Kicked out of Pheasant Lane Mall


New member
I visited Pheasant Lane Mall to stop at Chick-fil-A. On the way to the back of the line, some friends caught me. After a few minutes of talking I left and was approached by the head mall security. He stated that there was a no firearm policy (I was OCing) and stated that I could put the firearm in my car, and walked me to the parking lot. Once we got to the outside door, he pointed out to me the "code of conduct" and out of 20 or so written on a plaque smaller than a 8.5x11 piece of paper, number 8 or 9 stated that no weapons were allowed or anything that could cause bodily injury/harm. You could not read it unless you went out of your way as you come in and were within arms reach of the plaque.

Needless to say I do not feel welcome there anymore.

I left the mall and as I walked back to my truck someone yelled out of their window "They didn't get kick you out, did they?" I responded "I did." We talked for a quick second before he drove off. Now to write a few emails.

Now the question is do I return back to Dicks Sporting Goods as they do not have a problem, and they sell firearms, wouldn't they be breaking the rules?

Note to self: Get a picture of the plaque somehow....

just something about the name of that chicken joint is subliminal and not for good imo i think their whole anti gay bs to drum up business in the bible belt is quite a charade and circus i for one wouldn't eat must been open carrying i take it?
best wishes be safe and who the hell eats at a joint called chick fil a in the first place? rotflmao
Check the local code and verify the sign has any authority or weight of law. Another thing to consider, if the sign does have the weight of law, does it conform to the regulations regarding position of posting and required size?
Check the local code and verify the sign has any authority or weight of law. Another thing to consider, if the sign does have the weight of law, does it conform to the regulations regarding position of posting and required size?

It is not legal binding as its not big enough, but being asked to leave is. I did email a legistator to see if a bill can be passed to make these signs more visible.
just something about the name of that chicken joint is subliminal and not for good imo i think their whole anti gay bs to drum up business in the bible belt is quite a charade and circus i for one wouldn't eat must been open carrying i take it?
best wishes be safe and who the hell eats at a joint called chick fil a in the first place? rotflmao

For me it's not about the gay marriage thing when it comes to the Chic-fil-a controversy. It is about the right of a private citizen to voice his views and to support any organization that supports those views using his own money! Not to be economically terrorized by elected officials that use the taxpayers money. Those Mayors can voice their opinion but they cannot use their elected position to threaten or stop general commerce. After all aren't they supposed to represent all their constituents?
Chic-fil-A does employ many people. The Mayors should be glad to have them expand their market and hire people in those elected officials area.
It's not like Cathy said he would not hire or serve gays.
So because once again these elected decided to abuse their power I for one will seek out Chic-fil-A and pass up on a burger. There are none in my area and I have never eaten in one but I will seek them out and become a regular customer. It's my little way of supporting the idea of free speech, free enterprise and freedom of thought. It's not about anti gay. It's about not being told what to think, say and act by government officials that abuse their positions to control and pander!
just something about the name of that chicken joint is subliminal and not for good imo i think their whole anti gay bs to drum up business in the bible belt is quite a charade and circus i for one wouldn't eat must been open carrying i take it?
best wishes be safe and who the hell eats at a joint called chick fil a in the first place? rotflmao

For me it's not about the gay marriage thing when it comes to the Chic-fil-a controversy. It is about the right of a private citizen to voice his views and to support any organization that supports those views using his own money! Not to be economically terrorized by elected officials that use the taxpayers money. Those Mayors can voice their opinion but they cannot use their elected position to threaten or stop general commerce. After all aren't they supposed to represent all their constituents?
Chic-fil-A does employ many people. The Mayors should be glad to have them expand their market and hire people in those elected officials area.
It's not like Cathy said he would not hire or serve gays.
So because once again these elected decided to abuse their power I for one will seek out Chic-fil-A and pass up on a burger. There are none in my area and I have never eaten in one but I will seek them out and become a regular customer. It's my little way of supporting the idea of free speech, free enterprise and freedom of thought. It's not about anti gay. It's about not being told what to think, say and act by government officials that abuse their positions to control and pander!

For me it's not about the gay marriage thing when it comes to the Chic-fil-a controversy. It is about the right of a private citizen to voice his views and to support any organization that supports those views using his own money! Not to be economically terrorized by elected officials that use the taxpayers money. Those Mayors can voice their opinion but they cannot use their elected position to threaten or stop general commerce. After all aren't they supposed to represent all their constituents?
Chic-fil-A does employ many people. The Mayors should be glad to have them expand their market and hire people in those elected officials area.
It's not like Cathy said he would not hire or serve gays.
So because once again these elected decided to abuse their power I for one will seek out Chic-fil-A and pass up on a burger. There are none in my area and I have never eaten in one but I will seek them out and become a regular customer. It's my little way of supporting the idea of free speech, free enterprise and freedom of thought. It's not about anti gay. It's about not being told what to think, say and act by government officials that abuse their positions to control and pander!

CapGun: There is an election coming up so all politicians are pandering to the gays for their vote. After November, they won't care one whit. The biggest problem here is a minority of folks trying to force the rest of us to submit to their perversion. Contrary to eagleeyes' opinion, they are not trying to drum up business in the Bible Belt, they already have it. It is up in gangster territory that people are opposing them. Chicago and Boston don't know what they are missing out on by not having the stores there but, I will say this, those azzholes have given Chick-Fil-A a trememdous amount of free publicity. As for the gays, ...........oh fudge, not worth going into those cretins again!
If they don't want firearms in the mall then don't give them business. Don't let others make you feel shameful that you carry (not that you have). Hiding your gun won't solve anything but allow the problem to persist. Keep up the good work.
If I understood your original post, it seems like you have never been at this Mall before?
It is up to you to read any posting/s upon entering any establishment. I'm sure you've seen the ones that say, "shirts and shoes must be worn", "no soliciting", etc. just to name a few. And I'm sure you've read them no matter what size/print. As far as checking to see if a law is being broken here because of the size of the print, well....good luck.
If you're a responsible gun owner then there is no excuse on this one...sorry.
As was already stated the sign is not legally binding, if asked to leave and you refuse then it becomes traspassing. That being said almost all of the malls in NH have a No weapon policy, Concord, Mall of NH etc.. Fight the good fight in this case is like banging your head off the wall, they don't care what you say, I carry concealed when I have a need to enter the above places..
.....imo i think their whole anti gay bs to drum up business in the bible belt is quite a charade and circus....

So if a couple of mayors in large cities threatened to stop giving business licenses to Native Americans because they happened to believe in _______________________. Fill in the blank. You would be okay with that? IMO it is the gay's that are making it about gay marriage, When Bloomberg said he will give a C rating to establishments that sell drinks over 16 oz. many thought that was an abuse of power. But to refuse a business license because the owner said be believes in something. Man that is just political prostitution to garner favor from a select group of voters, the political left and Hollywood types for their money.
The show of support was actually ginned up by the gays to counter their planned "kiss in".
It's OK if nobody knows where I am coming from with my next statement because it can apply to any situation.
Those that have the power to nudge you or eventually force you into believing or acting the way they want you to actually "know" better then you what is right. Therefor they believe they are morally superior to others that do not wield such power and consider it their duty to guide or force you into seeing it their morally superior way.
Hiding your gun won't solve anything but allow the problem to persist.

I don't 'hide' my firearm....
I proudly carry my firearm in a 'concealed' and 'stealthy' manner. =-)

call it what you want but your still hiding it :) whether it's hiding, concealing, being stealthy, keeping it in the most efficient ninja placement for lightning fast response...still lets the problem persist. 'Just another reason 'open carry' is better than 'hiding''. lol O:) :-X :p B-) <3

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