Why Do You Carry Concealed?

When I buy a gun, I go to the shop... pick one out, fill out the 4473, wait five, buy some rounds, load my mags and then stuff it into my waist band and go about my business..

Should that make me "happier"?

OH, did you have some idea that the post was

in any way referring to YOU? Sorry.

Here, I thought the topic was a general

question to fora members.
I carry to protect myself and my family. If a bad guy puts us in a situation where someone is going to be hurt or killed, it needs to be him, not us. Chances are extremely high that I'll never need to use my guns. I hope I never have to use my fire extinguisher either, but it's ready and in place in case I do.

Deco, I read an interesting book. It is called "Triumph" by SL Benelli. It sounds like you wrote it. If not you should check it out. Your reason is almost word for word.
Here's an article/question I posted.

So let's here, why do you carry concealed?
So I'm not bothered about it.

I don't buy into "the element of surprise" or any of that. I just want to make a grocery trip without a manager telling me to leave because some blue-haired liberal with 10 piercings in her face got 'offended'. I also don't care to be bothered by gun-buster signs and whatnot. I just want to go about my day.
Some years ago a group of young men armed with baseball bats showed up to express their displeasure that I, a gay man , had moved into their neighborhood. They told me, "We're going to beat the **** out of you!". At that point I reached behind the door, retrieved the shotgun that I always kept there, and told them "No. You are not." They all decided at that moment that they had something else to do and they all drifted away, and I never had a bit of trouble from them again.

The point is, As I go through my life I am not always going to have a shotgun within easy reach, like I did that day. Now that I live in Washington - a shall issue state - there is no reason that I cannot always be as prepared as I was that day. And I am. I carry a Glock 17 from the time I dress in the morning until the time I go to bed. I pray to God that I never need it, but if the time ever comes when I do, I will have it.

This incident below happened last summer less than a mile away from where I and family members were enjoying a barbecue in what is normally a VERY non-violent area. You never know when or where....

As far as carrying concealed, I am an old fart now. I don't want to get into a wrestling match with some young whippersnapper who thinks (probably rightly so) that he is in good enough shape to take my gun away from me.

Some years ago a group of young men armed with baseball bats showed up to express their displeasure that I, a gay man , had moved into their neighborhood. They told me, "We're going to beat the **** out of you!". At that point I reached behind the door, retrieved the shotgun that I always kept there, and told them "No. You are not." They all decided at that moment that they had something else to do and they all drifted away, and I never had a bit of trouble from them again.

The point is, As I go through my life I am not always going to have a shotgun within easy reach, like I did that day. Now that I live in Washington - a shall issue state - there is no reason that I cannot always be as prepared as I was that day. And I am. I carry a Glock 17 from the time I dress in the morning until the time I go to bed. I pray to God that I never need it, but if the time ever comes when I do, I will have it.

This incident below happened last summer less than a mile away from where I and family members were enjoying a barbecue in what is normally a VERY non-violent area. You never know when or where....

As far as carrying concealed, I am an old fart now. I don't want to get into a wrestling match with some young whippersnapper who thinks (probably rightly so) that he is in good enough shape to take my gun away from me.


It's unfortunate that gun rights are cast as a rightist issue because gun rights are a non-partisan issue applying to all.
Everyday were seeing more and more violent attacks on innocent people by attackers who don’t give a damn whether they hurt someone or not. If your state allows you to have a CCW, get it ASAP, because you never know if you’ll be the next victim of a deranged predator no matter where you are.
I don’t consider having an open carry weapon as my first choice of self-defense, because of the various know reasons that it puts you at a disadvantage that an attacker can know that you are armed, I want the element of surprise on my side of the equation against threats to myself and my family.
I’ve had a CCW permit for 14 years and I encourage everyone who can obtain one to get it, because you never know when you might need it, it’s better to have a gun and not need it, then need it and not have it.
Paulinsf : Sorry to hear of the ignorance that you had to endure in the encounter with those people I am straight I guess is the political term but know of several people and also some family members kids that are gay or whatever their labeled , I carry for the simple reason it is a scary world with the terrorist attacks and the drug addicts and gang members looking for a fast buck or just lazy people needing money the easy way , I feel bad that the police are under manpowered and sadly they only arrive after it is normally too late so it is up to me to protect my loved ones and myself .
Paulinsf : Sorry to hear of the ignorance that you had to endure in the encounter with those people I am straight I guess is the political term but know of several people and also some family members kids that are gay or whatever their labeled , I carry for the simple reason it is a scary world with the terrorist attacks and the drug addicts and gang members looking for a fast buck or just lazy people needing money the easy way , I feel bad that the police are under manpowered and sadly they only arrive after it is normally too late so it is up to me to protect my loved ones and myself .

Thanks. When push comes to shove we each have the final responsibility to protect ourselves and our families. We can't count on the state to do that for us.
To protect my wife, kids and self. You never know. Hope I don’t ever need it but I am well practiced if I ever do.
Why do I carry?

The main reason I do is to give us a fighting chance in the event a deadly weapon is needed for defense. I don't carry to primarily protect my friends and family as I'm not around them 24/7.

I carry to give you, me and everyone around me the opportunity to survive an encounter.

I carry because it is my right.
I carry to give us a chance to get home to family.
Because I'm old to take a ass whipping!and too young to die,,,,To protect self and the one's i love...

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