500th Homocide bring outs Jesse Jackson


I'm a square
As usual Jesse "The self appointed nobody" Jackson offers nothing of value. The last paragraph says it all. Article found here: Chicagoist: 500th Homicide Brings Out Jesse Jackson

"500th Homicide Brings Out Jesse Jackson
As Chicago moved past the milestone of over 500 homicides this year, Jesse Jackson, Sr. used the opportunity to further promote his campaign for tougher gun laws.

After a morning forum yesterday at RainbowPUSH headquarters, Jackson held a press conference featuring the mother of Kermit DeLashment -- who became the city's 500th homicide victim last Monday -- where she pleaded for her son's killer to turn themselves in. A national program director for The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Jennifer Bishop, was also on hand criticizing Illinois gun laws and said that the "laws currently in place have huge loopholes." Bishop outlined the center's "5 point action plan" to stop easy access to guns:

Require universal background checks on every gun transfer

Regulate the trafficking of illegal guns

Restrict military-style assault weapons in civilian hands

Prohibit all violent criminals from possessing firearms

Apply consumer product safety standards and childproof safety features to all firearms

Sounds good, but we're not sure how much of the above would cut down on things like gang violence -- which is clearly the cause for this year's homicide uptick. We also thought Illinois actually had some pretty restrictive gun laws in place, especially in Chicago and Cook County -- for instance, Illinois is one of the last states that doesn't have any sort of provisions to allow a citizen to legally conceal and carry a weapon. So sorry, Rev. Jackson, we just can't get past the nagging feeling that the focus is in the wrong place."--end story
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Require universal background checks on every gun transfer

Already law in Kalifornia with no effect.

Regulate the trafficking of illegal guns

Already illegal with no effect.

Restrict military-style assault weapons in civilian hands

Tried for 10 years throughout the country and still the law in Kalifornia with no effect.

Prohibit all violent criminals from possessing firearms

Already the law with no effect.

Apply consumer product safety standards and childproof safety features to all firearms

A dishonest disaster, calling for the outlawing of guns which would only affect law abiding citizens leaving criminals and government agents armed.
I wonder if there is actually anybody that thinks he has anything relevant to say about anything.
Thank GOD for Obama, I guess.....

One good thing that should come out of this election of our new gun grabbing prez-to-be is that these self appointed "spokesman" (shysters) for the "African-American Community" (should be black AMERICANS if there is some need to single those citizens out because of their skin color, but I digress)..... these con men can shut the hell up and stop embarrassing the black citizens in this country. Most of my friends "of color" cringe every time Rhyme Master Jackson (we all remember "heimie town", right?) or Al "The Hair" Sharpton open their cake holes to spout ignorance and claim that they are speaking for black people in our country.
:mamba: (I NEVER anticipated using that particular smiley, but it seems to fit Sharpton somehow)

However wrong some of his ideas may be, at least he is proof that a black man in this country can make it without pandering to the lowest common denominator. His personal friends, however......

Now that the ice is broken, I say Rice/Palin in 2012! :pleasantry:
I was hoping more for a Huckabee/Palin ticket.....

Nothing against Condi, just not sure she can overcome the tie-in with Dubya.
Yo! Jesse, my man! Maybe if you managed to ENFORCE the laws already on the books...MAYBE, just maybe gun crime would be reduced. Everything you suggested has already been done - why do you think there is still a problem?

Too bad Jackson wasn't the 500th homicide.

It would only have been a slightly less confusing moment if 9/11 would have instead targeted the UN.
He's got a point. I've thought about this overnight and think he's on to something. He wants to regulate "illegal gun trafficing". What we can do is establish a "gang banger's license". They simply go to a designated office and register as a "gang banger". They can then use this registration card to purchase their "illgal" guns. The police will then have their address and other personal information to track them down. Great thinking Mr. Jackson!

All kidding aside, rather than create new laws, what needs to be done is to establish stricter penalties for folks who violate the existing laws. They should eliminate a lot of the current laws on the books as some of them contradict others. This will make it a lot easier for LE to decide what the BG are being charged with. Here in PRHI, many BG get off because they're charged with the wrong offense. Simplify the laws so that the LE will have an easier time doing their job. While they're at it, they should fix the laws so law abiding citizens are able to have their firearms properly stowed for transport (holstered, cased, etc.). This will greatly eliminate the backlog on the judicial system and make it easier to get a "speedy trial" for the real BG.

..... He wants to regulate "illegal gun trafficing". What we can do is establish a "gang banger's license".

GF, that's good. I, too, got a grin out of "Regulate Illegal Gun Trafficking". What a concept. I am sure Mr. Jackson has been getting pressured by his congregation and supporters to do something. Even if it is to say something as ..... As.... well this. Usually, When Mr. J starts to speak, I change the channel. I do not want to hear his trash. True, 500 lives is a sad thing. But What are the numbers? 500 Gangbanger/BGs? 500 Hard working Family Folk? I have to dig a little back in the history books, but Chicago in 1926, 1927, or sometime in there, had 880 homicides in one year. Chicago, crime and corruption go together like peanut butter and jelly. All of the tools are there for us to use, but what about a willingness by us to use those tools regardless of the costs to society? There is no fear of prison any more in these BGs. Just a reassurance of 3 square/day. We must make jail time fearful and not just a short holiday and out in a year or so on good behavior. This must be especially true for the younger GB/BGs.
One little question....

I would like to ask the mother (where is dad again?) if her son was killed by a legally purchased handgun, used by a person transporting it legally within the city limits?
When are "They" ever gonna get it???? The bad guys are the bad guys for a reason...THEY DON'T OBEY THE LAWS! They are probably getting a real laugh out of all this. These stupid politicians working for us...duuuuuuuuuuuuuh
The State should have no obligation to feed prisioners!

The state's only obligation should be to lock up criminals and assure they stay locked up for their entire sentence! If they want to eat and have clothing the prisioners should have to provide that for themselves. If they can't, so be it!!! That should provide, at the very least, a small incentive to stay out of prision!
maybe he can walk down the street with a shopping cart with a sign GIVE UP YOUR GUNS IN DOWNTOWN CHICAGO AT NIGHT,,bet
Jackson and his ilk are morons. They already have some of the toughest gun laws in the country in Chicago and the laws haven't put a dent in the homicide rate. Flash for you, the criminals don't obey the laws Jesse, that's why we call them criminals.
Let's not forget that Illinois is one of the few states whose gun laws were given a grade of A by the Bradys. Also, most densely populated urban centers are going to have a lot of homicides every year regardless of what the gun laws are. For example, look at Philadelphia, located in gun-friendly Pennsylvania and look at Chicago, located in gun-unfriendly Illinois. Both have murder rates above the national average, and it has nothing to do with their gun laws. It has more to do with the prevalence of poverty and drugs than guns. But I wouldn't expect the antis to understand that. In their minds, it's the guns' fault.
look at Philadelphia, located in gun-friendly Pennsylvania

While I partially agree with you, Philadelphia as I remember is not gun-friendly and has a lot of restrictions (probably illegally).
Yo! Jesse, my man! Maybe if you managed to ENFORCE the laws already on the books...MAYBE, just maybe gun crime would be reduced. Everything you suggested has already been done - why do you think there is still a problem?


I agree, wholeheartedly!
Uhhh - don't gang bangers regard prison time as a demonstration of street cred and the opportunity for advanced instruction for criminal activities?

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