Hi, I'm new to CC, will be taking my class next week. Anyway I have heard many different claims about the laws concerning shootings in self defense and prosecution efforts regarding chosen calibers, gun type, and ammunition. I will be asking these same questions in my ccp class but wanted to get some input from people of this and a few other forums.
I guess that my question is: What are the preferred calibers, weapon type, and ammunition type in regards to leaving the prosecution, should you be prosecuted or sued, the least amount of opportunities to portray you as a trigger happy, gun toter just looking for an excuse to shoot someone?
An example of some things I've heard are that you should choose non magnum calibers becasue the magnum can be exploited in court. Also that hollow point or other destructive type rounds that can cause large wounds and trauma (which would seem preferable for stopping an attacker) should possibly be avioded as well. I've heard the Glaser rounds cause pretty serious wounds and leave a prosecution angles to exploit.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I tried searching before posting this but couldn't seem to find the info I was hoping for.
I guess that my question is: What are the preferred calibers, weapon type, and ammunition type in regards to leaving the prosecution, should you be prosecuted or sued, the least amount of opportunities to portray you as a trigger happy, gun toter just looking for an excuse to shoot someone?
An example of some things I've heard are that you should choose non magnum calibers becasue the magnum can be exploited in court. Also that hollow point or other destructive type rounds that can cause large wounds and trauma (which would seem preferable for stopping an attacker) should possibly be avioded as well. I've heard the Glaser rounds cause pretty serious wounds and leave a prosecution angles to exploit.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I tried searching before posting this but couldn't seem to find the info I was hoping for.