Michael Brown

Take the cops out of the ghetto, or out of suburbia, and the world would become run by the thugs of the world that want what you have . Cops are not perfect, but without them, things would be much much worse.. the good guys are for the most part very passive and the bad guys are very aggressive going for the jugular without provocation. The bullies of the world no matter where they are, like chaos, they like to foster fear... I see them trying to stair people down all the time..( pants down around their ass, hats on sideways grabbing their crotch and hoping to knock you out... if you look at them the wrong way... I stair right back at them.. lots the passive people that these predators victimize. just look at these scum bags, their videos are all about killing cops , doing drugs.,. brutalizing women and disrespecting authority.. and the children of the wqorld look up to these people and their videos.. Freedom of speach is pushed to the limit with these thugs.. Imagine a world without law enforcement..
I think there is a very large ugly portion of those people marching, and rioting are hoping that cops shoot another black kid ( thug,) Like Mike brown ... so they can rob and loot some more.. the above photo shows just who they are... Honor the Brown family... Hell no, its just an excuse.... NO ONE Is THAT dumb to think that Mike Brown did not deserve to be shot for felony assault... this Hands up don't shoot crap???? it NEVER HAPPENED.... they just want to play the martyr role in order to get something from the government... all these people marching?? don't they have jobs??? are they " ALL on Public assistance, welfare and food stamps while the rest of us work and pay taxes to support their pathetic lives.. well all I can say is it is very " white "of us to do that for them "
Chicago Cops on the payroll...??? I love Chicago... the navy Pier, Holly Cow, the blues clubs.. I walk the streets at night without issue... never had a problem.. now the south side of Chicago.. that's another toilet.. but why would I go there.. even the cops don't want to go there.. their thinking is Let them kill themselves..... I agree with that... all these protestors should live in communi9ties where there are no cops.. IM tired of the bitching and the mentality.. " Im gonna gets me mines "
NY marchers were chanting "We want dead cops. When do we want them? Now! " Bill de Blasio and Al (not so Sharp)ton are doing their best to start more riots.
when will the cops start wearing vest that say, try to take my gun and Ill show you how much of a pu$$y I am....
No, but I would've been involved if asked. Not my style of music, and the production quality in the intro is well below my standards. If you're trying to get a message out it's always best to leave text on the screen long enough for even decent readers to read and understand.

As for the song itself, I'm of the Gregg Allman school of music critics ("Rap is crap"), but if the producers or artists could handle me bluesing it up, I'd have been happy to participate.

So what insult did you intend with that idiocy, Andey? Would it be an insult to imagine that I could be involved with making music with black folks? Black folks with bandanas and tattoos? Black folks getting choked out or having guns pulled on 'em by chicken-sh!t cops? Black folks singing lyrics that you take as an insult?

Really, I'd like to know why you'd post that link, attach it to my user name and think I'd be insulted by it, because it's for damn sure you would never mention my name without intending to insult me, and even more of a stretch to believe that you really think I might've been involved with that production.

So which one are you, cupcake? I'm betting you're the yellow one:

Red or blue would be more my color. I don't really care for yellow.

But yeah, my insinuation is that you would be involved with a bunch of idiots who would produce a video advocating killing innocent people simple based on where they draw their paycheck. Your inclination that all cops are the way that you say they are just goes to show that you really have had extremely limited contact with anyone in law enforcement, and you are only going by what you see in the media.
Yeah, well, I didn't ask which one you'd prefer, I said I thought you are yellow. In other words, a freakin' childish little yellow-bellied troll. You know, just to be clear and all.
Go back and read your post dipsh!t. You clearly asked...
So which one are you, cupcake?

But this is all it boils down to blues...

And in the words of the Eagles...
Chicago Cops on the payroll...??? I love Chicago... the navy Pier, Holly Cow, the blues clubs.. I walk the streets at night without issue... never had a problem.. now the south side of Chicago.. that's another toilet.. but why would I go there.. even the cops don't want to go there.
Chicago cops will go anywhere where there's something to steal... or women to beat.
when will the cops start wearing vest that say, try to take my gun and Ill show you how much of a pu$$y I am....
Right after they start wearing vests that say, "Stop serving me liquor when I'm drunk and I'll kick your teeth down your throat... but only if you're a woman who weighs 100lb.s less than I do."
I have lived in the Chicago area for 60 years. You learn how to interact with the Police, and where you can and can't safely go. If you keep to the downtown area and the Lake front you are as safe as any large city. Go south and beware. It is a jungle down there. The Cops take no Crap and I do not blame them for it. There is a serious gang problem and shootings every week. Many of those shot are collateral damage. Victims of drive by shooting, often times sitting on their front steps or even in the front room of the house. These punks don't care about life. So if the cops take an aggressive approach, I'm just fine with that.

Years ago an old guy told me, "kid, there are 2 kinds of people you don't mess with, old cops and old lawyers. All their lives all they dealt with was the scum of the earth" . (He was a lawyer)
I grew up with the idea of being a good person ( values my parents , my religion and my beliefs helped to mold my character )... in 70 years, I never had to worry about any interaction with a cop. Why would I fear a cop if I'm doing things the right way... IM not walking around with my pants half down, hat on sideways, grabbing my crotch in a disrespectful way.. these punks look for trouble. so they get what they deserve.. I don't go out looking for trouble, and Ive been a gun carrier for 50 years, So the difference between me a gun carrier, and some other guy who is a gun carrier, is tha,t he is a thug..... So those bitching about cops are the ones who draw their attention .. 70 years and never a problem with a cop.. That poor gentle giant, Michael Brown...18 years old... just a baby and he punched a cop, tried to get his gun.. reached inside the police car to felony assault a cop???( IM guessing his parents and his religion molded his character in a much different way then mine.. The " Reverend" All Sharpton and " Reverend" Farakkan , are religious leader who mold their flock to hate whites.. Kill cops and kill them now ???.. According to Mrs. Brown," this is what all 18 year olds do ".. No wonder so many blacks bitchh about cops... they grow up with this mentality, and get what they deserve.. these people rioting so that the legacy of Michael Brown could continue being a thug...what should cops do? Oh Michael although you are a low life scumbag thug, please don't continue being a thug, try to be a good boy, and have a nice day !. Where are the people who are protesting the protestors? you know the ones that are not ghetto blind or ghetto stupid.. Good people don't fear cops... Good Black people, are constantly battling what Bad blacks bring to their community, and the Nation... no one should be protesting cops doing their job, getting thugs and those who ignore police directives and resist arrest...off the street. When that guy in New York ignored the police directive to get on the ground , that he was under arrest.. he resisted.. A 400 lb man was too big an fat to handle gently...had he not resisted , he would still be here.
that march in New Your,,, what do we want? We want dead cops! when do we want it.. Now!! Isn't that incite to riot.. isn't that felony threat.( threat of death ) if thousands of people want cops dead, and want it now, isn't that illegal? If IM a Cop and someone says I want you dead, and I want you dead now... how does that effect that cop, the next time he encounters a black man? But then the Ghetto stupid can understand why cops have to deal with this black issue in such a way... You cant give a black man the benefit of the doubt when the culture is Kill a cop and kill them now... .
I grew up with the idea of being a good person ( values my parents , my religion and my beliefs helped to mold my character )... in 70 years, I never had to worry about any interaction with a cop. Why would I fear a cop if I'm doing things the right way... IM not walking around with my pants half down, hat on sideways, grabbing my crotch in a disrespectful way.. these punks look for trouble. so they get what they deserve.. I don't go out looking for trouble, and Ive been a gun carrier for 50 years, So the difference between me a gun carrier, and some other guy who is a gun carrier, is tha,t he is a thug..... So those bitching about cops are the ones who draw their attention .. 70 years and never a problem with a cop.. That poor gentle giant, Michael Brown...18 years old... just a baby and he punched a cop, tried to get his gun.. reached inside the police car to felony assault a cop???( IM guessing his parents and his religion molded his character in a much different way then mine.. The " Reverend" All Sharpton and " Reverend" Farakkan , are religious leader who mold their flock to hate whites.. Kill cops and kill them now ???.. According to Mrs. Brown," this is what all 18 year olds do ".. No wonder so many blacks bitchh about cops... they grow up with this mentality, and get what they deserve.. these people rioting so that the legacy of Michael Brown could continue being a thug...what should cops do? Oh Michael although you are a low life scumbag thug, please don't continue being a thug, try to be a good boy, and have a nice day !. Where are the people who are protesting the protestors? you know the ones that are not ghetto blind or ghetto stupid.. Good people don't fear cops... Good Black people, are constantly battling what Bad blacks bring to their community, and the Nation... no one should be protesting cops doing their job, getting thugs and those who ignore police directives and resist arrest...off the street. When that guy in New York ignored the police directive to get on the ground , that he was under arrest.. he resisted.. A 400 lb man was too big an fat to handle gently...had he not resisted , he would still be here.
that march in New Your,,, what do we want? We want dead cops! when do we want it.. Now!! Isn't that incite to riot.. isn't that felony threat.( threat of death ) if thousands of people want cops dead, and want it now, isn't that illegal? If IM a Cop and someone says I want you dead, and I want you dead now... how does that effect that cop, the next time he encounters a black man? But then the Ghetto stupid can understand why cops have to deal with this black issue in such a way... You cant give a black man the benefit of the doubt when the culture is Kill a cop and kill them now... .
Trouble finds honest people everyday.
But yeah, my insinuation is that you would be involved with a bunch of idiots who would produce a video advocating killing innocent people simple based on where they draw their paycheck.

"Innocent" people? Cops today are no more innocent than the redcoats who enforced Britain's tyranny pre-American Revolution. If you think months of protests and the rioting that's taken place have been caused only by Michael Brown's and/or Eric Garner's deaths, or by the respective grand juries deciding their cases, you're terminally ignorant. Agree or disagree with the assertion, but black folk do believe in large percentages of their population that they are targeted, rather than protected, by government, just as Revolution-era Colonists thought the same thing, just as the people who flocked to Bunkerville last April and Olympia, WA just this past weekend think the same thing about how government relates to the whole population in general. There are more or less sophisticated, tactful, or diplomatic ways of saying it, but resistance to burgeoning or full-blown tyranny will always result in the pawns of government, law enforcement, being the first ones in line to feel it. To say black folk who feel so tyrannized by government that they're willing to kill to defend against the tyranny are nothing but "idiots" is to admit that you have no understanding of the nature of liberty or tyranny. You signed up, Andey. You put the target on your back on behalf of an ever-increasing tyrannical government against the interests of The People you swore to protect, defend and serve. The black folks may have the specifics of either recent case of death by cop wrong, but uprising and revolution is never about one or two specific cases to begin with. They're not "idiots," they're human beings responding exactly as every oppressed and/or abused and/or enslaved and/or hopeless and desperate group of people throughout the history of man have responded, and Bunkerville and Olympia prove they're not as isolated from the rest of this society as you might believe.

Look at my sig, Andey. Who do you imagine the phrase "Molon Labe" is directed at? Who do you imagine the phrase, "Don't Tread on Me" is directed at? I just posted a video of Mike Vanderboegh making a speech in Olympia this weekend in which he speaks of "Second Amendment remedies" to the unconstitutional gun control measures passed there a month or so ago. Who do you imagine those "remedies" will be imposed upon?

These are all statements of resistance, statements of refusal to accept or submit to illegitimate authority. They are implied threats. "Come and take them....if you dare." "Don't Tread on Me....or suffer the consequences." "Second Amendment remedies" is simply a more tactful and subtle way of saying, "We are willing to kill cops to protect our liberties."

I've been saying it since I joined this site, that people have got to pick a side. You did. The wrong side. 300 million+ guns in the private hands of free people, you're a government enforcer ready to impose tyrants' will upon the free citizenry's liberties, and you call the writers of that song "idiots?" Look in the mirror, Junior.

I grew up with the idea of being a good person ( values my parents , my religion and my beliefs helped to mold my character )... in 70 years, I never had to worry about any interaction with a cop. Why would I fear a cop if I'm doing things the right way... IM not walking around with my pants half down, hat on sideways, grabbing my crotch in a disrespectful way.. these punks look for trouble. so they get what they deserve.. I don't go out looking for trouble, and Ive been a gun carrier for 50 years, So the difference between me a gun carrier, and some other guy who is a gun carrier, is tha,t he is a thug..... So those bitching about cops are the ones who draw their attention .. 70 years and never a problem with a cop.. That poor gentle giant, Michael Brown...18 years old... just a baby and he punched a cop, tried to get his gun.. reached inside the police car to felony assault a cop???( IM guessing his parents and his religion molded his character in a much different way then mine.. The " Reverend" All Sharpton and " Reverend" Farakkan , are religious leader who mold their flock to hate whites.. Kill cops and kill them now ???.. According to Mrs. Brown," this is what all 18 year olds do ".. No wonder so many blacks bitchh about cops... they grow up with this mentality, and get what they deserve.. these people rioting so that the legacy of Michael Brown could continue being a thug...what should cops do? Oh Michael although you are a low life scumbag thug, please don't continue being a thug, try to be a good boy, and have a nice day !. Where are the people who are protesting the protestors? you know the ones that are not ghetto blind or ghetto stupid.. Good people don't fear cops... Good Black people, are constantly battling what Bad blacks bring to their community, and the Nation... no one should be protesting cops doing their job, getting thugs and those who ignore police directives and resist arrest...off the street. When that guy in New York ignored the police directive to get on the ground , that he was under arrest.. he resisted.. A 400 lb man was too big an fat to handle gently...had he not resisted , he would still be here.
that march in New Your,,, what do we want? We want dead cops! when do we want it.. Now!! Isn't that incite to riot.. isn't that felony threat.( threat of death ) if thousands of people want cops dead, and want it now, isn't that illegal? If IM a Cop and someone says I want you dead, and I want you dead now... how does that effect that cop, the next time he encounters a black man? But then the Ghetto stupid can understand why cops have to deal with this black issue in such a way... You cant give a black man the benefit of the doubt when the culture is Kill a cop and kill them now... .

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I have lived in the Chicago area for 60 years. You learn how to interact with the Police, and where you can and can't safely go. If you keep to the downtown area and the Lake front you are as safe as any large city. Go south and beware. It is a jungle down there. The Cops take no Crap and I do not blame them for it. There is a serious gang problem and shootings every week. Many of those shot are collateral damage. Victims of drive by shooting, often times sitting on their front steps or even in the front room of the house. These punks don't care about life. So if the cops take an aggressive approach, I'm just fine with that.

Years ago an old guy told me, "kid, there are 2 kinds of people you don't mess with, old cops and old lawyers. All their lives all they dealt with was the scum of the earth" . (He was a lawyer)
I'm from Chicago and lived there from 1957 to 1986. There's a difference between not taking crap, and breaking into people's homes and taking their property... or kidnapping their children. In many ways, and in many instances, there's scant difference between the Chicago PD and the Disciples or Latin Kings. All you need to know about the Chicago PD can be learned by googling the names "Burge", "Abbate", and Finnegan".

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