Walmart No longer stocking Ammo.


New member
I was at my local super center today and as i always do i stopped by the sporting goods counter. I noticed that the ammo was vary vary low. So i asked the clerk about it ( I said wow you have little to no ammo) He said yeah walmart ( the HQ) is cutting back on ordering it He said something about the cost being to high. He then showed me the E-mail that HQ sent out to the stores. It said that because of everyone rushing out and buying up all the ammo they can find because of the New tax on it ( again this is not word for word). That ammo is getting harder and harder to find. It then went on to say that they are working on it the best they can and not to call the suppliers and try and order more. The letter went on to say more. I then asked if they are going to get any in at all ( at my local store) He said yeah the plan is to get one box a month in ( not one box of each just one box) So one month will be 9mm and the next will be like 40 and so on. Again Not sure if that part was true as he is some what new. But he did show me the e-mail from HQ i will get more on Sunday from the Department Man. The letter also said they are No longer take large orders for customers. At my store you use to be able to come in and order a large amount of ammo put half down and they would order it for you. It comes in and you pay the rest when you pick it up.
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I've been buying my range ammo (Blazer Brass) at Wallyworld and they have been out a lot lately. They seem to get it in by caliber. They may be out of .45 for a couple of weeks and have 9mm then vise versa. I went last night to get some .22lr for my new Browning Buckmark and they only had 1 box of .45 and 1 box of 9mm, so I bought them both, along with 600 rounds of .22. I've kinda made it a point if I'm at Walmart and I've got some extra cash I'll buy a couple of boxes if they got it.
Not really sure why your thread title doesn't match your post, but Walmart no longer stocking ammo doesn't seem quite correct. :redface:
Not really sure why your thread title doesn't match your post, but Walmart no longer stocking ammo doesn't seem quite correct. :redface:

Yeah, I don't think they are going to quit stocking ammo, it's just they are having a hard time getting enough to keep in stock.
Yeah LOL sorry about the title i read that after i posted it. That is the one thing i can not change sorry about that. It's not that they are not going to be stocking ammo. They are just having a hard time filling all the orders for the stores. Seeing as you ( Cmclairday2) are in the state of the HQ Walmart i would not think it would be a problem ( as you already said) But for the other stores i think it will be.
Our wally world just got a shipment in...

But sadly no .357 mag or .44 mag. lots of 9mm and 40 S&W some 45ACP. NO 308 WIN TO BE HAD!
a good amount of .223 Rem and some 12ga 00 Buck.
I may be out of the loop, but does anyone really know that there is going to be a huge tax increase? All I've heard is rumors and suppostions with BO taking office. I do know the prices keep going up but I kind of figured part of it was supply and demand.

If anyone knows of this 'tax increase', I'd love to know the specifics.
Wally World here in Orange City FL is out of everything but .223. .22, and 12GA shotgun stuff. I had picked up 200 rnds of .40 S&W just about 2 weeks ago, and went back yesterday to get some more. And the shelves were BARE!
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The WallyWorld down here in Mississippi used to sell Rifles (until Hurricane Katrina); after the hurricane, when they were able to open the doors to the public again, all the rifles were gone. Everyone figured it was because they had stored them for safety before the storm, but they never did bring them back out. Made me mad, as I had been saving for a Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 they had, and was ready to purchace it. Ended up buying one from another dealer I use, but paid over 100 more than WallyWorld was asking. As for ammo, it has been getting alot more difficult to find what you want at the store I am talking about. Their ammo shelves always seem to be just about empty. This ended up being more about Wal-Mart than Ammo. Sorry about that, long-winded, or typed, or get the picture.
I'm glad I reload, I checked the ammo section last night because my wife needed some stuff... so I got two departments I like magazines to read all the gun magazines, and then sporting goods. I could not believe my eyes just doing a price check on Winchester White box .44 Magnum $32.97 for a 50 round box.

I'm glad I reload.
One thing I personally need to do is go ahead and start buying some excess ammo. Supplies have been good here, and I think alot of folks in my area have been pretty laxed about stocking up. We keep hearing about how ammo is hard to find, but its not in our area..yet.
WalMarts in Navarre and Ft. Walton Beach, FL have almost no ammo available except 12 ga #7.5 shot. WalMart in Crestview, FL just 30 miles away is well stocked by comparison.
Here in Reno, NV, the shelves in my Walmart are bare as well. Anyone know what is really going on?? There can't be so much of a run on ammo that it is no longer available. Is Walmart looking to phase out their sale of ammo? Definitely worth a call to Corporate.
Here in Reno, NV, the shelves in my Walmart are bare as well. Anyone know what is really going on?? There can't be so much of a run on ammo that it is no longer available. Is Walmart looking to phase out their sale of ammo? Definitely worth a call to Corporate.

At first that's what the worker at my walmart told me. Something like "they are not doing it any more it's costing to much" When i asked again he showed me the e-mail that said they are working as fast as they can to restock ammo. K-mart seems to still have a lot of ammo.
After doing some searching i have tracked down the e-mail that was sent out by WalMart to it's stores here it is.

This e-mail was sent out to all sporting goods dept. managers on 1/7/09.

Subject: Ammunition out of stocks
From: Store Operations

Customer concerns about the possibility of new taxes or restrictions on the sale of ammunition is driving them to buy ammunition in record amounts.
The merchandising and replenishment teams are working to get all the ammunition we can from our suppliers to keep every store in stock.However, suppliers are working at full capacity on many items and cannot keep up with the current demand.
There is no way to know how long this situation will exist,but based on commitments from our suppliers,we expect in stocks to slowly improve each month.
In the meantime,please do not call the office or the suppliers to get additional goods.Large quantity orders for individual customers will not be able to be filled for the time being.We all want to take care of our customers,but as goods become available,we will send them out as fairly as possible.
Thank you for all you do in taking care of our customers.
Stock is coming back in my area so I say the OP is BS.

No, its not fully stocked but they are getting stuff in now. I have a friend in sporting goods and he says not too worry. He says at least this WM will continue to sell ammo and guns for that matter. He says they have always sold alot of guns.

The real deal is that the manufacturers cannot keep up with demand. That is directly from an internal memo at WM. Confirmed by a few folks who work there.

Stock will come back.

Didnt catch the post above. Yes, thats whats going on.
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...."for the time being..."hmmmm, I wonder how long that will be.
I was at Salem, NH WallyWorld this past weekend and They were also Very low in their case. I did notice however that their 9mm was $18.97/100 WWB and the Plaistow, NH store I was at earlier in the week had the same for $19.97. I paid the $19. because I hit that store first :redface:. I will check the other store next week sometime if I go and speak with one of the people I know and get the latest also. I won't mention the "letter/email" from their HQ, but see what they say. Thnx S&WM&P40 for posting the letter/email.
Yeah i will try and hit up the West Lebanon store and see what they have. I will also check out the guns ( lol they pulled the guns out of my super center open 24 hours a day). Sucks but hey if things don't sell they get dumped.
Yeah i will try and hit up the West Lebanon store and see what they have. I will also check out the guns ( lol they pulled the guns out of my super center open 24 hours a day). Sucks but hey if things don't sell they get dumped.

I was told that the decision to keep or remove guns from a store is based on a dollar threshold in firearm sales. My local store has been moved or remodeled twice in 12 years, each time the store was evaluated to determine if the store would continue to carry long guns.

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