SRV is among my favorites. A group of us play Friday nights at various blues clubs around southern NY (The Ryland James Band). We cover "Cold Shot," "Stormy Monday" (in Ab as he played it with Albert king) and "Scuttle Buttin" in the first set. The other sets are laced with Clapton, Cream, Zep, John Mayall, AC/DC, etc. Stevie played open E tuning a lot of the time so it's hard to bounce in and out of his songs. After 40 years of playing I'm still learning. My teacher and bandmate is a former guitar tech for Jeff Beck. He plays a beat up Telecaster that was owned by Beck some years ago. It's signed so no one's allowed to touch it.
I play a few different guitars but my favorites are my custom strat, a Les Paul I've had since the 70's and a Martin D18. I'm currently playing through a Marshall MA100C (100 watt valve amp w/two-twelves).