You have to read this.

Ruger Lady

New member
This is posts from another forum but it lets you know what some LEO'S think about people with CCL/CCP. Maybe it was posted before but I didn't find it.

Disarming CCW carriers. - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @

Just shameful.

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This is posts from another forum but it lets you know what some LEO'S think about people with CCL/CCP. Maybe it was posted before but I didn't find it.0

Disarming CCW carriers. - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @

Page after page of the usual hate-filled arrogance and disrespect officers demonstrate towards 'mere' citizens; more proof that those who would choose positions of authority are likely the ones who should not have it.

Soon the apologists will be along with all of the expected 'cops can do no wrong' and if you're mistreated it's only because you deserve it comments.

Can you say ABUSE OF POWER?. There ae many good LEO's but there are some who think that just because they wear a badge they are above everyone else. It is a shame because the few that are like the above give a bad name to the others.
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My stops have been very well done. Presented CCW with DL .Officer Asked if I had it ? yes I had 2 45 inbetween seats and 32 in pocket. Never asked to see them or even talked about them.
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These remarks are so contrary to my personal experience with LEO's so far. Sounds like I've been lucky.
It makes you wonder if some of these LEO's ever had a psychological profile as part of their hiring process. And if they did, how were they accepted?
I don't really think that these posts represent even a small minority of LEO's and wonder at times if those even are LEO to start with. However the attitudes range all over the place on how to handle anything. For instance watch this and see how you would handle it if you were a LEO and if you were the one being stopped. Usually the most vocal ones about these types of things are in the minority whether right or wrong. If this has been posted before I apologize but......

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Those jackbooted thugs are from Detroit, DC, and CA. Are we surprised AT ALL? They keep saying, "Just deal with not having your gun for 15 minutes...." I'm surprised nobody has replied back, "Why don't you do the same & see how it feels?" Glad I live where citizen carry isn't a big deal. Been pulled over twice since getting my license, & the most acknowledgement I've ever received is "Please keep your hands on the steering wheel and we won't have a problem."
WOW..Yeah a few of the LEO opinions are a bit gruff. A few need to ride along with other LEO across the country. :) In that manner a few of the CCW are being a bit out there too. I've yet to be disarmed, but I try not to break the law or get pulled over either. The few times I have had an encounter were just the "Just don't shoot me", type of encounters. I expect that disarming may happen especially in the inner cities. It sucks but the consequences for the officers could be bad if they did not. I think the gist of importance in this debate is RESPECT. Be respectful, polite, and follow instructions to the letter when the officer arrives. Be respectful, polite, and understanding when you arrive at the car you just pulled over. 99 percent of the officers out there are very pro 2A and ccw. There are just a few that have no background in guns, and all they see with firearms is violence. I personally cannot blame them for their attitudes. Its up to LEO and CCW as a community to educate understand and respect that we are all on the same side. We are all in one way or another sheepdogs!!! Carry on Law Enforcment....Carry on CCW!!!
Rest assured folks, I did some research on the folks posting some of the more outrageous comments. They're not really LEO. More like "Mall Ninja" wanna be types. Some folks have nothing better to do than to post stuff that will PO the average citizen. :invision: Keep in mind that that forum is open to non-LEO and is subject to the rules of the forum.

Like television was while growing up, now we have to keep in mind that we can't believe everything we hear/see on the internet.

I hope your right Glock Fan. I have never been pulled over(knock on wood) and posts like these really scare me.

I'm not recruiting, but all of our websites are not like that. That site is an embarrassment.

I am professionally familiar with that site, and ignorance reigns supreme there.

There are other sites, particularly one listed as my profile homepage, which are more gun friendly, have an active LEO verification system and several civilian and military members.

We don't treat people with kid gloves, and are not limited by PC, so if you ask an ignorant question, be prepared for the response.

I am not an owner of the site. This post benefits me not one iota other than to shed a different light on poor perceptions of some questionable LEO's.

To any Mods, if this post is deemed recruiting, I apologise and please delete, but I feel the need to point out a good site in contrast to a horrible one.
Too true. I'd gathered that some of those making comments were most likely wannabes in electronic steal armor, but the point is made well in my mind. I've known and worked with LEO from time to time for several years. My opinions of law enforcement have been shaped by them and for the most part my opinions are good. I've encountered again and again individuals with similar view points to those in the forum. One officer I knew had almost the exact opinion of the 2A as the nonofficer did on the forum. However, I would suspect that he did not last long in the field up in gun totting Idaho with such an opinion. To me the forum was just a good reminder to try to understand both sides for both parties. I think sometimes its easy to ignore some things that officers have to go through in inner cities or even back country hills on an average day. In the same accord, sometimes the passion many of us ccw holders have about rights and guns can come across to others as overboard or can be misunderstood. To me its just a lesson to try to learn and respect each other on both sides. We are all on the same team!!! :) My highest respect goes to those in the military either combative or noncombative, as they can and do put their country over themselves in the most extraordinary ways sometimes. Those in public services such as Law Enforcment, earn my high respect too as I've seen many go way over their required job description on an average day of work. That being said, if your corrupt or abuse your job, you will get twice the heat and shame from me, as you disrespect the lives, work, and actions of all your comrades.
I understand the why of doing this...

I don't really think that these posts represent even a small minority of LEO's and wonder at times if those even are LEO to start with. However the attitudes range all over the place on how to handle anything. For instance watch this and see how you would handle it if you were a LEO and if you were the one being stopped. Usually the most vocal ones about these types of things are in the minority whether right or wrong. If this has been posted before I apologize but......

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I don't understand the Officers failure to provide adequate answers as to who the supervisors are. That was a huge breach of trust on their part. I applaud the effort to stop illegal aliens but the situation was handled very badly by both sides.:hmhm:
I don't really think that these posts represent even a small minority of LEO's and wonder at times if those even are LEO to start with. However the attitudes range all over the place on how to handle anything. For instance watch this and see how you would handle it if you were a LEO and if you were the one being stopped. Usually the most vocal ones about these types of things are in the minority whether right or wrong. If this has been posted before I apologize but......

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Watching this video got me thinking. I live in Las Vegas and travel in the southwest a lot. In order to cross Hover Damn into Arizona, you must pass through a security checkpoint where they search ALL RVs, trucks, trailers ect. before allowing them to pass. However, they do not search cars in most cases.

How is it they circumvent the 4th amendment with these searches? I mean, you can refuse to consent, but if you do refuse they don't let you pass the checkpoint. Is there something special in the law that allows them the power of warrantless search, because they search every RV/truck/trailer (sort of like a DUI checkpoint), since they are searching every vehicle of a certain type, somehow that makes the search legal?

And, if that does make the search legal, doesn't that also make the question the border agents asked in this video legal as well, since I assume they are asking that same question to everyone?
I suspect that this roadblock has never been tested in court. If the road is public and a major transportation route, I'm sure a 4th amendment case could be made out of this. Call your state's chapter of the ACLU and ask them about it.

Watching this video got me thinking. I live in Las Vegas and travel in the southwest a lot. In order to cross Hover Damn into Arizona, you must pass through a security checkpoint where they search ALL RVs, trucks, trailers ect. before allowing them to pass. However, they do not search cars in most cases.

How is it they circumvent the 4th amendment with these searches? I mean, you can refuse to consent, but if you do refuse they don't let you pass the checkpoint. Is there something special in the law that allows them the power of warrantless search, because they search every RV/truck/trailer (sort of like a DUI checkpoint), since they are searching every vehicle of a certain type, somehow that makes the search legal?

And, if that does make the search legal, doesn't that also make the question the border agents asked in this video legal as well, since I assume they are asking that same question to everyone?
Some of the comments on that thread are downright shameful. Be that as it may, if an officer is allowed to disarm me for his safety so that he can guarantee that he makes it safely home to his family, should I not also be allowed to disarm him for my safety so that I make it home to my family?
tattedupboy; should I not also be allowed to disarm him for my safety so that I make it home to my family?[/QUOTE said:
When an off duty cop gets stopped by an on duty LEO he may be subject to the same treatment. Less likely, but I have heard of this happening. You think we non-LEO have problems submitting to authority, just think how some off duty LEO feel when they are on the receiving end of those flashing red and blue lights and must submit to the lawful orders of that cop.
not all cops are out there for a popularity contest (and some are to burnt to be good cops anymore),and handle things in manners we may not understand or like, but there is a check and balance system out there. We only see the cop in the field, but he awnsers to many others. Some of those "others" are politicians who want to keep tax paying and voting citizens happy.
Just dropped in on this topic, but have to add my $.02. IF - I :
  • Legally purchase a handgun from a licensed dealer;
  • Wait for 3 days for a cooling-off period;
  • Fill out and sign all of the pertinent paperwork;
  • Take a class required by the state I live in;
  • Pay all of the fees (usually over $100) for my permit;
  • Carry my permit and openly provide it to the LEO;

THEN - the LEO should respect me enough to understand that I am a law-abiding citizen, and very possibly no threat to him or interested in interfering with his enforcement duties. If he cannot conduct himself in a professional manner, he doesn't deserve to be wearing his badge. I have several friends in LE, and none of them would harass someone with a permit unless the carrier asked for abuse first. As long as I comply with the officer, am not rude and/or combative, LEOs have no rights or powers to abuse their authority.
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Rest assured folks, I did some research on the folks posting some of the more outrageous comments. They're not really LEO. More like "Mall Ninja" wanna be types. Some folks have nothing better to do than to post stuff that will PO the average citizen. :invision: Keep in mind that that forum is open to non-LEO and is subject to the rules of the forum.

Like television was while growing up, now we have to keep in mind that we can't believe everything we hear/see on the internet.


You're exactly right...I randomly picked out two responses to the message and looked at their profiles. The avatar didn't match up at all with the profile. One kid was 22 and a "law enforcement enthusiast". That DOESN'T make an LEO. As my grandma would say, "They are too big for their britches". Just a spit in the wind.

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