Re: Concealed carry badges
One would think that the badge could be good or bad.
Pros: Make others feel at ease if they did see your weapon(especially for full size carriers), gives LEO on or off duty the ability to know who is armed, Perps are less likely to attempt any criminal activity if the presense of any badge is apparent(they don't need to read it just see it, the human mind is hardwired to associate any badge with LE***not impersonating***
Cons: Some immature weekend warriors will act a fool and pretend they are LEOs however many of these people actually aren't even carrying a weapon. Also they may be times when you approached as a LEO but thats where honesty comes in and you tell them you cannot assist them.
IMO some of the threads are more like assaults on others opinion rather than advise which is what this site is for. I understand that some opinions are very strong. In reguards to looking like a bada** rent-a-cop the majority of them wear a uniform.
Scenerio: Your at the local grocery store and you catch a quick glimpse of a gun and beside it you see a badge but you couldn't read it. Chances are most of you and your peers will assume that person is related to some kind of LE, however that person never said of acted like they were they were just carrying out there day to day lives as you do, but you will not give that person a second glance because you mind is made up, if you do then it's possible that you are too concerned with others.
Same situation except for this time you were planned on robbing the clerk. You see the same gun and badge, chances are you will not attempt to act out any criminal activity. That man could have potentially saved a life or several.
Please post real PROS and CONS to this post I am curious to know more.