Michael Brown

IM not black obviously... but this video hits the nail on the head.. a black women who recognized that Mike Brown was a thug, and that sooner rr later someone in the hood would have killed him..
She didn't say it in an elegant fashion but she said it in Hood speak... something that her neighbors might understand...When blacks start to recognize that black hoodlums like white hoodlums are not above the law...

More black men and women should be pissed off at black on black crime .. not because it is black on black.. but because it impacts more black communities then it does anywhere else.. when thugs are accepted as just part of the hood, then the hood becomes the victim of the thugs.. IM sure plenty of black people know this but are afraid to say so, fearing their lives at the hands of these thugs.. Even in Ferguson many black people were intimidated by other blacks to give false testimony to investigators... Once behind closed doors and with protection of immunity and becoming a confidential informant, witnesses gave true and factual accounts without fear of intimidation from the thugs of the community.
I don't think this was a very well educated woman.. but she gets it.. so my point is why do others with seemingly higher levels of ethics and morals and also street smarts, not get what she gets which is exactly where I stand on this issue. Mike brown was a thug and sooner or later would be in the ground anyway... if the community keeps letting this lawlessness go , their community will destroy itself from within./. as I also said, remove the cops from Ferguson and there would be no one left alive in Ferguson and the place would be burnt to the ground... ( a burnt out ghost town )
I don't think this was a very well educated woman.. but she gets it.. so my point is why do others with seemingly higher levels of ethics and morals and also street smarts, not get what she gets which is exactly where I stand on this issue. Mike brown was a thug and sooner or later would be in the ground anyway... if the community keeps letting this lawlessness go , their community will destroy itself from within./. as I also said, remove the cops from Ferguson and there would be no one left alive in Ferguson and the place would be burnt to the ground... ( a burnt out ghost town )
Simple, because common sense is learned (or enforced) at a young age, usually from caring and PARTICIPATING parents.
OK, fine. Why aren't you black?

My parents were white, so where their parents. I've also posted pictures of myself, But foremost, most of my posts are related to my once sympatric empathy toward black people, with respect for all. AS years went by, I started to see things that forced my opinion to change, and now at 70, a black person has to earn my respect, its no longer a given... if that makes me a racist, then yes I'm a racists. they do not respect themselves so why should I.
Are you racist? :laugh:
I'm no where near the racist that exists within the black community.. black parents teach their kids to beware of whites.. blacks also teach whites to beware of blacks. Are there good black people?? absolutely.. the ones that act like people. have respect for themselves and their children and their women... and respect for others no matter what color they are.. Just people being people.. where being black is not the first point they want to make... when meeting new people... people who flaunt the black slavery issue to get over.. people who lie, rob, loot, attack police officers, and the blacks who condone lawlessness.. as we can all see in evidence by the protest to the thugs like Mike brown being a victim , when in fact Mike brown deserved what he got.
I'm no where near the racist that exists within the black community.. black parents teach their kids to beware of whites.. blacks also teach whites to beware of blacks. Are there good black people?? absolutely.. the ones that act like people. have respect for themselves and their children and their women... and respect for others no matter what color they are.. Just people being people.. where being black is not the first point they want to make... when meeting new people... people who flaunt the black slavery issue to get over.. people who lie, rob, loot, attack police officers, and the blacks who condone lawlessness.. as we can all see in evidence by the protest to the thugs like Mike brown being a victim , when in fact Mike brown deserved what he got.
The smiley face meant that it was intended as a joke. Of all the people you mention, anyone that teaches their children, good or bad, that anything about race should be a deciding factor in anything, is racist. I like people, I dislike people, but I don't like or hate anyone before meeting them. The one exception is public figures that show the content of their character without me needing to meet them. My only prejudice that I can think of is against mooslims. I don't trust them due to the tenets of their faith that require them to hate me, and say they can lie to my face about it because I am an infidel.
The smiley face meant that it was intended as a joke. Of all the people you mention, anyone that teaches their children, good or bad, that anything about race should be a deciding factor in anything, is racist. I like people, I dislike people, but I don't like or hate anyone before meeting them. The one exception is public figures that show the content of their character without me needing to meet them. My only prejudice that I can think of is against mooslims. I don't trust them due to the tenets of their faith that require them to hate me, and say they can lie to my face about it because I am an infidel.
Over my 70 years of life, I have gone from empathetic to being on guard.. I no longer embrace anyone I don't know as well as I once did.. I'm now much more on-guard.. when a person black or white or red or yellow acts in a manner that has no color inflection, then I treat them Like I treat anyone, but for the most part, I find that blacks want to throw down that Black card within the first few minutes of meeting someone. It's either in jive talk slang or some measure of profanity or disrespect. Do all Blacks do that? No. Funny thing is 80% of the blacks I meet casually do exactly that. Do I find some black just acting like people... sure I do... but when anyone takes liberties with me with respect to harsh, or disrespectful language I back right off... want nothing to do with them.. Its fairly easy to see when anyone wants to push the limits of their ethnicity in your face.. when I meet Asians.. they don't do it, when I meet Indians, both eastern and western they don't do it... I don't walk around throwing the white card down... I never say, that's Very "BLACK of you" as so many blacks say " That's very White of you " blacks call blacks who act Very white , Uncle toms. AS if being white.. a term blacks refer too as something nice or friendly or more than required.... Hold a door, help an old person, or tip a waitress.
This is a gun forum... in my two encounters over the years where I had to draw my weapon, in both cases, the assailants were black.. first case a black man tried to attack my wife and steal her purse in from of my 2 small children, while walking from a restaurant In China Town in the city... the second was 4 blacks in a car, at 2 AM. who got out of their car with a baseball bate telli8ng me they were going to fuk me up white boy.... All I did was look at them .. they pulled up next to me at a stop light.. with obnoxiously blaring rap music. I was behind a truck in the left turn lane and they stopped right next to me, with no one in front of them and two car lengths from the stop light, they pulled next to me to harass me.. they got out of the car and came around the front of my car, I had my 6 inch nickel colt python 357 on my consol. I step one foot out of the car and drew down on the guy with the baseball bat. told them to turn around or die. they got back in the car and drove off. IN those few seconds I had gone through the check list to use lethal force a dozen times.. this all happen in less than 60 seconds.,
Columbia is a liberal democrat city. Given enough time it will become like Detroit. It is not indicative of the south.
Its the Capitol of the State, and the largest city in the State... while Philadelphia was once the
Capitol of the Nation...
If you are talking back country " Country " you will find the same thing in PA. Ive seen a lot of ugly in the South... Ive also seen a lot of beauty too. Same with Pa.
I know, my in-laws are in Ohio, same thing. Some of Ohio is more redneck than LA (Lower Alabama). It is just that on the whole, the north is more industrialized, more big cities hence more slums. More slums, more low income housing areas, more thug mentality that seems to breed there, and more Democrats to perpetuate the cycle. I think there were good signs in the last Gubernatorial race though. With many Dems losing their seat, eventually that may trickle down into who the people send to Washington. The new Governors better make sure they stay fiscally conservative and reduce their states debt (if any). Fiscal dependence on the Fed is trouble waiting to happen.
Think of California - with no federal handouts, how high would they raise taxes to try and stay solvent? They have to use tax dollars or federal subsidies to BUY electricity from other states because they can't do it. I am sure part of it has to do with their "environmentally friendly" aversion to coal, nuclear power etc. Regardless, you raise taxes more, more people leave, not enough revenue, raise taxes, people leave, implosion "bail us out Mr. Fed!"
I ramble, but you get the point. Simply passing (and sticking to) a revenue neutral state budget, or god forbid one that creates a surplus. is the first step to a state being able to take care of it's own people and thumb their nose at the Fed. The second step is having a government in place that sees the power and common sense in that.
There is good and bad everywhere.. Over my 70 years I've seen simple life go to looking over your shoulder. My Son lives in Nashua New Hampshire... people leave their doors and windows open.. the first time I went to the Pheasant run Mall I saw hundreds of cars in the parking lot, many with windows down and packages inside, and no fear of anyone stealing anything.. UP there when I passed a few full service car washes, all I saw where young white college girls cleaning the cars... I live 10 miles from the city, in the suburbs , the Ghetto is slowly moving from the city toward the suburbs... once beautiful suburban neighborhoods with manicured lawns and not a spec of dirt anywhere a mile or two out from the city are now ghettos.. trash everywhere, graffiti junk in the front yards, house that haven't seen any repair in years. I don't need to tell you the caliber of people destroying our once beautiful areas. Up in new England, the culture is different, the black people I meet up there don't come off as being black people, they come off as being just people... they seem to have a happy life, with out the need to degrade themselves with ghetto slang and that ghetto black mentality. Just Americans with wives and kids looking for the American dream and are willing to work for it. There is no Get Over attitude up there.. I would move there in a heart beat if it wasn't for the winters.... they can get 3 feet of snow over night.. I'm not sure if the whole country is concerned about home invasions, but it seems home invasions occur everywhere.. I go to sleep every night with a 45 acp , a foot from my hand. There has never been an issue like this where I live, but I don't want to be the first either.
Thank you... that was funny
Hello cracker.... LOL ouch.... send in the burn unit......
there is a list on You tubes on right... just when you think this is all too earth shaking., this guy makes light ... but you have to agree with him... its good to be a cracker.

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