First show me a town that has Less than 500 people there arent many, next does someone in that town have less of a heart attack than someone in a bigger town. the medic in a smaller town often is just as sharp if not sharper on his skills than the bigger city boys cause they have to transport their patients farther and keep thenm stable longer than the places who have a hospital on every corner. does their house burn slower or at a lower temperature than someone in a larger town. oh my disagrement was never who needed a firearm more for their profession, us medic/firefighters dont. mine was you thinking that we are useless mudboggers who dont do anything that your profession should be at the top of the list which has been edited out of your posts. the poll is pointless and off the topic were were having, just give it a rest.
dude! no one doubts that regular emt's do not work hard.
all i am trying to say is..........they are not part of law enforcement so they should not be included in the law enforcement discounts.
having a seperate discount i think would be fine. but if they are not police officers then they are not police officers! why is this so hard to understand?
you are the one that keeps giving your salty war stories.
I tried to end this several days ago. now maybe we should move into a new direction. Emts should get a discount but not under military or law enforcement.
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