Dick's Sporting Goods
I am a member of a website called My3Cents.com, and there have been several posts there about shady practices, such as removing the spare spool from a high-dollar fishing reel, apparently for the purpose of selling it separately for more money.
Astute, K-Mart did not quit selling ammo due to any government regulations or red tape, They quit because of that fat stupid slob Michael Moore, and the stunt he pulled for his idiotic movje 'Bowling for Columbine.' He convinced one kid that was shot in the fiasco at Columbine High School that the ammo the two shooters used was purchased at the local K-Mart, so it was K-Mart's fault he got shot. They bought every round of handgun ammo at the local K-Mart and took it to the K-Mart headquarters and made such a big fuss that K-Mart was shamed into their action. Moore convinced the kid that he was concerned about the kid's welfare, when really nothing could have been further from the truth. He didn't give a fig about the kid, it was just the sort of heartless manipulation that Michael Moore is so good at. I am all for the First Amendment right to free speech, but I also believe that with great freedom comes great responsibility. Michael Moore is what I have heard people refer to as a bomb-thrower. In the old days, he would have been branded an anarchist.