New Shotgun. What ya think......


New member
Well, with the mad rush for guns I thought I'd go run around today and see if anyone had anything left. I told myself that I would not buy anything unless I found a really good deal. Weeeeeeeell, I found a Mossberg 500 persuader for $390. That was a good enough deal for me. So she came home with me.

Here she is:


Nice for some reason i cant find any mossberg 500's or 590's at buds know any sites that have them?

I went to about 6 gunshops today and one other shop had one. But the wanted $450 for it. I bought this one from Eaglehawk here in Largo Florida. It was his last one but said he had a shipment of 6 due in on Friday.

Here is his site:
Very nice. I think maybe you have an addiction and are buying to much. Perhaps it would help you deal with your problem if you still bought your toys, but you sent them to your friends at Usacarry for Christmas gifts. :meeting:That way you still get the thrill of buying them, but you don't have to have room to store them all.
It's just a suggestion.
Mossberg Pursuader

Academy Sporting Goods has the plain Jane version of the mossberg 500 for around 250.00. Don't know id you have a Academy Sporting Good Store in your area. The site has a store locator on it.
I like it! Can I get one for Christmas? I've made my list, he's checked it twice, my hubby tells me that I've been a really good girl!?!?:happy::yes4::girl_wacko:
Very nice. I think maybe you have an addiction and are buying to much. Perhaps it would help you deal with your problem if you still bought your toys, but you sent them to your friends at Usacarry for Christmas gifts. :meeting:That way you still get the thrill of buying them, but you don't have to have room to store them all.
It's just a suggestion.

But I told my wife that the RULE says every spot in the gun safe/cabinet must be filled, as should every corner in the house. So far, she's letting me pretend that's true.
Very nice. I think maybe you have an addiction and are buying to much. Perhaps it would help you deal with your problem if you still bought your toys, but you sent them to your friends at Usacarry for Christmas gifts. :meeting:That way you still get the thrill of buying them, but you don't have to have room to store them all.
It's just a suggestion.

Do I atleast get to take them to the range and test fire them before I ship them out?
Like Father like Son

A chip off the old block, and if you have to have an addiction you may as well get a bang out of it. Nice looking shotgun. I do like the stock you got on yours.

Great deal! Especially since I just dropped $785 on a 590A1 Link Removed. Hell, I haven't even received it yet!

The green shells look like Wincester Military 00 buckshot, if they are, have you shot any yet? I was about to buy some from ammunition to go. What do you think of them?

Great deal! Especially since I just dropped $785 on a 590A1 Link Removed. Hell, I haven't even received it yet!

The green shells look like Wincester Military 00 buckshot, if they are, have you shot any yet? I was about to buy some from ammunition to go. What do you think of them?

The 590A1's a nice shotgun FreedomsAdvocate. Hope you enjoy it.

Yes the green shells are Winchester Military Grade 00 Buck. I shot it a long with some Federal and Hornady low recoil 00 buck. I didn't notice that much of a difference in the recoil between the three and the Military grade stuff patterned nicely. For the price you can't beat it! I actually just got a order in with 5 more boxes of the stuff.
I can't believe I'm just now discovering this thread after a month and a half.

Anyway, must you gratuitously flaunt your gun porn for the world to see :biggrin:

Seriously, nice shotgun though. Not as nice as my Mossberg, but still nice :biggrin:

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