If You Could Carry Anything What Would It Be?


New member
exactly what the title says, if you could carry anythign what would it be? personally i would go for a bushmaster carbon 15 97s. in the 5.56
Well if you mean handgun then exactly what I carry now. HKP2000SK in 9mm. If you mean anything i.e. rifle, shot gun etc. Then a fully automatic, short barreled shot gun that is magazine feed with extra magazines with me.
ha very true, ok this is the photo of what i would choose, can you believe its a handgun? technically a large frame handgun, but one none the less.

bushmaster carbon 15 97s comes in .308 or 5.56. about 1050, and if you can believe it was listed under civilian/self defense.
ha very true, ok this is the photo of what i would choose, can you believe its a handgun? technically a large frame handgun, but one none the less.

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oooh so pretty, didn't even know ya could get one of those, handgun? really? :cool:
As far as handguns go I would continue carrying my Sig P250. Other than a handgun, I'd put a strap on my new DPMS AR-15. That Bushmaster Carbon 15 97 is looking awfully sweet though. I'd just drop it down into my pocket. :yes4:
I'd carry gdcleanfun as my BUG!:yes4:

EDIT: For those that hadn't heard the acronym, BUG = BackUp Gun
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Awww, gee, thx! We'd both be in good hands because my hubby is who I'd carry as my BUG, former Special Forces, Jump Wings, Vietnam Vet...doesn't get much more reliable than that!