Michael Brown

I think Ferguson has been forgotten faster than Martin...

2 more months no one will care.

Don't give up too early on this. There is still lot's of entertainment to come. Remember, the grand jury investigation is likely go into October. Once they deliver an indictment or not, the ... will hit the fan again.
I think Ferguson has been forgotten faster than Martin...

2 more months no one will care.

Maybe not. Again, I'm not crazy about the source, but the video (and audio) being reported on below doesn't lie. One of the witnesses' voice can be heard in the Fox2 report linked below:

A video airing on CNN Wednesday showed witnesses' immediate reactions to the shooting death of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager shot and killed by a Ferguson, Missouri police officer last month.

In a cell phone video provided to CNN, two men who were doing construction work on a home near the scene react to seeing Brown shot by Officer Darren Wilson.

"He had his ********* hands up," one man says in the recording.

The men later spoke to CNN about what they saw. One worker said he heard two gunshots about 30 seconds apart:

"The cop didn't say get on the ground. He just kept shooting," the man said.

That same witness described the gruesome scene, saying he saw Brown's "brains come out of his head," again stating, "his hands were up."

The other contractor told CNN he saw Brown running away from a police car.

Brown "put his hands up," the construction worker said, and "the officer was chasing him."

The contractor says he saw Wilson fire a shot at Brown while his back was turned.

The two men in the video spoke under the condition of anonymity to CNN. It is not clear if they are the same construction workers who spoke to St. Louis' Fox 2 and the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

“I saw him staggering and running and when he finally caught himself he threw his hands up and started screaming OK OK OK OK OK and then the three officers come through the thing and the one just started shooting," one man told Fox 2 last month.

A friend of Brown's, Dorian Johnson, has also come forward as a witness. Speaking to KSDK in St. Louis last month, Johnson said Brown had not reached for Wilson's weapon.

"It was definitely like being shot like an animal," Johnson said.

Federal investigators stepped in to help probe Brown's death after protests erupted in the St. Louis suburb following the August 9 shooting. The Justice Department is also investigating the conduct of Ferguson's police as well as the county police force.

Video Shows Witnesses' Disbelief Following Michael Brown Shooting

I would only add that even HuffPo is being more cautious than they should be above by saying that it is "not clear" whether the video depicts the same two men as the two who spoke to Fox2 and the St. Louis Post Dispatch respectively. If you read/listen/watch those reports, it could only be "not clear" if the reader/listener/watcher were blind, deaf and dumb.

As I've said from the beginning, both memes can be true that Michael Brown was hardened criminal who did get a punch in on Wilson before fleeing, and Wilson could still have fired one or more rounds that cannot be justified legally. The video in the OP supports the latter meme, which makes the former meme pretty much moot.

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I don't have the time to read through this entire thread, or really even the first post, but I would like to make a point on one of the first few sentences of the OP. Here's something I've been trying to explain to all of the opportunistic individuals that I work with that call him a racist:

Let's say that officer Darren Wilson is found unjustified in his shooting. Let's say he used excessive force. Why does that automatically make it an act of racism? Does an act of excessive force, when committed by a white guy on a black guy, automatically make it racism?

Now I know the answer to that, and the answer is 'yes'. Not by ethical or moral standards, and that's not to say that's what I personally believe because it is actually nowhere close. However the reality is we will always be apologizing for the past...for something I had no part of and something none of these individuals were a victim of as well.
I don't have the time to read through this entire thread, or really even the first post, but I would like to make a point on one of the first few sentences of the OP. Here's something I've been trying to explain to all of the opportunistic individuals that I work with that call him a racist:

Let's say that officer Darren Wilson is found unjustified in his shooting. Let's say he used excessive force. Why does that automatically make it an act of racism? Does an act of excessive force, when committed by a white guy on a black guy, automatically make it racism?

Now I know the answer to that, and the answer is 'yes'. Not by ethical or moral standards, and that's not to say that's what I personally believe because it is actually nowhere close. However the reality is we will always be apologizing for the past...for something I had no part of and something none of these individuals were a victim of as well.

You make a good point as to the present, but neither can the past be ignored. A few years ago many would never believe that there was lingering racism in the NBA because of the demographics of the game, and yet it reared its ugly head twice now in less than a year.

I think our history warrants sensitivity to the subject, but as you correctly point out, our past does not warrant a presumption of it.
You make a good point as to the present, but neither can the past be ignored. A few years ago many would never believe that there was lingering racism in the NBA because of the demographics of the game, and yet it reared its ugly head twice now in less than a year.

I think our history warrants sensitivity to the subject, but as you correctly point out, our past does not warrant a presumption of it.
People are blaming the NBA for racism and the NFL for child abuse and DV. That's the same as blaming the gun for the murder. It's the same as bringing the gun argument into retail stores. Racism exists everywhere, in every culture and throughout world history. Human nature was racist from its earliest origins. Humans will always be racist in spite of attempts to regulate their nature. People need to stop relating unrelated entities in their fight.
People are blaming the NBA for racism and the NFL for child abuse and DV. That's the same as blaming the gun for the murder. It's the same as bringing the gun argument into retail stores. Racism exists everywhere, in every culture and throughout world history. Human nature was racist from its earliest origins. Humans will always be racist in spite of attempts to regulate their nature. People need to stop relating unrelated entities in their fight.

Its the irony in America- but the NAACP has made it hard for the "white peeps" to say anything- without getting a fat race card shoved down their throat. Racism is the oldest "favorite team" in the world. Man kind will always be competitive. Sports team, school rivalry, sibling rivalry. There's also the rivalry between social economic classes: "Rich people need to get off their lazy white a$$." "Poor people are just collecting welfare checks" - etc etc. Of course there is rivalry between races as well. But the NAACP has made it- so that no comments can be made, openly- without alot of trouble ensuing.

I'm not talking about saying ignorant things- like dropping the N bomb. That is just a new level of ignorant.

I'm talking about normal every day things. My parents and I are all immigrants from China- my mother's jaw would drop if I ever brought a black man in her home as a date. Thats just how it is in my home country. You do not go around Shanghai- seeing asian and black couples. But my parents never taught me that one race is better than the other. It just was not about race- it was about preferences- that sometimes involved race.

Donald Sterling- saw the picture of his gf standing next to magic johnson- perhaps he felt threatened, jealous- and asked her not to take pictures with a black man. Told her not to bring black people into the home he bought her. I do not see what the big deal with that is. Would i be happy if I heard that he said that about asians? Of course I would not. But I do not think- this is a man who is racist. rather- I'm going to think- whats this guy's deal with asians? We rock! But seriously- where do we draw the line- when a man can not speak freely- in the privacy of his own private surroundings- around his girlfriend?

Affirmative Action- is a prime example of the NAACP wanting their cake- and eating it too. It demands positions to be filled based on race rather than individual performance
Its the irony in America- but the NAACP has made it hard for the "white peeps" to say anything- without getting a fat race card shoved down their throat. Racism is the oldest "favorite team" in the world. Man kind will always be competitive. Sports team, school rivalry, sibling rivalry. There's also the rivalry between social economic classes: "Rich people need to get off their lazy white a$$." "Poor people are just collecting welfare checks" - etc etc. Of course there is rivalry between races as well. But the NAACP has made it- so that no comments can be made, openly- without alot of trouble ensuing.

I'm not talking about saying ignorant things- like dropping the N bomb. That is just a new level of ignorant.

I'm talking about normal every day things. My parents and I are all immigrants from China- my mother's jaw would drop if I ever brought a black man in her home as a date. Thats just how it is in my home country. You do not go around Shanghai- seeing asian and black couples. But my parents never taught me that one race is better than the other. It just was not about race- it was about preferences- that sometimes involved race.

Donald Sterling- saw the picture of his gf standing next to magic johnson- perhaps he felt threatened, jealous- and asked her not to take pictures with a black man. Told her not to bring black people into the home he bought her. I do not see what the big deal with that is. Would i be happy if I heard that he said that about asians? Of course I would not. But I do not think- this is a man who is racist. rather- I'm going to think- whats this guy's deal with asians? We rock! But seriously- where do we draw the line- when a man can not speak freely- in the privacy of his own private surroundings- around his girlfriend?

Affirmative Action- is a prime example of the NAACP wanting their cake- and eating it too. It demands positions to be filled based on race rather than individual performance
The NAACP creates more racism than they correct. They have turned this entire thing into "if you don't believe Darren Wilson is guilty you're a racist". The media has also skewed it that way as well, and therefore to me, when it does go to trial, if I were Wilson I would call mistrial the whole time because of that. Because there's no way you'll find anyone who doesn't have some opinion on the case, and the media has made it so that the only opinion you're aloud to VOCALLY have is "guilty".

To me there is no greater form of racism than someone who believes that any altercation between 2 different races (especially black and white) is racially motivated. I'm allowed to agree or disagree or like or dislike whomever I choose regardless of their skin color. That's not racist, it's called being human.
People are blaming the NBA for racism and the NFL for child abuse and DV. That's the same as blaming the gun for the murder. It's the same as bringing the gun argument into retail stores. Racism exists everywhere, in every culture and throughout world history. Human nature was racist from its earliest origins. Humans will always be racist in spite of attempts to regulate their nature. People need to stop relating unrelated entities in their fight.

The revelation that racism exist even in the ranks of NBA owners is not "blaming the NBA for racism" It is simply a recognition that an institution that has grown to what most would assume is a non-racist environment is yet infected with racism just as the rest of society. It just makes it all the more ironic that even when an old white fart is in an economically advantages arrangement for both himself and his employees, he still can't get past his bigotry with respect to the skin color of his employees.

As institutions, the NBA and NFL, like most of the entertainment industry, market their product by focusing on the individual "stars." Thus, when a "star" falls from the sky the bottom line suffers. If a GM executive gets convicted of child abuse or domestic abuse of a spouse, no one is going to stop buying GM cars.
If such were to happen. Shareholders of GM can certainly sell their shares of the publicly owned and traded company.

But what does the profit margin of the NBA have to do with any of this? And the term "non racist" is such a general term. We could go on all day about how the NBA is- and apply affirmative action to that association so that the number of white males on the teams are proportional to the population demographic.

Sterling's rights were violated (IMO)- but bc he stated racial preferences to the type of men he did not want his gf to take pics with, and have in his home- he was deemed a racist. And a racist does not have rights.(?)
The revelation that racism exist even in the ranks of NBA owners is not "blaming the NBA for racism" It is simply a recognition that an institution that has grown to what most would assume is a non-racist environment is yet infected with racism just as the rest of society. It just makes it all the more ironic that even when an old white fart is in an economically advantages arrangement for both himself and his employees, he still can't get past his bigotry with respect to the skin color of his employees.

As institutions, the NBA and NFL, like most of the entertainment industry, market their product by focusing on the individual "stars." Thus, when a "star" falls from the sky the bottom line suffers. If a GM executive gets convicted of child abuse or domestic abuse of a spouse, no one is going to stop buying GM cars.
As distasteful as his comments are, he's entitled to be a bigot or a racist. It isn't illegal. Where is the law saying he must be PC? If Rev. Al can call me whitey then he can call people blacky. People need to stop supporting the double standard in America.
As distasteful as his comments are, he's entitled to be a bigot or a racist. It isn't illegal. Where is the law saying he must be PC? If Rev. Al can call me whitey then he can call people blacky. People need to stop supporting the double standard in America.

He is not entitled to be a member of a private club whose members (NBA owners) don't want him because of his boorish behavior. It's not illegal to refuse to associated with a boor. It's not illegal for a private club to kick out a boor, or for the consumers to refuse to purchase the products of a company that harbors boorish behavior.

Just like other Christians are not obligated to accept or associate with the Westboro Baptist Church Christians even though the beliefs of the Westboro Baptist Church are not illegal.

But that doesn't insulate the boors from being called boors by any of us who wish to do so.

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