I thought that was a real gun for second until I saw the "trigger un-safety". It's only a Glock.
I dig the bayonet though, but I wouldn't want to "Smart Carry" that little number.
Now whats wrong with a Glock? ...
just what the mall ninja ordered...does it come with a flamethrower too?
I'll see your pistol mounted bayonet and raise you a chainsaw mounted AR15. By the way that is not me in the pic
I'll to waaaayyyyy out on a limb here and guess:
"Not designed by JMB?"
"It's not a 1911?"
"John is a manlier name than Gaston?"
"Tupperware vs. metal?"
Am I on the right track here?
just what the mall ninja ordered...does it come with a flamethrower too?