I have included a web information below. This is NOT going to help you for your class, however I have found that these people will do their best to work with you. Bitterroot Valley Ammo might ship to you if your order is large enough. Thankfully, they are located approximately 5 miles from my house. There is also another place in Montana that ships nation-wide---"The Hunting Shack". I placed an order in February, 2009------and haven't gotten it yet. I found them a little arrogant and pompous when I called, but I have even seen their ammo as far south as Florida. You could do a google search on these clowns and see if you get better results. Perhaps they are finally caught up with their back-orders a little.My brother and I were talking Sunday and I mentioned I wanted to attend an advanced CC class on April 16th at the local gun club.
The class requires 200 rounds of ammo, and he asked where will you get the ammo there isn't any out there.
At work yesterday one of my co-workers said Dick's had some aultimax reloads that worked well in his Sig 45 and they came in 500 round containers.
After work I ran out to Dicks and found they had no 9mm, 40cal, nor 45cal, the salesman said they have had an order in for a couple weeks but nothing is available.
I left there and went to a new gun shop that opened two weeks ago, I had attended their grand opening and there shelves loaded with ammo.
The shelves were now bare and the owner said they had tried to order but there nothing available.
I told him I would have to start reloading, he said you can't even buy components.
What is going on?
I have included a web information below. This is NOT going to help you for your class, however I have found that these people will do their best to work with you. Bitterroot Valley Ammo might ship to you if your order is large enough. Thankfully, they are located approximately 5 miles from my house. There is also another place in Montana that ships nation-wide---"The Hunting Shack". I placed an order in February, 2009------and haven't gotten it yet. I found them a little arrogant and pompous when I called, but I have even seen their ammo as far south as Florida. You could do a google search on these clowns and see if you get better results. Perhaps they are finally caught up with their back-orders a little.
Retail, Wholesale & Law Enforcement Ammunition & Components - BVAC Ammo
A lot of my vendors are starting to get a lot of ammo back in stock.
or am I just catching them on good days.
Prices are still pretty high though and Walmart still has low inventory for this time of year.
Has anyone else been noticing the same thing?
The Obama effect...
It's still an issue here in MA. Have to get to WalMart same day as the delivery truck. Local guy has some but still pricey... Looking at the Dillon square deal B setup in 45 from the factory, then order the needed items for 38 spec.
Same issue with brass and primers, hard to find..
3 more years like this.. UGHHH...
I highly recommend the Dillon RL550B...
2010 is coming, fire-congress and we knee-cap Obama & Company...
I second that...A fresh start would be a good start.
I was looking at the 550B (and some of the others) today... I'm not experienced with reloading so I'm looking for a fast "get up and get running" system that I can learn with just for handgun cartridges for now. I like the Square Deal B as it's set up from the factory and ready to run for one cartridge (45 auto for me). Once I get the hang of it I'll be inclined to make adjustments and experiment. Then I'll buy the parts for 38 spec.
The RL550 requires the dies to be purchased along with the unit so that's an added cost. I'm also trying to keep to a budget. I appreciate the input and I'll let you know what I choose. Any good or recommended reading / resources for a novice?
I've been a long time reloader (I use Lee Progressive because of the price and rifle rounds), but the problem is the price and access to powder and primers. Only primers I've seen in the last year is Wolf, but then could not get the powders I use. Got primers (Wolf) for my rifle loads but no powder, got powder for my pistol loads but no primers. The prices for reloading target ammo (brass, powder, primers and bullets) is now getting as expensive as buying factory cartridges (pistol/revolver).
I gauge ammo availability by what I see at Wally World. I am now starting to see a lot more 9mm, 40 cal, 45, 25, 44 and even 357sig. NO 38 special or 22 Bulk to speak of. Haven't seen 380 for months.