Open carry incident in Nashville gets me detained 2.5 hour at gun point carried AK-47

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Now you make me wonder where I should stand.

If supporting the second ammendment means supporting the rights of nut cases who disguise their weapons as toys and intentionally run around trying to get themeselves arrested to "prove a point" then perhaps I may be persuaded to question if the second ammendment goes too far!

If all it takes is one persons actions to change the way you feel about the second amendment perhaps you should re think your stand because it sounds to me as if you are questioning it regardless . The way one person act's or does not act can not be held against , or blamed on, a few paragraphs written in the constitution,. Thats like saying I do not believe in the 65 M.P.H. because some one was driving 70. mph
No one is questioning the legality of his carrying his AK pistol that day at Radnor Park.

Then why do people keep arguing about it?

Some are concerned that his behavior prior to that day, his stated motives, his planning, his acknowledged frustration, his actions culminating with the Radnor event might indicate problems to come. He has stated his purpose is to create circumstances which would facilitate a confrontation with law enforcement. He's also stated he fears the police will shoot him.

(you brought this up, so I will comment on it)

Is there something wrong with expecting the police to actually know the laws they are hired to enforce? Is it not a wise thing to think the police may harass someone for doing something legal when there are many examples of such, and to be prepared for it... say by having voice recorders to prove they are doing something illegal?
We are not allowed to protect ourselves from such behavior from our employees? To insist that they actually do their jobs correctly? (I am not bashing cops, don't even try to go there)
I have, actually, read some of his other posts on other forums. His reasoning for painting the tip orange was a very logical one to me.... he didnt want the cops to shoot him. Is he crazy or stupid for not wanting to be shot?

You might want to google "open carry incident" for many examples of proof that Police Have harassed and arrested people for NOT breaking ANY laws.
So, with that in mind, he is a bad man and we should rebuke him and all he has done to try to show others that there is something wrong with the way Innocents are being treated?

I myself have stated here that I don't particularly approve of how he went about this, but I at least have the common courtesy to allow him to practice his Constitutional rights the way he see's fit. Who are you or I to rebuke, attack, or yell at someone

*Rant Off*

Yes, for your purpose, your agenda, none of that has relevance. But it is important to tie in the other facts surrounding Mr. Embody so no one is mislead into believing Mr. Embody is a pure 2nd Amendment issue. He is not and has stated such in his posts.

Thank you, you are quite correct here, He is also sticking up for our 1st Amendment rights too, and at times, the 4th and 5th Amendments. (like during possibly illegal detainments and such)

Ignoring the totality of Mr. Embody's circumstances is like saying your posts in this thread paint a complete picture of your character.

I was ignoring his other actions and posts because they are exactly that, other actions and other posts. We are discussing this one incident only. If you desire to have a discussion on what he has done other times, you can start another thread, no-one is stopping you or anyone else from doing so. There may even be a possibility that I wont comment on one or even all of those threads! Wouldn't that be nice? :sarcastic:

I do honestly thank you for your post.

Have a great day!
Mr Axeand45, Do me a favor, Scoll alllll the way down to the bottom of the page or click the link above that says link back... We are being watched and judged by alot of other people other than just the few dozen on this site. Nuff said.
To: Axeanda45

I'm willing to bet, that if you had never heard about this guy before, and he had decided to stroll in front of your house, in your neighborhood, or near you kids school while you were dropping your kids off, that you would have been one of the 1st people to call the cops to check this guy out. :fie:

I highly doubt you would have done nothing, and just said "Hey there's a guy just exercising his Constitutional rights"

Just because he has a RIGHT to do it, does not negate the personal desire to make sure he's in compliance of the law and/or not up to something else.

Hmm, that's legally considered a pistol, and you have a license to carry. Be careful!
Mr Axeand45, Do me a favor, Scoll alllll the way down to the bottom of the page or click the link above that says link back... We are being watched and judged by alot of other people other than just the few dozen on this site. Nuff said.

I went over there and read it. I see that he wrote nearly the same thing that I have been writing (what he did was 100% legal) so what is your point?
"It is OUR complacency that has got us to where we are today, with such a negative attitude toward guns. We hide our guns from the public so as not to scare them. Our children can't even utter the word "gun" in some schools at the risk of being expelled. The more we try to play nice by their rules, the more restrictive their rules get. THAT is how the 2A could ultimately be repealed".
( I copied that from another thread on this forum )

This is what it is like now because we (gun-owners) have been too timid and fearful to stand up for ourselves for far too long. Some of us are SOOOOOOOOOOO scared of what the "sheeple" might think, or what some Bimbo on a newscast might say, that they freak out when anyone does something in a way they don't like or wouldnt do themselves.

Now, when someone DOES stand up for OUR rights, nearly everyone attacks him.

Way to go! that will show him not to act like a free man!! We won! We crushed his freedom of expression! we shut him up by banning him, we are so brave! Yay us!!! woohoo!

Hurry now, go apologize to every liberal you see, tell them we won't let it happen again, we'll be good masssah! but please, don't beat us no moe!!!!!

Now we can go back to grovelling at the feet of our betters, begging them for crumbs of what we have given up in the past, pleading for them not to take anything else away from us.... afraid if any of us makes too loud of a squeak, that we will lose the little crumbs we are hiding behind now..........:cray:
shhhhhhh little ones.......... don't rock the boat.......... be good little children. all is well.... all is well......
I swear, that is exactly how most of you have come across to me, a bunch of apologists with jello for backbones.

However, I sincerely thank the ones who are defending our rights.


Deal with it. (and telling me to shut up does not qualify)

"It is OUR complacency that has got us to where we are today, with such a negative attitude toward guns. We hide our guns from the public so as not to scare them. Our children can't even utter the word "gun" in some schools at the risk of being expelled. The more we try to play nice by their rules, the more restrictive their rules get. THAT is how the 2A could ultimately be repealed".
( I copied that from another thread on this forum )

This is what it is like now because we (gun-owners) have been too timid and fearful to stand up for ourselves for far too long. Some of us are SOOOOOOOOOOO scared of what the "sheeple" might think, or what some Bimbo on a newscast might say, that they freak out when anyone does something in a way they don't like or wouldnt do themselves.

Now, when someone DOES stand up for OUR rights, nearly everyone attacks him.

Way to go! that will show him not to act like a free man!! We won! We crushed his freedom of expression! we shut him up by banning him, we are so brave! Yay us!!! woohoo!

Hurry now, go apologize to every liberal you see, tell them we won't let it happen again, we'll be good masssah! but please, don't beat us no moe!!!!!

Now we can go back to grovelling at the feet of our betters, begging them for crumbs of what we have given up in the past, pleading for them not to take anything else away from us.... afraid if any of us makes too loud of a squeak, that we will lose the little crumbs we are hiding behind now..........:cray:
shhhhhhh little ones.......... don't rock the boat.......... be good little children. all is well.... all is well......
I swear, that is exactly how most of you have come across to me, a bunch of apologists with jello for backbones.

However, I sincerely thank the ones who are defending our rights.


Deal with it. (and telling me to shut up does not qualify)

Other than this war-of-words, what do you do everyday to secure the foundation of the 2nd Amendment? What do you do to educate those who do not understand the 2nd Amendment?

Why do you feel it necessary to demean, insult, berate those who acknowledge Mr. Embody's right to carry an AK pistol, but do not approve of his methodology? Why are the abusive words necessary? Is this how you communicate with your coworkers. What kind of work do you do?
Other than this war-of-words, what do you do everyday to secure the foundation of the 2nd Amendment? What do you do to educate those who do not understand the 2nd Amendment?

Why do you feel it necessary to demean, insult, berate those who acknowledge Mr. Embody's right to carry an AK pistol, but do not approve of his methodology? Why are the abusive words necessary? Is this how you communicate with your coworkers. What kind of work do you do?

You first............
Let me see..... I have re-read my post and only see one word that MAY be applied (to the ones reading this on this forum) as calling someone names.... Apologists........ How else am I supposed to describe someone who apologises our rights away? Please enlighten me..........

Now, if you go up further in the post, I WAS BEING SARCASTIC and showed the picture in my mind of what I see those people as being like... licking the boots of our oppressors and such.
If that is what you are talking about, well, am I not allowed to be sarcastic?

I have learned from most of the prior responses to me on this thread that no-one seems to get what I am trying to say, so EXCUSE ME for trying to make it real simple for you.
OK, lemme make it real simple for you: you're a freakin' lamebrain if you don't realize that there are responsibilities that go along with rights. So, we have a responsibility to not cause undue dismay to the sheep, for a variety of reasons. The most paramount one is THEY MIGHT VOTE YOUR RIGHT TO CARRY OUT OF EXISTENCE. Plain enough? Sheesh...:to_pick_ones_nose:
I would like to offer advice to all my fellow members here at USACarry and the advice I offer I will try and take myself. Give it up. Do not answer anymore of his posts. Let him have the last word. He will never get it. He is right and the rest of the whole wide world is wrong. That is the only way this will end. This thread should die a natural death.
OK, lemme make it real simple for you: you're a freakin' lamebrain if you don't realize that there are responsibilities that go along with rights. So, we have a responsibility to not cause undue dismay to the sheep, for a variety of reasons. The most paramount one is THEY MIGHT VOTE YOUR RIGHT TO CARRY OUT OF EXISTENCE. Plain enough? Sheesh...:to_pick_ones_nose:
They cannot vote our rights out of existence, You have the rights by being alive and human.

Didnt you just accuse me of calling people names a few posts ago?
He will never get it. He is right and the rest of the whole wide world is wrong.

Well, that is nice, what will I never get?
Where have I said I was right and everyone else is wrong?

All I have done on here is NOT ALLOWED myself to be pushed around or bullied. Is that what it means to be a know-it-all?
I would like to offer advice to all my fellow members here at USACarry and the advice I offer I will try and take myself. Give it up. Do not answer anymore of his posts. Let him have the last word. He will never get it. He is right and the rest of the whole wide world is wrong. That is the only way this will end. This thread should die a natural death.

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You first............
Actually, no, not me. I am not the one making derogatory remarks about those you say are 'non-supporters'.

You can choose not to answer. That will reinforce whatever opinions people have about you based on just your behavior here. If that's what you want, so be it.
They cannot vote our rights out of existence, You have the rights by being alive and human.

Didnt you just accuse me of calling people names a few posts ago?

You're right and I apologize. A moment of weakness.

Here it is, nice and easy: Yeah, we have a natural, God-given right to self-protection/defense which is enshrined in the Constitution. Truly, you are correct in that this right cannot be taken from us, in the theoretical sense. Reality is such, however, that it HAS been taken from us and we're fighting to get it back. However, as I noted, it takes the votes of the sheep to do this. If you alienate the sheep by prancing about the park with an AK, what do you think their response is gonna be? You don't have to like it but that's the reality.

I don't mind pushing the sheep a bit, maybe by what I consider more reasonable open carry. Let 'em see I'm a normal, law-abiding, friendly businessman who poses no threat to them. Now which scenario do you suppose goes farther in persuading the sheep: wearing a speedo and bandanna and carrying an AK thru the mall, or just projecting a "normal" demeanor, dressed appropriately while shopping quietly with my wife?

Now, my reference is to legal carry. I'm as radical about my right to protect myself and my family as the next guy so you can draw your own conclusions about whether I have carried or would carry were the gov't tell me I could not. Personally, I would just as soon stay out of jail if I can manage it, so I prefer to make the sheep comfortable as we educate them through thoughtful means. You can scream and holler all you want about your rights, but a thinking person recognizes the situation for what it really is and uses appropriate methods to change it.

My last post on this thread. If this rational argument doesn't persuade you, I give up.
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