We've talked about confrontations on other threads. Thought I might start a new one to gen up new interest.
Here's the deal: You're carrying and someone insults your wife publicly. To me, that calls for a confrontation on your part. But, now you're carrying. I don't think we can go scuffling around with somebody since that's a good way to lose control of your weapon. Walk away? That would be tough. Hand the gun to your wife? Mine has a carry permit but still...Go deposit your weapon in your vehicle, come back, and THEN smack somebody? Nahhh...If I'm gonna fight, I intend to hit first, hard, and fast; anything else sets you up to lose. So, I don't know...what do we do? I can walk away from some crap, but there are plenty of situations that I don't think I could (insulting my wife in front of me is one of them). I'm interested in hearing from the "brotherhood"...What would you do?
Here's the deal: You're carrying and someone insults your wife publicly. To me, that calls for a confrontation on your part. But, now you're carrying. I don't think we can go scuffling around with somebody since that's a good way to lose control of your weapon. Walk away? That would be tough. Hand the gun to your wife? Mine has a carry permit but still...Go deposit your weapon in your vehicle, come back, and THEN smack somebody? Nahhh...If I'm gonna fight, I intend to hit first, hard, and fast; anything else sets you up to lose. So, I don't know...what do we do? I can walk away from some crap, but there are plenty of situations that I don't think I could (insulting my wife in front of me is one of them). I'm interested in hearing from the "brotherhood"...What would you do?