I think we have a lot in common. Married 41 years, 3 kids, 5 grand kids and the 2 oldest just started driving. I can't be that old can I? good to know ya'.
Grandpa is a good name. I'm not there yet, all in good time. I was sitting at the table looking at my son and wondering what shape the country and the world will be in when he’s a father.
1 Wife. I feel the need to keep her as she does me, must be love.
1 Daughter. My angel and my connection to what little feminine side I have.
1 Son. My fishing buddy and firearms safety student, and a connection to the little boy that still lives in me.
1 Cat. He brings me dead birds and chipmunks to eat. I haven't the heart to tell him I prefer beef..
Hello ricbak! Thanks for the Friend invite, also would like to thank you for your service to our country. My son is stationed at New River (Lejune) he's a refer mechanic in MAW271.
I decided to put my Great-Great-Grandaddy's picture on as my Avatar. In he photo he is recuperating from a Minie ball going through his right thigh at Gettysburg. He was in the 4th Alabama.
The weather is bad today the Sherrif called for a level 3 alert (no travel unless necessary) The rain and ice has now changed to snow. I will probably have to go to work tomorrow. Hope your weather is better.
I'm going to add a picture of the sideplate of the 45-70 to My Toys Album.
The trigger, sling hook, and side plate looks alot like your flintlock.
Good Morning Ricbak
There arn't any dates on the 45-70 but it has US Springfield on the side plate and a number behind the trap door 560614.
My Dad found it in a hollow tree while he was traping when he was a boy 70+ years ago.
I'm not sure if it was a cabine or someone cut the barrel off shorter and stuck a piece of copper in a hole for a front sight.
Take Care
I'm going to send you a friend request. I see 4 out of 5 of your Groups are the same as mine. Veterans and Guns, Hunting XD Owners, and Rugers.
Take Care