I've read through many post on this subject. I own a handgun and have recently gone through the CHL class. The reason for getting a permit varies from person to person. Business, pleasure, disability, family, home, etc. Here's a reason why I'm looking into buying a badge. It's the same reason I've thought about buying one of those fake "FBI" or "CSI" hoodies. My hobby puts me out in the public at all hours of the day. Sometimes very late and very early in the morning. I have been approached a few times by prostitutes, and "others" you don't want to turn your back on. My hobby takes my attention off my surroundings and I can't be focused 100% on who's walking up to me.
I'm not saying that I want to announce that I'm carrying a weapon, I want to announce a "QUESTION" to whomever might be thinking about walking up to me. I want the "bad and seedy" persons to avoid me. Regular folks probably would feel safer knowing that there's a "deterrent" for bad persons in the area. It's the same reason people "feel" safer when there's a security or police officer patrolling an area.
I don't want to pose as an officer, etc. And that's the "CON" side to this badge carry. I don't want "GOOD" persons coming up to me either asking me questions. But if I have a choice, I'd rather a "good" person vs a "bad" approach me. Their intentions are the key factor.
Which brings me to the point of why I'd carry a badge. A "bad" person might look and see a badge hanging from my neck and "KNOW" to stay away. A "BAD" person looks for signs that might get them caught. But the flip side is, you also become a target for that nut who thinks your a police "type" of officer. In my life, I see more pluses to wearing one when I'm doing my hobby. But for general everyday carry, the badge would probably not be needed.
It honestly depends on where and what you are doing. And why you need one.