What do you do with your gun while in a public restroom?

There was an incidence at a local Wal-Mart when a loaded revolver was found in the men's restroom.
It was found on top of the toilet paper dispenser by a customer, and was called to the attention of the store manager.
After 30 minutes or so, the armored car employee who picked up and delivered $$ came back to the store and inquired about his missing revolver. Needless to say, he was terminated by the armored car company when they were informed.

I'd hate to think of what could have happened if a kid had gone to that stall and found the loaded revolver.

Carrying is a big responsibility......THINK every second!!!
Public Restrooms

Reference the photo of the guys with their pants down, they are probably European, as European-style underwear does not have a fly. When I was a deputy and just absolutely had to use a public facility, I would unsnap my keepers and hang my duty belt on the coat hook on the door, this put my weapon in arm's reach. After I left and had a CCWP, I would hang my compact .45 on the coat hook by the trigger guard. Not as handy, but doable. My holster is a bandaid slide holster that is just about two inches top to bottm, and if the tension of being against my body is not there, it could possibly fall out, so I make sure it is not put in that position.
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One of the benefits of the SmartCarry holster is that there are two really great solutions to dealing with your carry weapon without having to remove it. Some just pull it up to their chest. I prefer the method of moving it down to my knees and cover it with my pants. I don't like my pants on the floor anyway. Also, drawing is easy with it hanging between my knees while I feel quite vulnerable sitting on the toilet.
One of the benefits of the SmartCarry holster is that there are two really great solutions to dealing with your carry weapon without having to remove it. Some just pull it up to their chest. I prefer the method of moving it down to my knees and cover it with my pants. I don't like my pants on the floor anyway. Also, drawing is easy with it hanging between my knees while I feel quite vulnerable sitting on the toilet.

was also going to give the smart carry praise for this situation.. seeing as how it is not attached to your pants in any way when your pants go down your gun doesn't have to. also trying to avoid public bathrooms as much as I can.. if it has to be done then my gun is still in it's holster at lower chest level. never have to worry about it coming out that way and it's right there if you need it.
I would never hang my gun up or lay it anywhere in a stall. I just saw where PM Blair's BG got fired for leaving her's in a restroom. Pants to the knees does it for me.
For me to go it has to been a real emergency and in that case I use the handicap stall and place the gun either on top of the toilet tank or the skin in it's holster.
The ladies don't always wear pants; what if we are wearing a dress or a skirt, or gentlemen can wear a kilt? I guess it can stay strapped on the thigh. Ladies, if you carry a purse, just don't hang the strap on the top hook. It's too easily lifted over the door from the outside! What ever y'all decide to do behind the door, don't drop your pistol and make noise and call attention to yourselves. Concealed means REALLY CONCEALED, even to your friends!
Reference the photo of the guys with their pants down, they are probably European, as European-style underwear does not have a fly. When I was a deputy and just absolutely had to use a public facility, I would unsnap my keepers and hang my duty belt on the coat hook on the door, this put my weapon in arm's reach. After I left and had a CCWP, I would hang my compact .45 on the coat hook by the trigger guard. Not as handy, but doable. My holster is a bandaid slide holster that is just about two inches top to bottm, and if the tension of being against my body is not there, it could possibly fall out, so I make sure it is not put in that position.

Am I the only one who thinks that doing this with a loaded firearm is extremely dangerous?
What do you do....

I don't understand what is dangerous about it. The weight distribution of the weapon makes it hang very much butt down. It would take one heck of an impact on the door to shake the weapon off the hook, and I can get my hands on my weapon in just about a second, should I need to. I developed this method of hanging my weapon up after trying just about everything else I could think of and finding nothing as good.
I don't understand what is dangerous about it. The weight distribution of the weapon makes it hang very much butt down. It would take one heck of an impact on the door to shake the weapon off the hook, and I can get my hands on my weapon in just about a second, should I need to. I developed this method of hanging my weapon up after trying just about everything else I could think of and finding nothing as good.

There is no way the trigger could be accidentally depressed by the hook? I am only curious because when I first read this the first thing that went through my mind was accidental discharge. If you say there is no way of this happening then I will believe you. I am with tatted that this does sound dangerous.
There is no way the trigger could be accidentally depressed by the hook? I am only curious because when I first read this the first thing that went through my mind was accidental discharge. If you say there is no way of this happening then I will believe you. I am with tatted that this does sound dangerous.

I agree. That is a negligent discharge waiting to happen.
I can see ways that this technique would be possible without the possibility of a AD.

1. No round in the chamber
2. Round in chamber, hammer let down

2. poses the risk of AD by letting the hammer down on a 1911, it's possible with great success but risky

A chambered round with the hammer still in the cocked position and only relying on the grip safety and thumb safety is not a suffecient act of weapons safety. IMO
What do you do?

Obviously, you folks did not read my post very closely. When you hang a compact .45 pistol on a coat hook, the weight of the butt, with the ammo and magazine in it, the barrel points almost straight up at the ceiling. I also carry with the hammer down, and thumb-cock it if needed as I draw. I challenge anyone to hang a Star M-45 on a coat hook and in the condition I describe, and have an AD. If you can do it, I will buy you dinner and begin using whatever method you use. I Have been using this method for approximately 14 years, and have yet to have a mishap. In addition, there is no chance of forgetting my piece, because when I stand up, the weapon is at my eye level and I am looking right at it. I would have to be really in Condition white to look right at it and forget it is hanging there. Please, give me the credit for brains that I give you. As I said, I developed this after much thought and trying several different methods, most of which were already mentioned. They did not work for me, this does.
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Obviously, you folks did not read my post very closely. When you hang a compact .45 pistol on a coat hook, the weight of the butt, with the ammo and magazine in it, the barrel points almost straight up at the ceiling. I also carry with the hammer down, and thumb-cock it if needed as I draw. I challenge anyone to hang a Star M-45 on a coat hook and in the condition I describe, and have an AD. If you can do it, I will buy you dinner and begin using whatever method you use. I Have been using this method for approximately 14 years, and have yet to have a mishap. In addition, there is no chance of forgetting my piece, because when I stand up, the weapon is at my eye level and I am looking right at it. I would have to be really in Condition white to look right at it and forget it is hanging there. Please, give me the credit for brains that I give you. As I said, I developed this after much thought and trying several different methods, most of which were already mentioned. They did not work for me, this does.

As long as it is safe I am all for it. Its a good way to not forget your firearm if your looking right at it.
Gun Stay in Paddle Holster

Any Glock that I happen to be carrying that day will stay in my paddle holster and rest in the bar that is alway attached to a neay by wall
Obviously, you folks did not read my post very closely. When you hang a compact .45 pistol on a coat hook, the weight of the butt, with the ammo and magazine in it, the barrel points almost straight up at the ceiling. I also carry with the hammer down, and thumb-cock it if needed as I draw. I challenge anyone to hang a Star M-45 on a coat hook and in the condition I describe, and have an AD. If you can do it, I will buy you dinner and begin using whatever method you use. I Have been using this method for approximately 14 years, and have yet to have a mishap. In addition, there is no chance of forgetting my piece, because when I stand up, the weapon is at my eye level and I am looking right at it. I would have to be really in Condition white to look right at it and forget it is hanging there. Please, give me the credit for brains that I give you. As I said, I developed this after much thought and trying several different methods, most of which were already mentioned. They did not work for me, this does.

If this works for you, go right ahead. I just don't think it is safe, and this is certainly not something I would teach anyone to do.

What would happen if someone tries to open and pushes hard on the door, not knowing you're in there at first? Wouldn't the gun come flying off?

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