Whats your Favorite Knife

I generally prefer buck knives and surgical blades. They are the best in my opinion as you can use them for different kinds of things. They are with very good sharpness and apart from that they are handy.
I've gotten hooked on my Spyderco Tenacious. My Kershaw has not been unpacked since my move, but I'm not missing it!

Everyday around the house is my gerbergator (somewhere with some tools in the garage right now) or my smaller all stainless gerber, buck knife stays with the hunting gear, but work (use to carry it every day now I dont since I took a new job with a school district) I have my cheap 1$ walmart knife. Its a work knife if I nick the blade, bend it (has happen many times at my old job), break it (handle or blade) or just lose it, meh it was a dollar go get another. I have damaged and lost/had stolen many expensive knives and have givin up carrying one with me.
Original Leatherman I never leave home without it! I still carry the first one I ever owned and it is so loose it could be kused as abutterfly knife. I own anolther but have not used it yet I'm waiting for the first one to break or get lost, which may happen soon as the case is worn completly out
My favorite knife depends on what I am doing at the moment. Elk hunting? Buck blade changer, light and versatile and sadly no longer made. EDC? Currently I have a Kershaw Blur 1670 made of S30V steel. I also like my Gerber F.A.S.T. and a couple of smaller Kershaws. A guy has GOT to accessorize.
I carry a Kershaw Blur for EDC...great knife and made in good ole U.S.A. Any of the kershaw Ken Onion knives are very nice.I'm a knife junkie.I always carry a knife.
A Bark River Custom Hunter that I recently won via Knifeforums.com. An awesome well made fixed blade hunting knife. It has great balance, style and the G10 handle fits well in the hand. Overall length is 9.5" and the 4.875" blade is a thick A2 steel and made to take some abuse. Check out knifeforums.com and Bark River custom knives @ Link Removed
I go more for usefulness in design over type of steel.... my current favorite is a tiny cheap meyerco Dirk Pinkerton design from china. I had a custom leather belt sheath made for it that cost more than the knife!

Link RemovedThis picture shows the crappy plastic sheath it comes with.
Steak knife.... never know when a medium rare ribeye might need dealt with.

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