Best argument against guns ever.....


New member
Ok I'm being VERY sarcastic but it scary how some people think........

Guns came up at work today in the break room and one woman was present that I know is very anti gun. After I mentioned that other then just being a fun hobby it's nice to know I'll be able to protect myself until the police can get there. She jumped in with "I have a baseball bat and that's all I need. I think guns are a coward’s way to fight. It's just not fair to fight with a gun." I paused for a second cause I really thought she was joking. Then said she believed in karma and if someone broke in and ended up killing her karma would eventually get them.

I laughed and said call me a coward and that any BG that decided to do me and or my family harm would receive some instant bad karma. In the form of a .45 hollow point or some 00 buck.

I did try to end the conversation on a good note. I said at least we live in a country that allows each of us to decide how we want to protect ourselves. To which she replied "I still think only cops should have guns."

Tell her about that poor guy that got shot by the inept cops in his own home holding said BG at bay while still on the phone with 911.
So with my family dead, I'm supposed to be happy to know that karma will get the meth-head scumbag who killed them. Oh, great. This woman votes, I'll bet. (And I know for whom.)

If you start a fistfight and then pull a gun, that's cowardly. If you shoot someone who's about to stab your child, that's simply the right thing to do.

Left-wing nutcase Susan Sonntag said that our pilots are cowards because they fly higher than the enemies' missiles and guns can reach. The terrorists who took down the Word Trade Center, according to Sonntag, are not cowards, however.
so with my family dead, i'm supposed to be happy to know that karma will get the meth-head scumbag who killed them. Oh, great. This woman votes, i'll bet. (and i know for whom.)

if you start a fistfight and then pull a gun, that's cowardly. If you shoot someone who's about to stab your child, that's simply the right thing to do.

Left-wing nutcase susan sonntag said that our pilots are cowards because they fly higher than the enemies' missiles and guns can reach. The terrorists who took down the word trade center, according to sonntag, are not cowards, however.

So, bringing a gun to a fight makes it unfair? I thought that was the point. There's nothing good about a "fair fight".

If a scumbag breaks into my house, he's going to meet Mr. 357 Sig and Mr. 870 Remington. Not my bat.

I've got your karma right here, BG. Bang Bang. You're dead.:biggrin:
Too many people out there think like she does. Its really sad. Getting into the shit in the street is never a fair fight. Its all about survival. I have been told on more than one occasion that I "Fight Dirty." One time some asshole said this to me after getting jumped on by three guys (no he didnt help me either). My answer was "No, I fight effectively. I get to go home. If you want to see a fair fight get Pay Per View." Then he says "how could you grab another man's stuff like that?" "Easy. Its him or me, and in a street fight, ill bite them off if I have to."

Now lets talk about some a$$hat breaking into my house threatening the safety of my children... ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME!?!?! KARMA!?!? REALLY!?!? I have to wait for the cosmic wheel of fate to get even for the murder of someone I love more than life itself? Never. No. Ain't Gonna Happen. They will meet the business end of my .40, and that's that.
She didn't happen to be mayor of Wellford SC did she?

I completely respect her right to die the death of her own choosing, as karma runs over her dogma. She's obviously never seen a human skull opened and spilled with a ball bat. I'd love to see how "brave" she is with her ball bat when her assailant has the gun.
Ok I'm being VERY sarcastic but it scary how some people think........

Guns came up at work today in the break room and one woman was present that I know is very anti gun. After I mentioned that other then just being a fun hobby it's nice to know I'll be able to protect myself until the police can get there. She jumped in with "I have a baseball bat and that's all I need. I think guns are a coward’s way to fight. It's just not fair to fight with a gun." I paused for a second cause I really thought she was joking. Then said she believed in karma and if someone broke in and ended up killing her karma would eventually get them.

I laughed and said call me a coward and that any BG that decided to do me and or my family harm would receive some instant bad karma. In the form of a .45 hollow point or some 00 buck.

I did try to end the conversation on a good note. I said at least we live in a country that allows each of us to decide how we want to protect ourselves. To which she replied "I still think only cops should have guns."

When the bad guy is waiting at her door and kicks it in late one night when she comes to answer the bell, perhaps he decides to come in through a window or maybe he jumps her on the way to her car in a dark parking lot with intent to rape or kill her, and she is feeling her hold on life slip away as his hands close around her neck. No sirens fill the air with sound. Just the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. If she were to reach into her purse or the waistband of her pants and feel the grip of a Smith & Wesson Model 60LS she would not use it? Well you can’t make ‘em all want to stay alive... Wow...Fair fights... Those happen in the ring... Not in life... Any advantage I can use that will mean I live another day, I'll use it. Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 8...
What is this fair fight garbage. In a lethal confrontation the object is not to fight fair it is to win period. As Massad Ayob has said "the object is not to take them with you but to send them on ahead". She must live in a fairy tell world.
What a great video. A certain president should watch it 10 times every day.

Remember in grade school when you fought other kids, even your friends? You weren't supposed to bite, gouge, kick, pull hair, etc. You were supposed to "fight fair," and fighting dirty was opening yourself up to mockery for a long time.

But to apply those standards to the street, against people willing to cut your throat from behind for a quarter, who have no concept whatsoever of fairness or honor, is ludicrous.

"Too many people think like she does." True. A minister in Princeton, New Jersey, organized an anti-gun rally, and preached that everyone should turn in his guns to police. When someone asked him why a homeowner shouldn't have the right to protect his family from a midnight home invasion, the minister acknowledged that while such crimes might still occur and that innocent people might be killed, it was the price to pay for progressing toward a nonviolent society.

In Trenton a few months ago, a man who claims to be a minister and calls himself "Divine Allah" sponsored a block party in an effort to promote his anti-gun agenda. He invited everyone in the neighborhood, as well as members of a local gang. During the festivities, members of a rival gang drove by and sprayed the assembly with gunfire, killing a 13-year-old girl (but missing all their rivals).

If only Divine Allah had purchased some of those "Gun Free Zone" signs.
No matter how cogent and thoughtful your argument, you're not going to change some people's minds. Maybe one day a sheepdog will come to her aid with a weapon (perhaps while she's choking and listening to her heart pounding in her ears), and she'll see the error of her ways.
No matter how cogent and thoughtful your argument, you're not going to change some people's minds.

That is exactly right, JJ; because they're not using logic, but living life out of pure emotions (which is technically not an argument, but a pissing contest).
A coward is a 300LB man who attacks and rapes a 95LB women and cries NOT FAIR when she pulls her .38 and blows him away. IMAO.
No such thing as a "fair" fight!

So, bringing a gun to a fight makes it unfair? I thought that was the point. There's nothing good about a "fair fight".

I have always told my children that there is NO such thing as a fair fight. You do what you have to do to WIN!!
My standard response, and one they cannot answer, is "Do you believe you would feel morally superior by allowing someone to either kill and/or rape you, your wife or your child than if you defended yourself or your family with a firearm?"
No matter how cogent and thoughtful your argument, you're not going to change some people's minds. Maybe one day a sheepdog will come to her aid with a weapon (perhaps while she's choking and listening to her heart pounding in her ears), and she'll see the error of her ways.

One could wish for that to happen JJ. I wish for no one to suffer at the hands of another person intent on taking life... If faced with that dilemma I will choose to take life in order to preserve mine, if that's what is needed. I'll answer to my God when death finds me and I'll ask him if that was a test. If so, did I pass?:sarcastic: