America is a Christian Nation

Every generation that has ever lived, Timothy 2:3 applied to them. Seems like a convenient way to keep all the sheep in line to me.

Timothy 2:3 is not the same verse as 2 Timothy 3. I guess you wouldn't know that if you never opened a Bible.

**1 Timothy‬ *2:3‬ *KJV‬‬

“For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;”

Just so you know, the two preceding verses refer to living peacefully in Godliness and honesty.
Keep thinking that, but we all will submit before God regardless one's belief.

No we don't silly, no one does.... all gods are the creation of man from bygone days when most everything was unknown.... thus gods were invented to help alleviate the fear caused by the ignorance.

A ancient man hunkered down by a fire in a crude shelter in the dark, listening to the predators at night, and wondering if the sun will return to provide light and warmth grows afraid it won't. So he invents a 'sun god' then worships it to please it so it will bring the sun back, and from ignorance a god is born..... Had I lived during that time I may have done the same thing.... but today it is nothing but willful ignorance.
And.... scold the Athiest for not knowing bible versus. You get the point though.

No not with integrity will just say "I stand corrected" or didn't know that and then move on. Some will lie.

sinful nature is always hostile to God....
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Why would I stand corrected when I was talking about this? What better way to mark the end of days than to list stuff that happens all the time anyways. Then all you have to do is tell everyone the end is nigh, you'd better be good Christians. Everyone will fall in line, because they can see the evidence for themselves.
And suggesting that I don't have integrity because I don't know every part of your book of myths, just shows how angry you all get when someone doesn't buy into it. This is exactly the type of crap that put me off from religion.
The last days are in actuality decades and centuries, so of course in your life you see it every day. The point is that it gets worse every decade.

Contrary to your belief, we we not angry. It is not us you are rejecting. It is God that you are rejecting.
The last days are in actuality decades and centuries, so of course in your life you see it every day. The point is that it gets worse every decade.
The End Times & The Age of Grace began with the Crucifixion of Christ Jesus. The last days began at the same time that the Last Generation began, with the rebirth of ISRAEL in 1948. The Age of Grace ends with the Rapture. We are presently living in the very last days of the last days of The Last Generation.

~ Things Are Going To Get Very Ugly, Very Soon ~
MARANATHA! :victory:​
And this isn't angry? You guys are full of hate. And you aren't afraid to show it..
Well it seems as though we are getting quite a bunch if atheist on this "Gun Forum". Seems as thought no matter what the subject, they turn it into a hate speech. And, for as many post as they make, I believe they don't have any job or life, as all they do is set on their computers and *****. I'm pretty sure they have not jobs, because who would hire these nasty hate filled bastards to start with. If I were still in the business world, and I was before retirement, I would fire their asses in a minute. And if I caught them on this site or any site using their tone, I would not only fire them, I would give them the worst employee reference letter you can imagine, and put it on-line for all to see. You could be sure you would never carry a gun in my business, because you are mentally disturbed beyond belief. GET A LIFE!~
And this isn't angry? You guys are full of hate. And you aren't afraid to show it..

Am not...Am too... Am not... Am too! Let's agree to disagree and give out trophies for participating!

That may make it better.

sinful nature is always hostile to God....
Hate? I am so glad you think my volunteering, going to church, tutoring, loving animals and people is actually hate. Just because we disagree does not mean you or I hate each other. Christianity is not about hate. Christianity is only obtained by accepting Jesus Christ into ones life. Just stating it does not mean one is a Christian if one has not done that. If you would study Christ you would see that He did not exhibit hate and Christians are to strive to be like Christ, but we all fall short.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree.
Hate? I am so glad you think my volunteering, going to church, tutoring, loving animals and people is actually hate. Just because we disagree does not mean you or I hate each other. Christianity is not about hate. Christianity is only obtained by accepting Jesus Christ into ones life. Just stating it does not mean one is a Christian if one has not done that. If you would study Christ you would see that He did not exhibit hate and Christians are to strive to be like Christ, but we all fall short.

We are just going to have to agree to disagree.
I don't think some people can understand that. Or they don't want to.
We are just going to have to agree to disagree.
the problem is, you can't really say that as a Christian because it's your job to try to convert us. We're are the ones fine with agreeing to disagree but you guys won't leave us alone with your mythical mumbo jumbo.
the problem is, you can't really say that as a Christian because it's your job to try to convert us. We're are the ones fine with agreeing to disagree but you guys won't leave us alone with your mythical mumbo jumbo.

And you probably have no issues with Muslims doing it with a threat of violence.
the problem is, you can't really say that as a Christian because it's your job to try to convert us. We're are the ones fine with agreeing to disagree but you guys won't leave us alone with your mythical mumbo jumbo.

You haven't been on here very long so you don't realize it is not our job to convert you. We (believers) have had discussions going for quite some time. It is the atheists who continually jump in deriding us for our beliefs, cursing God and telling us how the Bible is nothing more than a dusty old book of myths and fairy tells. When we are bombarded by idiotic claims against God, we respond using the Bible to counter such comments. You may not believe in God, that is your decision but, if you compare the Bible to the happenings of today, there is sufficient evidence to verify our claims. As the old saw goes, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." The day may soon come that you would wish for some of that "water."
the problem is, you can't really say that as a Christian because it's your job to try to convert us. We're are the ones fine with agreeing to disagree but you guys won't leave us alone with your mythical mumbo jumbo.

Sorry it is not the "job" of Christians to "convert" anyone. Only happens through Jesus Christ.

The head wackers are the ones that say convert or off with your head.

sinful nature is always hostile to God....
You haven't been on here very long so you don't realize it is not our job to convert you. We (believers) have had discussions going for quite some time. It is the atheists who continually jump in deriding us for our beliefs, cursing God and telling us how the Bible is nothing more than a dusty old book of myths and fairy tells. When we are bombarded by idiotic claims against God, we respond using the Bible to counter such comments.

the problem is, you guys won't leave us alone .

Yep, every time there is a Christian conversation (between Christians) "It is the atheists who continually jump in deriding us for our beliefs, cursing God and telling us how the Bible is nothing more than a dusty old book of myths and fairy tails". Then these SAME MORONS claim that we are in their face trying to convert them, we hate them, and we won't leave them alone. With their kind of logic even being classified as a MORON is a level above their pay grade.

~ It’s LOVE that constrains us to tell people they are lost and headed for Hell if they don’t know Jesus Christ, not hate. Hate says nothing ~

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