New shotgun for defense and 3-gun shooting


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I got the ok from the wife and I'm going to get a new shotgun. I am looking to get something versatile. I don't want to spend too much on it though. I'm looking at getting a Mossberg 590 for the capacity, but I would rather have a semi-auto. What are your thoughts? If you were to get a new shotgun what would you get?

I got the ok from the wife and I'm going to get a new shotgun. I am looking to get something versatile. I don't want to spend too much on it though. I'm looking at getting a Mossberg 590 for the capacity, but I would rather have a semi-auto. What are your thoughts? If you were to get a new shotgun what would you get?

"Got the ok from the wife" What's up with that? Anyway, back to your question. I like the operation of a pum action shotgun. I would purchase a Mossberg 590. It would go great with my Mossberg 500. Another good shotgun would be the Remington 870. Both brands are very reliable, easy to maintain as well as affordable. I prefer the pump action over the semi-auto. It's mostly a matter of personal preference. No solid reason why I favor the pump action over the semi-auto.

I have a Mossberg 500A with 8+1 capacity, same as the 590. It was significantly less expensive. The only difference between the 500 and 590 is the way the magazine tube is made, which makes the 590 easier to clean. Go look and compare.
I also have a Mossberg 500A. I prefer pump action shotguns over semi auto or double barreled ones because of the deterrent effect of the sound of a round being chambered. Mossberg 500 series guns, the Remington 870, and the Winchester 1200 defender are all similarly made and are reasonably priced. Loaded with 00 buck, any one of those would be a good choice for home defense.
"Got the ok from the wife" What's up with that? ...
LOL She keeps track of the finances, which keeps us on track. If it weren't for her I'd be living out of a tent with a crap load of guns.
I prefer pump action shotguns over semi auto or double barreled ones because of the deterrent effect of the sound of a round being chambered...

I agree with you on that. therre's nothing more threatening than the sound of chambering a round.

I'm going to Bass Pro in the morning. Thanks for the help.
If you have not already seen this festus posted the following under survival forum. Some good info on the 590. I feel one of these with the Knoxx stock would be a good choice.

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I got to tell you all I was looking at the 870 but ended up with the Mossberg 500 and love it. It will be sporting a Knoxx stock here soon.
I just came across the 590 SP 9 shots. WOW i fell in love what that shot gun. and for only 560 what a steal. Now i know what i am buying after i get my M&P lol.
Can anyone recommend a high cap semi 12ga? Am not too familiar with what is available in a 12ga so I need someone to point me in the right direction. I have a 12ga semi but it only holds 3 rds, one in the chamber and 2 in the mag..there is no way to remove the plug on this gun as it is crimped into the magazine so I am in the market for a high capicity 12ga semi.
If money is not an object then the Benelli M4 or the Russian Saga which is magazine fed. I think there are 20 round magazines available for it.
Mossberg 590 SP holds 8+1. LOL not in the same ballpark of the 20 round mag shotgun but still a vary good gun. It can be picked up for around 560.
If money is not an object then the Benelli M4 or the Russian Saga which is magazine fed. I think there are 20 round magazines available for it.

20 rounds? Sheesh! Other than the FN Herstal five seven, the only handguns I know of that hold that many have magazines that hang out of the bottom of the gun. Are these 20 round mags the standard variety or drums?
The only Saiga’s I have seen have a 4 round mag and only come in 410, and are built on the AK frame. But I could be wrong.
The only Saiga’s I have seen have a 4 round mag and only come in 410, and are built on the AK frame. But I could be wrong.

You might be able to find a link to the site on Gabe Saurez's site. His news letter is the one that I first saw info on them. He really likes them and yes they do come in 12 gauge. I think the high cap. magazines were not made by Saiga but an after market company in the USA. If I can find a link I will post it.

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