Dicks Sporting Goods

I think you will find the reason Dick's as well as WalMart and others stopped selling hand guns at the start of Brady is because in the beginning rifles and shotguns were not required in background checks. A couple years later they were also included. Their decision to drop handguns was due to Government regulations and not because of anti-gun attitudes.
Now the Cleaning kit ordeal is just plain insane and probably a case of an uniformed, or maybe "over informed", clerk.

Overinformed? Don't you mean a clerk who just doesn't know what he's talking about? That's what it appears to be to me.
News guy (Boston station) that does investigating. (it's a joke).

LOL oh. Well maybe lol. I like to get facts and names/dates/times. Put it all together and what do you got? Hard proof!! From that point you can call the Main company and tell them whats going on in one of the stores and have proof to back it up. Phone recordings of every thing you talked about and with who/dates/times. From that point you get all the customers to sign a petition and then come back with that (e-mail it/fax it) to the main HQ. To show them just how much sales they will be missing out on because of this one store that has gone. Rouge and is not following (Company guild lines,rules what ever you want to call them) On top of that you fax them a copy of state law to back your case even more. To show them that they are not even following State law on the matter and that they are infringing on peoples rights( Do not have to show that information (permit) to buy the set items). If they want to keep allowing that store to run like this and not follow state/company laws/rules. Not only will they see a drop in sales in that store. But they may also see a Lawsuit on this matter coming down the pipes. To drive the point home more we put together a PR drive and get bad PR out about the store. Having to show a permit to buy gun oil and rags is just down right nuts and crossing the line. That's like having to show your Drivers License/None Driver/Gov ID to buy A** paper and cooking oil.
No mention on the website on requiring a permit to purchage items.

Dick's Sporting Goods - Official Site - Hunting - Shooting Needs
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Otis Elite Cleaning System — $99
No mention on the website on requiring a permit to purchase items.

Dick's Sporting Goods - Official Site - Hunting - Shooting Needs
Link Removed

Otis Elite Cleaning System — $99

Yea, I think it's like the title to an old Perry Mason novel, "The Case Of The Ignorant Cashier":wacko:
You know what?

LOL oh. Well maybe lol. I like to get facts and names/dates/times. Put it all together and what do you got? Hard proof!! From that point you can call the Main company and tell them whats going on in one of the stores and have proof to back it up. Phone recordings of every thing you talked about and with who/dates/times. From that point you get all the customers to sign a petition and then come back with that (e-mail it/fax it) to the main HQ. To show them just how much sales they will be missing out on because of this one store that has gone. Rouge and is not following (Company guild lines,rules what ever you want to call them) On top of that you fax them a copy of state law to back your case even more. To show them that they are not even following State law on the matter and that they are infringing on peoples rights( Do not have to show that information (permit) to buy the set items). If they want to keep allowing that store to run like this and not follow state/company laws/rules. Not only will they see a drop in sales in that store. But they may also see a Lawsuit on this matter coming down the pipes. To drive the point home more we put together a PR drive and get bad PR out about the store. Having to show a permit to buy gun oil and rags is just down right nuts and crossing the line. That's like having to show your Drivers License/None Driver/Gov ID to buy A** paper and cooking oil.

Remind me not to piss you off, okay?:nhl_checking:
Dick's Sporting Goods

I am a member of a website called My3Cents.com, and there have been several posts there about shady practices, such as removing the spare spool from a high-dollar fishing reel, apparently for the purpose of selling it separately for more money.
Astute, K-Mart did not quit selling ammo due to any government regulations or red tape, They quit because of that fat stupid slob Michael Moore, and the stunt he pulled for his idiotic movje 'Bowling for Columbine.' He convinced one kid that was shot in the fiasco at Columbine High School that the ammo the two shooters used was purchased at the local K-Mart, so it was K-Mart's fault he got shot. They bought every round of handgun ammo at the local K-Mart and took it to the K-Mart headquarters and made such a big fuss that K-Mart was shamed into their action. Moore convinced the kid that he was concerned about the kid's welfare, when really nothing could have been further from the truth. He didn't give a fig about the kid, it was just the sort of heartless manipulation that Michael Moore is so good at. I am all for the First Amendment right to free speech, but I also believe that with great freedom comes great responsibility. Michael Moore is what I have heard people refer to as a bomb-thrower. In the old days, he would have been branded an anarchist.
Dick's, here in VA (which seems to be pretty good on the 2nd amendment) also no longer sells anything for handgunners. Only shotty/skeet shooters and airsoft and blackpowder is all they cover. Guess they don't mind losing business to BassPro who sell plenty of handgunner supplies, including the pistols themselves