NRA Members???

Godwin's Law
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

...followed by some idiot commenting on Amy Winehouse's lips...

Can one of you smart guys tell me what "name" starts with "v?"

vapid, vacuous,

He used vapid in post 101 as well. Lol givin that Thesaurus a workout, eh?

Post 104. He also called me a "tool." Right before he got mad at me for naming him "bubbles." Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.

Called 1911 headbanger an "idiot" for disagreeing with him.
Then he put a few words in my mouth and called me a "lying troll."

He has yet ato respond to gejoslin and I, besides calling us names or saying we are wrong. We have made the assertion that he misinterprets history to serve him and support his misinformed claims.

Apparently the ability to google things does not come with an ability to understand what is read.
Actually, my sarcasm is lost on ME.
In case you guys haven't noticed, I either channel Sterling Archer, or he channels me, I don't know which. I pop up out of nowhere, say something stupid to inject humor into the situation, and go away.
There is NO WAY I am getting in the middle of any dogfight, cat fight or whatever this is. I'm here to exchange ideas and have a good time doing it.

I can't imagine anybody getting pissed at me .........I LOVE me......
I've decided to just stay out of it now. I for one, agree with just about everyone on here, even those who ridicule me, because I am a Real Hard@$$ about my gun rights. I was raised that way. My Dad was an NRA Board Member years ago and was an Instructor, as I am. I've been a Second Amendment and Constitution Defender since I can remember. But the only thing happening on this thread is I hate this, I hate that, back and forth, while creating division.

In case some of you haven't been watching lately, we are at a very serious crossroad right now in our gun freedoms. Some are more concerned with My side, Your side and the differences are so petty and juvenile, that it will destroy us from within. There are some you can talk with but others you cannot. The enemy should not be each other, but those who want us all defeated and disarmed. Some people show up here just to get it started. This is the reason they show up here and blah, blah, blah.

This whole argument reminds me of the time my kids school was trying to do something ridiculous and the PTA got up in arms and defied the school administration. We were in the process of stopping the event from occurring, but we had a few "Parents" show up and started encouraging everyone to stop what we were doing and began to cut down the PTA for something that happened 15 years ago with one of their other kids. The organization got so fractured and powerless that it failed to stop the event. It seemed that every year, the PTA would have these problematic people come in and tear the membership apart. Funny thing was, none of these people were even members of the organization like everyone else. They just showed up to tell us how they wanted everything to run, but never contributed to dues or the work being done. It reminds me of this whole thread right here.

If everyone would get in the NRA, we would weild much more power and the organization would move in the direction of where those people wanted it to go. But instead, the NRA fights in the best way they know how and usually wins. The members contribute dues and make their voices heard. Yet we still have all of these people showing up and complaining about me being a member and how they think it should be. You can all gripe as much as you want. But when it comes down to it; you are not a contributor or worker in the NRA organization. You are merely a sideliner who gets on a forum behind a keyboard and tries to damage the work being done by others. The only way to change anything, including the NRA, is to get involved and be a part of it. If we are fractured in our goals and organization, I'll see you at the gallows when we all hang separately or we fight to the death individually. I'm Done.
I've decided to just stay out of it now.

He says just before he jumps right back into it.

Some people show up here just to get it started. This is the reason they show up here and blah, blah, blah.

Actually, this thread was going fairly well before you showed up with your "HORSE SH!T!" entry. The OP asked why everyone wasn't a member. A couple of us gave our answers. You people went batsh!t crazy and here we are.

The rest is just the same ol' NRA telethon. You've successfully changed the topic to a recruiting thread, which is just so ridiculous because only a handful of people have deigned to go against the tide anyway, but recruit away. When Biden's magazine ban, or his wet-dream, a ban on semi-auto rifles is signed into law after Boehner and all the other quislings in Congress lick Obama's scrotum again, you can come tell us again how the NRA almost always wins. Win or lose though, I fight for my rights in ways that serves my interests best, and the NRA is not a part of that calculation. In a free country, one might think that position would be supported, even applauded by those who claim to be concerned with preservation of the Constitution and individual rights. Not in this thread with you and bubble-blower though. Link Removed

This conversation could very easily be one about religion. But that's another day

Look- For those who do not view the NRA as value added to the process; that's fine with me. I support your position to decide.
For me it's a black and white kind of thing, there is no gray area. I have the following personal hypothesis;

Would we be having this debate today if the NRA was proven moot at the National level years ago? Would our disarmament have already occurred? IMO, very likely.

You see, I'm not much of a gambler. Instead, much like an atheist in his death bed often accepts Christ in the 11th hour; I am not willing to accept the risk of a negative consequence relative to my possible poor decision making.

IMO, the NRA while not perfect, has done more for the defense of 2A rights than any other organization that I am aware of. Until another organization or someone personally comes out with something better, the NRA is the only game in town with the talent to suit up.

In the end my friends it’s about all of us coming together. No, it does not take a village. What it takes is for a leader to step up, inspire us and the uninspired to rise up in the face of tyranny. To reach into that place within a man which takes great evil to unveil. That is a very dark area folks for which the NRA light does not shine, but the light of freedom is within.

We can do this.

Would we be having this debate today if the NRA was proven moot at the National level years ago? Would our disarmament have already occurred? IMO, very likely.

But our disarmament has already started occurring, at least, and the NRA was part of it. Don't believe me? Check the link in my first or second post in the thread documenting the NRA's involvement in the NFA of '34. Then try to walk into your LGS and buy a Thompson Center sub-machine gun, precisely the type of weapon that was supposed to be protected for use by civilians against any force or government that might try to tyrannize us, foreign or domestic.

Do you think that Randy Weaver might disagree that we have yet to be disarmed, as he lost his child, wife and unborn baby over what? A sawed-off shotgun that a government agent had to convince him to modify for him. You can't even remove metal from an inanimate object that you own, and you really think we're not already disarmed?

And yes, I do know that it's possible to own such weapons, but try enjoying your 4th Amendment rights to their fullest extent if you own one. It can't be done if you do it "legally."

You see, I'm not much of a gambler. Instead, much like an atheist in his death bed often accepts Christ in the 11th hour; I am not willing to accept the risk of a negative consequence relative to my possible poor decision making.

IMO, the NRA while not perfect, has done more for the defense of 2A rights than any other organization that I am aware of. Until another organization or someone personally comes out with something better, the NRA is the only game in town with the talent to suit up.

I appreciate that you acquiesce that those of us who don't share your enthusiasm for the NRA have the right to make that choice, and that you didn't/don't find it necessary to foist recriminations upon us for it.

That said, your opinions above are lacking in any substance. You claim they've "done more" than anyone for our gun rights, but you don't say what they've done. So, what have they done? Did they get Heller to SCOTUS? McDonald? Or did they run interference on both those cases? If you don't know the answers, that's fine, but since the question has now been asked of you, and if you're going to make such declarative statements about how much they've done, wouldn't you think it wise to check into it and see if they've really done as much as you say?

I'd like some specifics. Move back from Heller and McDonald, and just tell us what they've done. Hopefully you can document it without having to depend on their own website, because at one time at least, I know without a doubt that they were completely dishonest about their role in certain court cases.

For the record, Alan Gura of the Second Amendment Foundation was the lead attorney in both Heller and McDonald. He's very respectful of the NRA in his public statements, which is laudable, but which, in my opinion, is more than they deserve. But I know where he's coming from. He wants unity in the 2nd Amendment struggle, and pretty much adopts Reagan's philosophy of, "You can get a lot done when you don't care who gets the credit." But then again, Reagan also signed gun control legislation that the NRA supported, so I'm not so sure of the wisdom in following his philosophy on that particular subject. That is Gura's decision to make for himself though, and considering that I believe that he has done more for the 2nd Amendment struggle than any other individual or organization, I won't criticize him for it.

Some here have suggested that the NRA's, shall we say, "mistakes," were decades ago, and therefore are not still deserving of being held against them. That is ignoring the truth though. Perhaps it's just being ignorant of the truth. If it's the latter, that's why I provided links that go all the way up to McDonald (2010) to document why I feel differently about them than just about everyone else here. I didn't state it in a divisive way either. In this post I asked another participant why we couldn't work together as patriotic Americans to defend our rights. Why must we only do it under the banner of the NRA, I asked. I got no answer from that poster, or anyone else for that matter. Instead, the couple or three of us who answered the OP's questions honestly got "HORSESH!T" thrown in our faces. No one has answered with any specificity whatsoever what the NRA has done for us, while we have answered the OP's questions with links that prove the validity of our positions. I mean seriously, they have been completely ignored. Well, no, I take that back. A few people have actually acknowledged that the documentation was making them rethink their position(s) on the NRA. Of those who said that, I don't think any of them have come back to say what they finally decided, and that's fine. The OP asked some questions, we answered honestly, it made some people think, and what the heck else could anyone ask for?

It's nice that you want to be nice about it. Still, is it too much to ask that you answer documented answers to the OP's questions with documented answers that tend to support what you're saying about how much the NRA has done for us? That's all I ask. It doesn't have to be argumentative.

That said, your opinions above are lacking in any substance. You claim they've "done more" than anyone for our gun rights, but you don't say what they've done. So, what have they done? Did they get Heller to SCOTUS? McDonald? Or did they run interference on both those cases? If you don't know the answers, that's fine, but since the question has now been asked of you, and if you're going to make such declarative statements about how much they've done, wouldn't you think it wise to check into it and see if they've really done as much as you say?

Blues- I did say they have done more, but not everything. If a specific party/organization can provide factual data that shows their accomplishments, not failures, exceed that of the NRA, I would absolutely retract my use of the word 'more'. But in the mean-time with limited data, my conclusions are the NRA is the best team in the league at this time.

That is Gura's decision to make for himself though, and considering that I believe that he has done more for the 2nd Amendment struggle than any other individual or organization, I won't criticize him for it.

Edit- Ok, I am also a member of SAF as well.

Blues- I did say they have done more, but not everything. If a specific party/organization can provide factual data that shows their accomplishments, not failures, exceed that of the NRA, I would absolutely retract my use of the word 'more'. But in the mean-time with limited data, my conclusions are the NRA is the best team in the league at this time.

Edit- Ok, I am also a member of SAF as well.


Don't waste too much time trying to reason with him. He's formed an opinion. And no matter how much of it is based on personal bias or hatred, he will fight to the end to defend it. Just respond with bluhbluhbluh and he will eventually quit.
I believe that sometimes, liberals, under the guise of 2a supporter, get into these forums and slowly change their posts from pro-gun to anti. How many liberals committed to destroying the constitution make long winded rants? Most of them. How many of us conservatives and libertarians do that? Not many.

Blues, when you say that the NRA is against our 2A rights, not only do you out yourself as an idiot, but you make others suspicious that you may be a liberal out there trying to turn then tide in their favor.

When even Joe Biden acknowledges the power of our organization by threatening to use an executive order because, the NRA, at the request of its members, not congress, the house, a mayor, this senator, that one...says NO loud and clear, and you sit here going "the NRA is bargaining our rights away'" it screams LIBERAL to me. Or moron.

Quiz: Who ever tried to bargain by saying "gimme all this and you get nothing?"

Take a guess?

Answer: Adolf Hitler. And look where that got him. Its proven that it can't work.

We have the upper hand and momentum considering that 10 years ago, you could only carry in a few places and today, all states but 3 issue permits to people other than the extremely wealthy. But Biden and Obamas illiterate following are gaining some traction. It's not much, but it's enough to have to bargain.

You may quote that this organization, or this one or this one sued for these rights....but who did they request legal aid from??? Who did a majority of the searching of laws, case laws, independent studies, etc???? THE NRA-ILA.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, which is HORSESH!T, but don't try and purvey it as fact. It just makes you look stupid, especially when you're as long winded as you are.

Edit: I was also a member of the SAF, but found that other than a few members preaching to the choir, there was no real effort to reach the public. As an NRA member, I myself have been face to face with the public on many occasions. Because of my age, most are willing to listen to me. (They find it impressive that a 28 year old cares enough to knock on their door and everybody else's without being paid.) When you say 'second amendment foundation' the average joe says, "whats that?" and that effectively ends the conversation. Nobody listens to a group with no recognition. I wrote an email and informed them that I will no longer be a member and let them know why.

Feel free to dissect this and respond with your usual BS. I won't respond.
Lol omg now blues is a liberal felon...How much more ridiculousness can come out of this thread?
When the NRA pushes to not just stop an awb, but to get rid of all restrictions in all states, since "shall not be infringed" means just that, I may join. But seeing as there is no movement in Washington from the NRA to allow me to own a fully automatic rifle, and other various weapons only le and military are allowed, they do not support me.

I think yeager is an idiot for other reasons, but his bottom line that got him in a lot of trouble holds value. I don't just want to, "not give them an inch," I want to take back the 150,000 miles they already took from us. The NRA seems content with how much they have compromised, there never should of been compromise, and it doesn't look like it's going to change, but merely just stay the same. If I invest into something, I expect there to be positive movement, not a stalemate.

Actually, it's just plain ol' stupidity, and no one really needs to look that up. I mean, I have a few people on my ignore list because they're irritating or just too leftist to waste time with, but this is literally the first one that I put on the list because he's just too stupid to allow my eyes and brain to continue being polluted by. 10 years ago you could only carry in a "few" places? That's odd, because I've had CWPs in three different states off and on for literally 35 years. The dude just says any ol' thing that pops into his pea-brain when he doesn't have a freakin' clue what he's talking about.

You guys that are 100% supportive of the NRA need to put a muzzle on this clown. So far he has claimed that the NRA "has a voice at the UN" (a total fabrication), he has refused to acknowledge that Nidal Hasan was engaged in jihad when he went on a terrorist rampage at Fort Hood, has claimed that he and a "few more [NRA] volunteers like me helped turn our state, which usually votes democrat in the presidential elections, into a battleground state," (see, I had no idea it was NRA volunteers who turned the tide in WI - I thought it was the tsunami of anti-unionism that saved Walker from recall that also went on to put WI in play - in other words, it didn't have a damn thing to do with the NRA or this fool's "few volunteers"), he brags about the presidents, governors and members of Congress who are members of the NRA without checking to see what those politicians' records on gun issues actually are, has fantasized that I'm a felon and a racist without a single scintilla of evidence to go on, has implied I'm a Nazi....twice now, has asserted that using the words "vapid" and/or "vacuous" to describe the content of one of his posts is the same as calling him "names," and jumps between me and anyone that I'm conversing with politely and calmly just to continue to stir the pot.

Muzzle your stupid dog. He isn't helping your recruitment effort, that's for sure.

Lol the usual. We call him out for putting words into peoples mouths, misrepresenting the facts and he starts name calling. Right out of the liberal playbook.
When my youngest son was in Iraq several years ago as a combat U.S. Marine I got him a Life Membership as a Christmas present and he said it was the best Christmas present he ever got. He and his squad loved to read the N.R.A. magazine that was deliverd to him each mo.
When my youngest son was in Iraq several years ago as a combat U.S. Marine I got him a Life Membership as a Christmas present and he said it was the best Christmas present he ever got. He and his squad loved to read the N.R.A. magazine that was deliverd to him each mo.

Ours were passed around so much that some of the older ones had no print where people put their thumbs. They are by far the best thing to read out there! The good thing was that people sent them in care packages so in the event one got swiped we always had another of the same issue somewhere!
"The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns. ... NRA support of Federal gun legislation did not stop with the earlier Dodd bills. It currently backs several Senate and House bills which, through amendment, would put new teeth into the National and Federal Firearms Acts." —American Rifleman, March 1968, P. 22

The "Dodd" referred to in the quote above is the late Senator Thomas J. Dodd, whom mimicked the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938, applied the underlying principles to the Gun Control Act of 1968, and took a leading role in getting his bills signed into law.

"The NRA supported The Federal Firearms Act of 1938, which regulates interstate and foreign commerce in firearms and pistol or revolver ammunition..." (P. 22)

"The NRA supported the original 'Dodd Bill' to amend the Federal Firearms Act in regard to handguns when it was introduced as S.1975 in August, 1963. Among its provisions was the requirement that a purchaser submit a notarized statement to the shipper that he was over 18 and not legally disqualified from possessing a handgun." (P. 22)

"In January, 1965, with the continued support of the NRA, Senator Dodd introduced an amended version of his first bill, now designated 5.14 and expanded to cover rifles and shotguns as well as handguns." (P. 22)

Don't believe me? Buy the issue yourself. Link Removed

They also were in support of universal background checks (eliminating the private sale of firearms) after the Columbine shootings, and have continued to be in support of them. Although LaPierre apparently changed his stance a little less than a week ago while standing in front of Congress.

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