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  • I dropped a box of brand new Remington .45 ACP in the stairwell at the local PD and a round went off in the box. I noticed that a few didn't seem to believe it, but that's what happened. Usually, I carry a range bag but on this day, an LEO friend had called me at work to bring my new 1911 (which I was carrying) down to the PD range, just down the street from my office. I first said no as I was too busy at work and didn't want to take time to run home and get my bag. He persisted and I remembered I had an old pair of ears in the truck as well as a couple new boxes of ammo which I had just picked up. So, off I went, carrying the ear protection and box of .45s in my hands. He called me on my cell when I got inside and when I transferred the box to my other hand in order to retrieve my cell phone, I dropped the box from about thigh height. And a round went off.

    Since then I'm a lot more cautious in handling ammo.
    Hey, FN1910

    Do you remember reading about a guy back in 2007 who had a round go off in the box at a cop shop? I noticed you posted on this. Was a different forum, can't quite remember (concealedcarry.com?). Anyway, for your reading pleasure, it was me. Just thought you'd like to know.

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