Active member
I'm not coming and taking anything. When such laws are passed where I live, I will be the one sitting at my home waiting for someone to try and take mine. Being a law enforcement officer does not make one exempt from such laws. Just like I can't have a Title II weapon. I may be able to keep my department issued weapons, but I've got many more personal items I'd like to hang on to that I would have to turn in as well. No what I signed up for is to protect and serve, that and only that. I did not sign up to tyrannize and take. Again, your assumption that EVERYONE with a badge is of that state of mind is, as you put it, terminally ignorant. You are even more ignorant to believe that a badge gives a person that black and white of a sense of things. I am We The People 1st, I am law enforcement 2nd. The best I can say about you is that you are a closed minded old man with a chip on his shoulder harboring stubborn assumptions about something he has had 0 experience with personally."Innocent" people? Cops today are no more innocent than the redcoats who enforced Britain's tyranny pre-American Revolution. If you think months of protests and the rioting that's taken place have been caused only by Michael Brown's and/or Eric Garner's deaths, or by the respective grand juries deciding their cases, you're terminally ignorant. Agree or disagree with the assertion, but black folk do believe in large percentages of their population that they are targeted, rather than protected, by government, just as Revolution-era Colonists thought the same thing, just as the people who flocked to Bunkerville last April and Olympia, WA just this past weekend think the same thing about how government relates to the whole population in general. There are more or less sophisticated, tactful, or diplomatic ways of saying it, but resistance to burgeoning or full-blown tyranny will always result in the pawns of government, law enforcement, being the first ones in line to feel it. To say black folk who feel so tyrannized by government that they're willing to kill to defend against the tyranny are nothing but "idiots" is to admit that you have no understanding of the nature of liberty or tyranny. You signed up, Andey. You put the target on your back on behalf of an ever-increasing tyrannical government against the interests of The People you swore to protect, defend and serve. The black folks may have the specifics of either recent case of death by cop wrong, but uprising and revolution is never about one or two specific cases to begin with. They're not "idiots," they're human beings responding exactly as every oppressed and/or abused and/or enslaved and/or hopeless and desperate group of people throughout the history of man have responded, and Bunkerville and Olympia prove they're not as isolated from the rest of this society as you might believe.
Look at my sig, Andey. Who do you imagine the phrase "Molon Labe" is directed at? Who do you imagine the phrase, "Don't Tread on Me" is directed at? I just posted a video of Mike Vanderboegh making a speech in Olympia this weekend in which he speaks of "Second Amendment remedies" to the unconstitutional gun control measures passed there a month or so ago. Who do you imagine those "remedies" will be imposed upon?
These are all statements of resistance, statements of refusal to accept or submit to illegitimate authority. They are implied threats. "Come and take them....if you dare." "Don't Tread on Me....or suffer the consequences." "Second Amendment remedies" is simply a more tactful and subtle way of saying, "We are willing to kill cops to protect our liberties."
I've been saying it since I joined this site, that people have got to pick a side. You did. The wrong side. 300 million+ guns in the private hands of free people, you're a government enforcer ready to impose tyrants' will upon the free citizenry's liberties, and you call the writers of that song "idiots?" Look in the mirror, Junior.
As stated in a video posted previously in this forum, the rich white man isn't sneaking into the projects at night spraying graffiti and breaking into houses. The people of those neighborhoods are doing it to themselves. Where I live, they are just as much white as they are black. I do not get to choose the color of skin that the person has when I get sent to a call. So far the majority of what I've heard is problems and hardly any solutions. And as the chief of Milwaukee said, those who gripe and complain about the problems are MIA when it's time to implement a solution. That's because there is no fix for a perceived injustice that is the product of those who perceived it.