Best argument against guns ever.....

One could wish for that to happen JJ. I wish for no one to suffer at the hands of another person intent on taking life... If faced with that dilemma I will choose to take life in order to preserve mine, if that's what is needed. I'll answer to my God when death finds me and I'll ask him if that was a test. If so, did I pass?:sarcastic:

I'm not wishing for that to happen to anyone, 6shooter. I just think sometimes people don't think and end up saying some pretty stupid things (happens to me from time to time). So, this woman is willing to die and for her family to die rather than defend themselves and then believes karma will avenge her. Pretty ridiculous, IMO.

On our side, we have the "blow 'em away first and ask questions later" types. I find this attitude to be pretty silly, too, and consider most of them to be "keyboard Dirty Harrys" who have never shot anyone and so have no idea of what they're talking about.

My .02 cents
The Math is So Simple

lets see... shoot a worthless scumbag (doing the world a favor in the process but having to deal with the aftermath), or... fight fair, get killed, let him rape and kill my wife and daughters and their dog. Hmm.

There is no door # 3 to ask for ("Oh please mr BG, you didn't mean to turn out so anti-social, it's not your fault, come on in and have a cup of tea while we convert you to our way of thinking and show you how beautiful the rainbows and butterflys are"). A world without violence is like a world without... wolves or sheepdogs. Since there will always be wolves, because there just always have been wolves, there must be some sheepdogs too. I choose to be a sheepdog.

some people are convinced they can make a problem disappear by pretending it doesn't apply to them. That doesn't work with a mugger/rapist any more than it does the IRS. Very bad things sometimes do happen to good people.

But your co-worker's fatal flaw? she does believe in self defense. she has a baseball bat. So she actually does believe in defending herself. What a hypocrite. She's just disgusted at your choice of weapon ,when the truth is, it's only a matter of degrees.
So is she that good with that bat that she would be able to a bad dude down who has a gun. Wait in her world only the cops should have them.

I love when people say that they don't need a gun to protect them selves, then they get robbed and you bump into them and they start asking "hey would you recommend a pistol or shotgun for home defense?" I don't need the gun, I want the gun to protect myself.
I'm not wishing for that to happen to anyone, 6shooter. I just think sometimes people don't think and end up saying some pretty stupid things (happens to me from time to time). So, this woman is willing to die and for her family to die rather than defend themselves and then believes karma will avenge her. Pretty ridiculous, IMO.

On our side, we have the "blow 'em away first and ask questions later" types. I find this attitude to be pretty silly, too, and consider most of them to be "keyboard Dirty Harrys" who have never shot anyone and so have no idea of what they're talking about.

My .02 cents

I didn't mean it to sound like you would wish for that… Just in case you misunderstood my vernacular... “That ain’t a vernacular that’s a derby”… I mean no disrespect nor intend malice.
I guess the matter here is: Would she allow herself to die rather than take life in defense of her own?
Would she choose a bat or some other means rather than use a gun to possibly take life in defense of her own or that of a family member?
The original post made mention of a bat and that's all she needed. That could yield the same effect, Death. Takes a bit more effort and aggression to cause death with a bat, but it’s possible. Different tool same effect. If someone were to attempt to assault me or a member of my family I feel that I would become singularly focused enough to inflict injury that could cause death. My intention would not be to kill but to stop the assault. I’ve posted my thought process on this site before with regards to my intent if I had to use my weapon in defense of myself or others. If the assailant was to die as a result of the injury inflicted by me while in the process of defending myself or others, than that is the result of a poor decision on the part of the assailant to assault me. Makes sense, Cause and effect?? I see it that way.

Now with that typed…As you mentioned above, talking about killing and doing so are very different things. I recall a conversation with my friend Sean (LEO) who told me about an incident in which he had to draw his weapon, point it at an approaching suspect, who was running from other officers directly toward him in low light conditions and was described over the radio as having something in his hand possibly a weapon. He managed to get the guy to stop and get down into “felony arrest position”. He told me he had no time to think about “what if I have to shoot this guy?” He was ready to do so at that moment. He made that clear that he would be going home to wife and daughter. He told me that he would never wish that feeling of “Oh God please don’t make me have to shoot this guy” on anyone… He was serious…
So pray for the best, plan and prepare for the unthinkable…

Ok Time for Bed…Peace...
Anti gunners...send her this!

Ok I'm being VERY sarcastic but it scary how some people think........

Guns came up at work today in the break room and one woman was present that I know is very anti gun. After I mentioned that other then just being a fun hobby it's nice to know I'll be able to protect myself until the police can get there. She jumped in with "I have a baseball bat and that's all I need. I think guns are a coward’s way to fight. It's just not fair to fight with a gun." I paused for a second cause I really thought she was joking. Then said she believed in karma and if someone broke in and ended up killing her karma would eventually get them.

I laughed and said call me a coward and that any BG that decided to do me and or my family harm would receive some instant bad karma. In the form of a .45 hollow point or some 00 buck.

I did try to end the conversation on a good note. I said at least we live in a country that allows each of us to decide how we want to protect ourselves. To which she replied "I still think only cops should have guns."

Here are a couple of videos she needs to see. Real stuff goin down! One with protection and one without!

YouTube - 911 Caller With Gun in Home Invasion

YouTube - 911 Caller Without Gun in Home Invasion

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