Do you notify the front desk person at a hotel that you have a CCW Permit?

Do you inform the front desk about your CCW at check-in?

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I'm relieved to see that only one person said yes in the poll. Why in the world would I tell the front desk I have a CPL or a handgun. As long as I am within the law it's none of their business.
Adding to my earlier post, that I would not tell anyone that I Conceal Carry. Today my father, and I had to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew my dads Drivers License.

As we stood in line waiting our turn,I noticed a guy standing in the corner with paperwork in hand. The strange part was, he was resting his hand on his weapon just like a cowboy does, and part of his weapon was exposed. After we were done I proceeded over to the Gentlemen and advised him that his weapon was exposed, and allot of people were starring at him.

He words to me were, That I should mind my own business. I again advised him that it was against New York State Law, to Brandish his weapon.He then said to me, I want everyone to know I'm Packing.

This is the type of guy, who gives us legally Armed Citizens a bad name. So instead of Creating any further problems I walked away. I'm hoping that one of the DMV workers called the LEO's on him.

How this guy ever got a Pistol Permit is beyond me.
I love these threads! You get some real good answers, some S.A. answers and some really long drawn out explanations.

Here we go again with the confusion between cops and non-cops. For those of you that cannot tell the difference between a law enforcement officer and a non-law enforcement officer, at least look it up on the internet or ask a person with a brain.

"Well if you tell cops then why dont you tell taxi drivers or the front desk?" Gee I wonder. Perhaps the job of a hotel employee is to take my money and give me the key to my room, while the job of a cop is to enforce the law, and in doing so, some people may find it respectful to notify the cop about their firearm. "Well then why dont you be respectful and notify the taxi driver?" Gee lets see here, I also dont tell taxi drivers about my arrest record or where I live, or if I have drugs or anything illegal on me.

As to the question of why would we notify cops when not required by law: I also do a lot of things that are not required by law. One time I even notified the police of a car accident when I could have continued driving, after all, it wasnt required by law but I did so anyway. I've also notified police about things like fights, which I am not required by law to do.
Here we go again with the confusion between cops and non-cops. For those of you that cannot tell the difference between a law enforcement officer and a non-law enforcement officer, at least look it up on the internet or ask a person with a brain.

"Well if you tell cops then why dont you tell taxi drivers or the front desk?" Gee I wonder. Perhaps the job of a hotel employee is to take my money and give me the key to my room, while the job of a cop is to enforce the law, and in doing so, some people may find it respectful to notify the cop about their firearm. "Well then why dont you be respectful and notify the taxi driver?" Gee lets see here, I also dont tell taxi drivers about my arrest record or where I live, or if I have drugs or anything illegal on me.

As to the question of why would we notify cops when not required by law: I also do a lot of things that are not required by law. One time I even notified the police of a car accident when I could have continued driving, after all, it wasnt required by law but I did so anyway. I've also notified police about things like fights, which I am not required by law to do.

You tell cops that you have drugs and other illegal stuff on you?
I'm an Assistant General Manager at a hotel. If you would walk up to me and say that I would say "OK, do you want a cookie?". My boss might call the cops. Lesson here- have a coke and a smile and STFU!!!! Like your pen-is size (or breast size ladies) I don't care if you have a concealed firearm. And what I don't know doesn't concern me.
I would never tell someone at the front desk of a hotel. It's really none of their business. "Here's my vehicle information thanks for the key, have good night, see you in the morning for my bagel and coffee".

That's about all I would say.
the more i think about it, i would not. kinda thought about having the front desk informed so if someone saw the gun and got worried, the hotel would know i have a ccw. however, i would have it on me and if approached about it, i could show it. wish i could change my answer.
There are a lot of people who believe you should notify LEO immediately, whether or not required. How many people who say hell no to the front desk clerk or taxi driver say yes to immediately informing a police officer, even when not required to do so by law?

This is America, they can make up their own minds. I think that is unwise to add stress to a cop who may or may not be a 2nd amendment fan.
Now why would I want to do that? There's already enough posted areas where I can't carry anyway, why would I create the hassle of possibly being told I can't carry by pointing it out unnecessarily?
Now why would I want to do that? There's already enough posted areas where I can't carry anyway, why would I create the hassle of possibly being told I can't carry by pointing it out unnecessarily?
I like your answer!! Soon, the only place you'll be allowed to carry is outside in your driveway! The list of restictive areas is a total hassel!! IMHO!!
G50AE:232651 said:
There are a lot of people who believe you should notify LEO immediately, whether or not required. How many people who say hell no to the front desk clerk or taxi driver say yes to immediately informing a police officer, even when not required to do so by law?

You are getting very close to one of the important points of this and the Taxi-driver thread.

Here we go again with the confusion between cops and non-cops. For those of you that cannot tell the difference between a law enforcement officer and a non-law enforcement officer, at least look it up on the internet or ask a person with a brain.

Police officers are no different than ordinary citizens. There are not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and thus are classified as civilians. Some people are ordinary law abiding citizens, just like some cops are law abiding cops. But there is always the chance that the taxi-driver or the cop or the pizza man or the hotel night auditor is of lesser character.

"Well if you tell cops then why dont you tell taxi drivers or the front desk?" Gee I wonder.

The logic is the same in each situation. Do you want them to feel at ease, or show :pleasantry:"respect for their position of authority":pleasantry:?

I am not going to quote the rest of your post because it is the same tired logic of cops deserve more respect than everyone else because they are elite super-duper sheepdogs. There are two types of cops, those that view their job as a job like any other, and those that become cops so that they can ask people like you to wipe the dung off their boots.

I find that statement uneducated, you have a right to your opinion on LEO, however to compare civilians to LEO, is not even in the same league, due to the fact, if you witness a crime in progress (ex. Robbery, theft,assault, murder), you do not have the "duty" to act, however LEO is required by the law and oath to take a react.
"Well then why dont you be respectful and notify the taxi driver?" Gee lets see here, I also dont tell taxi drivers about my arrest record or where I live, or if I have drugs or anything illegal on me.

I wouldn't tell the cop any of that either
Apparently so. I guess he needs to watch the "don't talk to police without a lawyer present" video.

Apparently you do too. That video says nothing about talking to thr police W/ a lawyer present. It says don't talk to the police period
You are getting very close to one of the important points of this and the Taxi-driver thread.

Police officers are no different than ordinary citizens. There are not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and thus are classified as civilians. Some people are ordinary law abiding citizens, just like some cops are law abiding cops. But there is always the chance that the taxi-driver or the cop or the pizza man or the hotel night auditor is of lesser character.

The logic is the same in each situation. Do you want them to feel at ease, or show :pleasantry:"respect for their position of authority":pleasantry:?

I am not going to quote the rest of your post because it is the same tired logic of cops deserve more respect than everyone else because they are elite super-duper sheepdogs. There are two types of cops, those that view their job as a job like any other, and those that become cops so that they can ask people like you to wipe the dung off their boots.

You dont seem to know much about police. Police are different than ordinary citizens. Police are given powers that you and me do not have. Can you carry your gun into a school? Police are also recognized as different in the law. They are regarded as peace officers and do not fall into the category of everyone else. They have duties they are required by law to do. You do not have duties required by law. There are also special criminal charges for attacking or lying or getting into the way of a police officer that do not apply to citizens.

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