fall under the leo discount anyways.

talking about the mossy oak volunteer dog box in the back of the truck in the middle of the woods in easter nc emt's ......putting there lives in danger every day by mudbogging...........:cray: and getting a discount

If the little icon said people who qualify for discounts instead of law enforcement you would have absolutely nothing to argue about.. if you put as much time and effort into finding a place to teach your classes and provide your students a range in which to prove competency with a firearm as you do trying to cling to some pointless arguement, then you would have a pretty good buisness going right now with income instead of a piece of paper that says you can teach it. i have access to both classroom and a pistol range and 500 yd rifle range maybe i should consider putin in a few hours and get my slice of the pie. since there is a huge surge to get there CCW permit right now.
u guys are just being spiteful on the voting poll now...................

you are argueing hows fire/ems considered law enforcement. the pole is off topic and i have to admit in my job a firearm is not needed and if it should be there should alredy be PD on the scene. in theory thats the way it is supposed to work anyway. when i voted on the pole i actually had a momentary lapse in judgement starting to stoop to your level and allowed you to get one wack in at beating me to death with all your experience.
since stump jumper is getting personal........ posting my info from other threads i am done with this post..

clearly and individual that will use low blows against a person to win and arguement..

no hard feelings to the people who shared there opinnions on my thread. i appreciate it guys and gals.

time to end this one.. getting to personal.

peace out !
Who sacrifices more in service to the general public? Hmm. Not that I don't appreciate firearms instructors but this is a no brainer.
People who risk their lives for you (and usually do so for meager wages) deserve more than they get. Whether it is a small discount on glocks or whatever.

I know several officers that have to work a second job just to make ends meet.

Nothing personal but I do not believe that a firearm instructor performs a public service.

And before I get blasted, know that I voted that a firearm instructor needs a gun for their job more than an EMT/Fireman but that is not the same as who should get the discount.
After posting I noticed how childish and irrelevant this thread has become. It is ridiculous that I feel bad that I participated in a thread that is this dumb.

You guys are getting heated and acting out about something as stupid as an internet post possibly disagreeing with your personal point of view.

You all need to seriously reconsider and reflect on if you are the kind of person that should be carrying a firearm concealed. Or are you the person that murders someone out of road rage.

My final point is this (like anyone really cares):

Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.
People who risk their lives for you (and usually do so for meager wages) deserve more than they get. Whether it is a small discount on glocks or whatever.

I know several officers that have to work a second job just to make ends meet.

Nothing personal but I do not believe that a firearm instructor performs a public service.

And before I get blasted, know that I voted that a firearm instructor needs a gun for their job more than an EMT/Fireman but that is not the same as who should get the discount.[/QUOTE]

I refrained from voting out of principle. :wink:

Let's tone it down a bit guys esp with the name calling. There's no reason to argue about who another company is giving discounts to with each other. Yes, I see that EMT etc is listed under a Military and LEO discount but that's up to them. I'm pretty sure you said you sent them an email. Hey, maybe someone else will pick up on the idea and give some discounts to Instructors.
They risk their life on a daily basis to save lives, for no more than a often too low wage, long hours, work under conditions that you would be hiding in your home from, messes to clean up that often give them nightmares, discount hell yes give them one and then thank them when they leave!!!
Stumpjumper really misses the point of the poll. I voted for CCW Instructor because an instructor can't do the job without a firearm. My vote was not about which job required the most training.
no i do not miss the point, i didnt start the poll, the poll is off topic, thats what this guy kept doing was change the subject, first it went from being upset fire and ems get discounts, yes we do and im sorry his profession doesnt im all for it, then it went to hows fire and ems law enforcement, its not never said it was, once it was established he would have no arguement if the icon said people who qualify for discounts instead of law enforcement. he put a poll on it who needs it more ( poll off topic!!!). i didnt, and in a moment of not thinking i voted for myself who wouldnt, i would take it back if i could. oh well. my point was how dare someone look down at our profession like we dont qualify for anything, we bust ours to save yours with little or nothing in return. and we dont ask for discounts people just give them to us. we see things that we will never get those images out of our heads. i and about 20 members of my department went to assisted in a search of a downed aircraft 100 miles from our hometown we helped find the aircraft then removed the charred bodies of one of our members and close friends his child another female and her daughter from the airplane and then saw them to the coroner. not because we had to because we wanted to. he was our friend and we wanted him and his family and friends onboard that aircraft treated with respect. no one but another firefighter/medic will ever understand our dedication for our felow man. be they strangers or close friends
This whole thread is screwed up and make no sense. The poll was absolutely stupid, almost like saying which needs a car more, a race car driver or a housewife and the OP is complaining about ladies day at the carwash where only females get discounts.
Stumpjumper really misses the point of the poll. I voted for CCW Instructor because an instructor can't do the job without a firearm. My vote was not about which job required the most training.

For the record, I've managed to teach classes without using any of my firearms. :biggrin:

For the record, I've managed to teach classes without using any of my firearms. :biggrin:


well here in nc you. the instructor must present a revolver and a semi auto in the class room and show the students in person. , malfunctions. reloads, holster work etc,

what state do you teach in? jeeez!
well here in nc you. the instructor must present a revolver and a semi auto in the class room and show the students in person. , malfunctions. reloads, holster work etc,

what state do you teach in? jeeez!

Students are given hands on training on how to load, unload, fire and clear both a revolver and semi-auto. In some cases we have both single and double action revolvers.

Notice the statement, I said "....without using any of my firearms." I've taught classes in 3 different states, and in every case in compliance within NRA guidelines using my NRA lesson plans.

If you work well with other instructors, it's not necessary to dirty your guns all the time. :wink:

I know how we all appreciate the work of a emt. a volunteeer firefighter, etc.
How ever, i noticed how some companys give them discounts under military and law enforcement.
I think those jobs emt/fire fighters deserve discounts. but there are other jobs that should receive them too.

So i wanted to make a poll and send it to the manufacturers so they will open up the discounts to other related jobs with pistols.

so please vote fairly so we can get more jobs that use firearms everyday a discount as well,
here are 2 simple questions

Question. who uses a pistol more for his/her profession?

1.a basic emt (non/police or military) or a volunteer firemen

2.a nra pistol instructor who teaches a class every week/ any state concealed pistoo inst.

thanks guys and gals. lets get those discounts too all who deserve not just a few

vote away!

First show me a town that has Less than 500 people there arent many, next does someone in that town have less of a heart attack than someone in a bigger town. the medic in a smaller town often is just as sharp if not sharper on his skills than the bigger city boys cause they have to transport their patients farther and keep thenm stable longer than the places who have a hospital on every corner. does their house burn slower or at a lower temperature than someone in a larger town. oh my disagrement was never who needed a firearm more for their profession, us medic/firefighters dont. mine was you thinking that we are useless mudboggers who dont do anything that your profession should be at the top of the list which has been edited out of your posts. the poll is pointless and off the topic were were having, just give it a rest.
First show me a town that has Less than 500 people there arent many, next does someone in that town have less of a heart attack than someone in a bigger town. the medic in a smaller town often is just as sharp if not sharper on his skills than the bigger city boys cause they have to transport their patients farther and keep thenm stable longer than the places who have a hospital on every corner. does their house burn slower or at a lower temperature than someone in a larger town. oh my disagrement was never who needed a firearm more for their profession, us medic/firefighters dont. mine was you thinking that we are useless mudboggers who dont do anything that your profession should be at the top of the list which has been edited out of your posts. the poll is pointless and off the topic were were having, just give it a rest.

Not to mention the oddity that many of the folks voting in the poll have "0" posts. Things that make you go "hmmmmm"..... :confused:

Students are given hands on training on how to load, unload, fire and clear both a revolver and semi-auto. In some cases we have both single and double action revolvers.

Notice the statement, I said "....without using any of my firearms." I've taught classes in 3 different states, and in every case in compliance within NRA guidelines using my NRA lesson plans.

If you work well with other instructors, it's not necessary to dirty your guns all the time. :wink:


oh ... your firearms..

nice trap post.

some states do not recognize the nra class for a qualification by the way. i know nc does not.
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