Pharmacist Who Shot Man Robbing Store Charged With Murder

This whole case is nuts

Nothing in the man's story checks with the video. Nothing. He said he first pulled the LCP, but in fact it was the Judge. He said the 2nd guy ran when he saw the Judge, but he ran after the first shot. The dude then turns his back on the downed BG (who went down like a sack of flour - just folded) not once but twice, on the way out to fill the air with lead and then again on the way in to grab the LCP.

It might have been plausible if he had shot the downed BG BEFORE he went out, so as to neutralize the threat to his wife and the women in the store, but that is a longshot. It certainly looks like he came back in, calmly swapped guns and executed to BG. Really, everything he did was okay except pulling the trigger on the LCP. And talking (lying, actually) to the cops.

He gave me the impression of someone who had prepared well and had long ago decided how he would deal with this kind of situation, then went and did just that. If true, it makes him no better than the BG who tried to rob him.

Strange. And him a decorated vet. Ah well, a NOT GUILTY verdict could still be possible. It isn't the same as innocent.
It certainly looks like he came back in, calmly swapped guns and executed the BG.

Also notice about 15~20 seconds were clipped out of the timeline from the security camera while he was outside, so he left his store unattended for nealy half a minute before calmly strolling back inside.
As information comes forward, it appears that there may be a historical record of Ersland's mental issues...

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As information comes forward, it appears that there may be a historical record of Ersland's mental issues...

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i read that from another board and all I can say is that pharmacist is in BIG trouble. I just think he has too many things stacked against him to beat this wrap without a stacked jury. Good shoot or not it does not look good for him.
would have not shot FIVE more times or chased the other out but would have done the same probably
hard to say untill in that situation:hang3:
Unfortunately he was either uneducated on when his right to use deadly force stopped, or he was flustered and steamrolled right into what appears to have been a cold blooded murder.


Cold blooded murder? After you've just been threatened by a shotgun? Its not like this kid was an innocent bystander.

Please enlighten us as to when our right to use deadly force ends. Is that before or after they beat you up in the alley 4 weeks later after they get out of the hospital and on bail? ...or maybe its after they knock off a few more pharmacies? ...kill a few people? ...burn your house down? ...or maybe its after they rape and beat your wife? ...your mother? ...or they sue you into the poor house because they claim you're a racist, privileged, rich white guy that just has it in for 16 year or black kids? Which one would that be?

I'm confused as to when the threat is neutralized?
Anytime an Armed Robber is killed, its always a good thing... but lets talk about Laws, courts, and gun owners/CC. You can NOT shoot a person whose treat is stopped, if the Target is on floor you can't walk up to the target and put 4-5 more shots into the target, it just doesn't look good in court as mentioned in this threat.

In court the truth doesn't matter, its only what you can prove, or not prove that matters. Now if he shot the target and assess the situation to be safe, then called 911, his testimony would sound passive in order to defend, rather than a person out to kill in rage. Hopefully the Judge will rule in his favor when sentencing if he's found guilty.
Recent Xmas eve shooting in Bluffton, SC where a tow truck operator booted a car parked illegally in a subdivision,. In the aftermath of a dispute with the car owner, who "brandished" a firearm in his waistband, the tow truck operator left the key to the boot near the car and then went back to his truck, retrieved his firearm and fired 5 bullets---the first one apparently hit the car owner in the arm, and, I understand that the car owner then turned to get out of the field of fire. After he turned, the tow truck operator fired 4 more shots that hit the car owner in the back and he was now laying face down near his car. The car owner's gun was somewhere in the vicinity and not in his waist, which would indicate that he had drawn his firearm sometime during this incident. The tow truck operator, now next to the incapacitated car owner, fired one more time into the car owner's head and said to his brother and others---"feliz navidad". Like the case in this thread, that last shot had nothing to do with eliminating the threat--that was over. He will be tried on manslaughter. IMO, up until the last shot, the thrreat had started and continued with the car owner, but that last shot, like the shot by the pharmacist is difficult to excuse, regardless of any of the previous actions.
Recent Xmas eve shooting in Bluffton, SC where a tow truck operator booted a car parked illegally in a subdivision,. In the aftermath of a dispute with the car owner, who "brandished" a firearm in his waistband, the tow truck operator left the key to the boot near the car and then went back to his truck, retrieved his firearm and fired 5 bullets---the first one apparently hit the car owner in the arm, and, I understand that the car owner then turned to get out of the field of fire. After he turned, the tow truck operator fired 4 more shots that hit the car owner in the back and he was now laying face down near his car. The car owner's gun was somewhere in the vicinity and not in his waist, which would indicate that he had drawn his firearm sometime during this incident. The tow truck operator, now next to the incapacitated car owner, fired one more time into the car owner's head and said to his brother and others---"feliz navidad". Like the case in this thread, that last shot had nothing to do with eliminating the threat--that was over. He will be tried on manslaughter. IMO, up until the last shot, the thrreat had started and continued with the car owner, but that last shot, like the shot by the pharmacist is difficult to excuse, regardless of any of the previous actions.

Holy carp. kelcarry and I agree on something. What's next, Treo coming in and saying what an upstanding gal I am?!
Well you both are on NavyLT's list of trolls that he is the alledged leader of. As am I and "Whoever kelcarry is growling at today".

I know! So weeeeird. LT and I agree about 95 percent of the time, Treo and I NEVER agree, and kelcarry just makes me run away scared. I haven't quite figured out what makes you tick yet, and it doesn't matter if Oldgrunt and I agree or disagree, because we seem to have a mutual respect for each other's opinions.
OH! Yeah, back to the topic at hand. Here's one version of the report

Big uh-oh is when he shoots the kid who doesn't have a gun. Bigger uh-oh is when he actually comes back and finishes him off.
Pharmacist found guilty - life imprisonment is sentence

The pharmacist was found guilty of 1st degree murder, and was sentenced to life imprisonment on 5/27/2011. Of course appeals are planned.

Oklahoma City pharmacist found guilty of murder |

What got the jury was that he shot the guy in the head, which incapacitated him. Then he walked over and past the guy, went after his partner. After that he came back in, got a second gun, and used that to shoot the first guy 5 more times. He was still alive after the head wound, and died of the additional ones. Then his story to the cops didn't match the security videos. Plus the claim he needed to defend himself more against the kid on the ground didn't ring true.

If I were him, I'd be seeing red the whole time, and I'd not be in cool-control of my emotions either. But I think he may have gone too far with the 2nd gun. The kid was no threat after the head wound. IMHO.

I know Bob Dole said, if his wife caught him having an affair, his last sight on this planet would be her standing over him saying "now how do I reload this thing?". This isn't joking on Leno, this is real life.
I know! So weeeeird. LT and I agree about 95 percent of the time, Treo and I NEVER agree, and kelcarry just makes me run away scared. I haven't quite figured out what makes you tick yet, and it doesn't matter if Oldgrunt and I agree or disagree, because we seem to have a mutual respect for each other's opinions.

You are so right girl. As a gentleman, I always respect the opinion of a gun totin' lady. Particularly one who has an arsenal like you seem to have. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you! I still say your husband is a lucky man!
You are so right girl. As a gentleman, I always respect the opinion of a gun totin' lady. Particularly one who has an arsenal like you seem to have. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you! I still say your husband is a lucky man!

(Laughing) I don't know if hubby counts himself that lucky. We're actually a terrible match. However, we do enjoy some "group therapy" at the range.
Daisy, right? I like her face in the picture, because although she does not seem opposed to being armed, there is a look that says "You do know I don't have thumbs, right?"
You are so right girl. As a gentleman, I always respect the opinion of a gun totin' lady. Particularly one who has an arsenal like you seem to have. Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of you! I still say your husband is a lucky man!

There is something to be said for the Southern Gentleman. It is a type that has gone by the wayside, and one I do hope experiences a revival.
So glad to know I am in the thoughts and hearts and minds of so many of you illustrious forum members. That's what makes horse races--different opinions--and if my comments make you cringe or laugh or cry---so be it. I try to take replies in a positive way but when you get personal in a derogatory manner it is not appreciated and tells me more than I want to know about you.

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