America is a Christian Nation

That's a lie. Missionary churches sole reason for existing is to evangelize "the word" to non-believers.

Now you have changed it up from convert to evangelize and evangelize is to proclaim the truth of the Gospel. I am guessing you mean to proselytize which generally means to attempt to "convert" a person.

Now is when integrity is measured. I will save you time from reviewing my posts.... I have stood corrected a few times over the last couple years here.

sinful nature is always hostile to God....
It's always amusing when those who have never read and studied the Bible attempt to explain it to those that have. :rolleyes:

~ GOD Hates Religion ~
It's always amusing when those who have never read and studied the Bible attempt to explain it to those that have. :rolleyes:

~ GOD Hates Religion ~

I find it interesting that atheist even bother to open a Christian thread. They just can not seem to keep their non belief from being interjected into the conversation. I have read the Bible cover to cover twice and these morons try to argue having never opened it.
It's not that I've never read the bible. My father was a huge bible thumper. He would drag us to church several times a week. So it's not like you're talking to someone who doesn't know anything. My parents got divorced when I was a teen and I lived with my mom. No longer forced to go, I didn't. As years passed and as science more and more disproved things that I had been taught to be true according to the bible, I came to the realization that it all has to be a man-made way to control the masses.
I find it interesting that atheist even bother to open a Christian thread. They just can not seem to keep their non belief from being interjected into the conversation. I have read the Bible cover to cover twice and these morons try to argue having never opened it.

I don't collect stamps, and thus I have never opened a thread about stamp collecting either. Your point is in serious lack of a point.

“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”
― Isaac Asimov
1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

So how were they able to change the definition of Marriage?

22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man."

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
I find it interesting that atheist even bother to open a Christian thread. They just can not seem to keep their non belief from being interjected into the conversation. I have read the Bible cover to cover twice and these morons try to argue having never opened it.

I can understand why they are searching.

They need to do something to help fill their emptiness.
Yes. I believe our calendar starts with the birth, not the death, of Christ.

B.C. does stand for “before Christ.” A.D. actually stands for the Latin phrase anno domini, which means “in the year of our Lord.”

The birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ are the “turning points” in world history.

It is fitting, therefore, that Jesus Christ is the separation of “old” and “new.” B.C. was “before Christ,” and since His birth, we have been living “in the year of our Lord.” Viewing our era as “the year of our Lord” is appropriate.

Philippians 2:10–11 says, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Its funny how a calendar made in 1582 by Jesuit priests would have a naming scheme such as this. They did base it on the Julian calendar which actually started in 44 BC. Not because of anything magical. It's just that's when Julius Caesar decided it needed to happen.
So how were they able to change the definition of Marriage?

22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, ' for she was taken out of man."

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

You got it backwards, the laws where christians HAD defined marriage have been ruled unconstitutional, thus removing the bible definition from civil law.
That's a lie. Missionary churches sole reason for existing is to evangelize "the word" to non-believers.
But it would be wrong to cast all theists (more than 90% of the world population) in that mold. Most of us don't care if an atheist believes or not. None of our business. We're not trying to convert anyone. So when I see these statements about what Christians as a whole do or don't do I cringe.
It's not that I've never read the bible. My father was a huge bible thumper. He would drag us to church several times a week. So it's not like you're talking to someone who doesn't know anything. My parents got divorced when I was a teen and I lived with my mom. No longer forced to go, I didn't. As years passed and as science more and more disproved things that I had been taught to be true according to the bible, I came to the realization that it all has to be a man-made way to control the masses.
Quite the opposite. Science has proven many things in Genesis. Written symbolically, one must understand the stories were written by a primitive people lacking skill, knowledge and understanding. Thus symbolic and interpretive.
Quite the opposite. Science has proven many things in Genesis. Written symbolically, one must understand the stories were written by a primitive people lacking skill, knowledge and understanding. Thus symbolic and interpretive.

You can take just about any mythology and then claim "science has proven many things in [your favorite mythology]" by interpreting and projecting the mythological claims.

Science has not proven that women were created from a man's rib. BTW - men and women have the same number of ribs.

The Genesis account states that birds were said to be created before other land animals. Paleontologists, who almost universally support the theory of evolution, point out that the fossil record shows the opposite order.

Genesis 2 claims Man and Women were created before plants and animals. Existing scientific evidence is the opposite order.
You can take just about any mythology and then claim "science has proven many things in [your favorite mythology]" by interpreting and projecting the mythological claims.

Science has not proven that women were created from a man's rib. BTW - men and women have the same number of ribs.

The Genesis account states that birds were said to be created before other land animals. Paleontologists, who almost universally support the theory of evolution, point out that the fossil record shows the opposite order.

Genesis 2 claims Man was created before plants and animals. Existing scientific evidence is the opposite order.
No. But a single-celled protozoan organism split into two organisms for the first time, setting evolution and life in motion. That is a scientific fact. How would a primitive person describe such a thing? And since the book of Genesis was written thousands of years later, who could possibly have brought this story forward? Who on this earth professes to know the mind of God. Who on this earth could say exactly how God created our world and us. Don't be so arrogant as to believe you know God isn't the father of evolution and that was his method of creating man in his image. What is that image?

Paleontologists have determined birds are direct descendants of the dinosaur. That's also a scientific fact. I wonder how an ancient people knew that some 3,000 years later science, which didn't exist as an institution at the time, would prove it true. Feathered Dinosaurs: The Origin of Birds (9780195372663): John Long, Peter Schouten: Books

Genesis 2 says God created "man" before plants and animals. It does not say "man and woman" as you write. It says "Lord God formed man out of the clay of the ground" (amino acids and ingredients of first life). Nonetheless, all organisms are built from the same six essential elemental ingredients: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur (CHNOPS). All of these are contained in the ground. Now introduce DNA as the seed of life and the stage is set for creation, development, growth and reproduction. Science today believes the DNA of life was brought to Earth from a source outside of Earth. Possibly from a comet. How did a primitive culture understand the ingredients of life were found in the clay? They knew nothing of carbon based life forms. What made them write a symbolic verse. Since the first man may have been a single-celled organism it needed no plant or other animal as it was the father of evolution and thus all other animals to come, including man. When it divided it became two. There is no conflicting writing in Genesis. You're interpreting such because you're looking at the verses literally instead of symbolically.
Somebody needs to write another book telling us what parts of the Bible we're supposed to read as literal and what parts we're supposed to read a symbolic.
Somebody needs to write another book telling us what parts of the Bible we're supposed to read as literal and what parts we're supposed to read a symbolic.
It is all interpretive. having a Bible thumping father you don't know that? Written by a primitive people who had little knowledge of expression in literal terms. Interpret what you read with that understanding. Instead of a general statement, argue the points I made above. Science and religion aren't far apart at all.
The problem is, the parts that we're supposed to interpret change over time. I remember hearing that Genesis was a literal account of what happened. Now that science doesn't line up with that, it's just a symbolic account. If the Bible is truly God's Word wouldn't it be written in such a way that the guy writing it wouldn't understand it? Because God knows all. It's not the job of the guy running it down to understand it. If we're taking into account the knowledge of the guy writing it, then its not God's Word it's a man's word.
The problem is, the parts that we're supposed to interpret change over time. I remember hearing that Genesis was a literal account of what happened. Now that science doesn't line up with that, it's just a symbolic account. If the Bible is truly God's Word wouldn't it be written in such a way that the guy writing it wouldn't understand it? Because God knows all. It's not the job of the guy running it down to understand it. If we're taking into account the knowledge of the guy writing it, then its not God's Word it's a man's word.
No, they don't change. Society and it's belief changes. Pure sociology. Society wants to approach such things with knowledge and understanding not possessed by an ancient people. You're using what's called "if, then, else" logic. We can't say "if the Bible is truly God's word then wouldn't it be written in such a way that the guy writing it wouldn't understand it?" And the first accounts weren't written. They were verbal. It is YOUR job to run it down and understand it. To apply the writings to your belief, situation and life. Nothing important in life is that easy. man's search for the truth is the oldest quest.

No one can argue that the Old Testament has valuable lessons for life. But it's full of murder and mayhem as were all middle-Eastern religions at the time... before God sent mankind a message of peace and love through Jesus. Most critics make no distinction between the old and new testament. Who can argue that the message of peace and love found in the new testament is bad? And if someone wants proof of God in order to believe? lack of proof does not make anything false. Not everything can be proven. Thus I can't tell an atheist he's wrong.

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