You are right he did not physically hurt anything or anyone but the bad press he gave legal gun owners did irrepairable damage (where is your proof of such damage?)to the confidence that the public has in us as a whole. Was he with in his rights? Yes was he using his noggin...NOPE! I take issue with those who chose to damage others by negligence(I am asking again.... PROOF? not your opinion please, real proof of damage. )He falls into that category.(of people who use tactics you disagree with) Did you really read the news articles this guy generated? (nope, I dont believe a single word of ANY type of authorized journalists, so why should I even read them? do you believe everything they write/say?) Being called a Gunman is not a good thing. Making other people feel uneasy not a good thing. (so, if I read a book that makes you nervous/uneasy, that makes it a bad thing to do?)Causing uniformed officers to call for back-up not a good thing. ( ummmm, if they want to do that, isnt that a good thing, to be safe/sure about something ?)
He could have and should have reacted much differently. (WHERE IN THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF TELLING SOMEONE ELSE HOW TO ACT ???)The whole taped conversation tells me he not only planned this in advance but wanted the confrontation.(And you are a mind reader? what about most of the others that open carry or even CC that carry recorders? are we now idiots and media hounds??) He does not warrant the respect that I reserve for every other gun toting patron of this board because he has not earned it. (because he didnt do something the way you would have, boohoo)I definitely do not trust his judgement nor do I support his actions.(fine, no argument from me here, you are entitled to your opinion, but you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ATTACK THIS PERSON FOR HAVING ONE TOO) I think the ranger acted accordingly. They detained a guy who was generating complaints and held him until they sorted out whether or not he was a threat to himself or others. (never said they didnt act correctly)They did not beat him, taze him or shoot him. KUDOS to the rangers for the restraint they showed while they sorted this thing out. (+1)
Again Gun Painted to look like toy = Bad Thing (just your opinion, doesnt make it wrong that he did it)
Looking for confrontation and taping it for attention and possible future legal action=bad thing (there you go reading minds again, you make any money doing this? got a crystal ball or sumfin do ya?)
wearing Camo (clothes must make the man in your mind) and carrying an assault styled weapon (OMG, you are one of those who don't know the definition of what an assault weapon really is) of in a public venue in light of all the active shooter situations that have taken place since Columbine=Bad Thing
within his rights=yes
permanent damage to public opinion of gun owners=VERY BAD THING