Man Allegedly Beats 14-Month-Old Toddler For Showing Disrespect


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I hope they put this jerk in general population in prison. I would like about 15 min. alone with this punk. There is just some scum out there that should be put out of our misery. Sorry for the tirade but this just burns me up.

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Man Allegedly Beats 14-Month-Old Toddler For Showing Disrespect

Friday, March 13, 2009

INDIANAPOLIS — Police say an 18-year-old Indianapolis man severely beat his girlfriend's 14-month-old daughter because the girl failed to show respect.

Tayaun Chism was arrested on preliminary charges of neglect of a dependent and child abuse in the beating of Lilliana Goodman.

Police Sgt. Paul Thompson says Chism is accused of beating the girl with a belt for more than an hour for being disrespectful and not eating her food.

Chism was arrested Wednesday night in the waiting room of St. Vincent's Hospital, where the child was in critical condition Thursday.

Thompson said Chism's pregnant girlfriend, 21-year-old Rachel Goodman, was injured as she tried to intervene. She was treated and released from the hospital
a 14 month old child doesn't even grasp the concept of respect......what the hell is wrong with people.
He'll get his sooner or later...hopefully sooner!!
If we had public hangings for all of these idiots maybe they would stop and think before they did something so horrible. :hang3:
I'd like to have a belt and an hour with him. It's just disgusting what some people will do to a child for no reason.
This is when I feel the "eye for an eye" punishment should be enacted for jerks like him!:angry: but in the mean time- hopefully some "Bubba" will have his way with this jerk in prison! Bet he'll be whining like a little baby while he's in there
Pistol whipping would be too gentle for this guy. He needs a rifle-whipping. Maybe bayonets can be useful, after all.

Unfortunately, many other women are in similar situations and just don't know when to leave the guy until someone gets seriously injured or killed. Hopefully Rachel Goodman has realized it's time to pack up and get out.
I think Bubba will show him some respect while he is in the clink. Maybe someone should also beat him for an Hour, maybe with a Cat-of-9, see how he likes it
well can't call him what I'd like to seeing as how this is a family site... but my freakin gosh.. he needs to be beaten to a bloody pulp for complete stupidity... what a moron.
I can't really describe what I feel in this case.The child died.

Indianapolis Toddler Dies After Beating - News-

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - A 14-month-old girl has died after Indianapolis police say her mother's boyfriend beat her with a belt for more than an hour.

Police say Lilliana Goodmann died about 3:30 p.m. Friday at Peyton Manning Children's Hospital at St. Vincent.

Eighteen-year-old Tayaun Chism is being held in Marion County Jail on $100,000 bond on preliminary charges of neglect, aggravated battery and domestic battery. Prosecutor's office spokesman Mario Massillamany says officials will consider adding a murder charge. Chism is due in court Monday.

Chism is accused of beating the girl with a belt for being disrespectful and not eating her food.

Police said Chism's pregnant girlfriend, 21-year-old Rachel Goodmann, was injured as she tried to intervene. She was treated and released from the hospital.
This should be automatic death penalty! If he doesn't get it then all they have to do is turn him loose in gen-pop for a few days. Problem solved...
This should be automatic death penalty! If he doesn't get it then all they have to do is turn him loose in gen-pop for a few days. Problem solved...
The guy is the best poster-boy for Capital Punishment in some time. Unfortunately, he may grow old on death row waiting for it.

Not only should those who have earned the death penalty be sure to get it, it should occur quickly.
I'd like to have a belt and an hour with him. It's just disgusting what some people will do to a child for no reason.

I'm "old school", I'd like 10 minutes with the guy in a dark room with a rubber hose and a flashlight. :wink: I actually wish this jerk a long life on death row. Hang a "child killer" vest on him and he'll get the beatings he deserves.

If his crime is known, a life sentence in General Population might be shorter than Death Row.