What do you do with your gun while in a public restroom?

What do you do?

The coat hook on restroom stall doors has actually two hooks, usually, a long upper one with a slight upward curve to it and a shorter extremely curved hook under it, but all made of one piece of metal. I hang my gun on the lower hook, of course. Since the weapon hangs butt down, there is no way the hook can bear on the trigger. Even if it did, I carry my Star with the hammer down, and thumb-cock it if needed as I draw. I have said this twice, and no one seems to understand it. The Star, like most .45 autos based on John Moses Browning's design is a single action, so pulling the trigger with the hammer down will do nothing at all. In addition, since the weapon hangs with the barrel almost straight up and down, the front part of the trigger guard rests on the hook, over an inch above the trigger. Even if I accidentally push up on it when I retrieve it, it will not fire. as it is, I repeat, a SINGLE ACTION AUTO. With it uncocked, it cannot fire, accidentally or otherwise. As I said, I tested many methods of what to do with it, and came to this after all the others proved to me to be unsatisfactory. I have had people try to enter the stall, and the weapon never even flopped on the door, and anyone trying to reach over the top (when did you ever see anyone do that?) will end up with a broken arm. Besides, I never saw anyone who could reach the weapon, even if they did suspect there was something hanging on the hook. Satisfied now? I have been handling firearms since I was 5 years old on the farm in Indiana. I am a former LEO, a member of my department's pistol team, a certified Range Master, Range Safety Officer and Basic Marksmanship Instructor, I reload my own ammo, and am an amateur gunssmith. I am now 62 years of age and have never had a mishap with a firearm. Believe me, if I supsected for a second that something was not safe, I would not do it, period.
I prefer a modified Isosceles stance. Start with feet shoulder width apart, body squared, knees slightly bent and pants just below knees. Draw and assume the "stacked" ready position (pistol against chest, barrel down). Bend knees until proper firing (:biggrin:) position is achieved. Engage target.:victory:
What to do

hwhite, all I can say is ROFLMAOTRDBCPIMP. I will have to remember that one. :D
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The coat hook on restroom stall doors has actually two hooks, usually, a long upper one with a slight upward curve to it and a shorter extremely curved hook under it, but all made of one piece of metal. I hang my gun on the lower hook, of course. Since the weapon hangs butt down, there is no way the hook can bear on the trigger. Even if it did, I carry my Star with the hammer down, and thumb-cock it if needed as I draw. I have said this twice, and no one seems to understand it. The Star, like most .45 autos based on John Moses Browning's design is a single action, so pulling the trigger with the hammer down will do nothing at all. In addition, since the weapon hangs with the barrel almost straight up and down, the front part of the trigger guard rests on the hook, over an inch above the trigger. Even if I accidentally push up on it when I retrieve it, it will not fire. as it is, I repeat, a SINGLE ACTION AUTO. With it uncocked, it cannot fire, accidentally or otherwise. As I said, I tested many methods of what to do with it, and came to this after all the others proved to me to be unsatisfactory. I have had people try to enter the stall, and the weapon never even flopped on the door, and anyone trying to reach over the top (when did you ever see anyone do that?) will end up with a broken arm. Besides, I never saw anyone who could reach the weapon, even if they did suspect there was something hanging on the hook. Satisfied now? I have been handling firearms since I was 5 years old on the farm in Indiana. I am a former LEO, a member of my department's pistol team, a certified Range Master, Range Safety Officer and Basic Marksmanship Instructor, I reload my own ammo, and am an amateur gunssmith. I am now 62 years of age and have never had a mishap with a firearm. Believe me, if I supsected for a second that something was not safe, I would not do it, period.

I don't care. I still don't think it's safe, that heavy gun hanging on the hook like that; how secure is the hook ? The fact is you don't know.
I'm going to back wuzfuz on this. I like the idea as long as the hook is sufficient enough to keep the firearm from being knocked off if the door should be shaken. It's accessible and like he said you have your eye on it at all times. You can't forget it. If you think that a loaded 45 is too heavy for the hook think again. I can pull myself up with a bathroom stall coat hook and I weigh a lot more than a 45. Heck My winter coat weighs more. If you think the hook is not secure enough then just pull on it.:laugh:
I'm going to back wuzfuz on this. I like the idea as long as the hook is sufficient enough to keep the firearm from being knocked off if the door should be shaken. It's accessible and like he said you have your eye on it at all times. You can't forget it. If you think that a loaded 45 is too heavy for the hook think again. I can pull myself up with a bathroom stall coat hook and I weigh a lot more than a 45. Heck My winter coat weighs more. If you think the hook is not secure enough then just pull on it.:laugh:

Not you too, Red Hat!
Tated I think we stand alone with this one.

If you guys think its safe and prefer to do it, by all means go ahead. I personaly wouldn't do that. I don't feel its safe in my mind. I was in the stall this morning looking at the hook and could never imagine myself hanging my firearm from it. Nothing wrong with you guys doing it, but for me, I dont think its safe and would never do it. Sorry.
Whew! I was beginning to think that everyone was starting to turn against me. The safest thing to do with your gun is to either keep it in your holster and in the seat of the pants while keeping them high enough to keep it concealed, or to put it on top of the toilet paper dispenser. As for people who worry they'll forget their guns if they put them there, if you are actually capable of forgetting your gun, you have no business carrying!
What do you do

I have to agree with tatted on this one point. If they can forget they brought a loaded weapon into the stall and walk out without it, they got no business carrying even a cap gun. I stated my qualifications, and even though tatted is a Hoosier, I still say I have not found a weak hook in a restroom stall yet, and I have been doing this for over 14 years. I have enough sense to check the strength of the hook, if there is one. If there isn't, it goes in the crotch area of my trousers at the knees, which concerns me a bit. I have had my piece slide down one leg of my trousers, and it is really fun to wrestle with a compact .45 in a stall.
I have a far simpler solution, plan your day better than that, Public restrooms are dirty, disease ridden, and if I cannot stand up and do what I need I will wait until I get home. So how many of you use a clean paper towel to open the door when leaving one?:secret:

Edit: Urinal tactics, I go the the one as far from the entrance a possible to be able to view the whole room and become a south paw. A couple of years back a guy while in a local store went to use the facilities, while there 3 kids robbed him, he pleaded with them "I've just had open heart surgery, take my money but please do not hurt me" where as they promptly punched him, knocked him down and kicked him in the chest multiple times, he survived barely.
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I have a far simpler solution, plan your day better than that, Public restrooms are dirty, disease ridden, and if I cannot stand up and do what I need I will wait until I get home. So how many of you use a clean paper towel to open the door when leaving one?:secret:

Edit: Urinal tactics, I go the the one as far from the entrance a possible to be able to view the whole room and become a south paw. A couple of years back a guy while in a local store went to use the facilities, while there 3 kids robbed him, he pleaded with them "I've just had open heart surgery, take my money but please do not hurt me" where as they promptly punched him, knocked him down and kicked him in the chest multiple times, he survived barely.

This is why I am a firm believer in using a stall, even for the standing up job. Urinals give too much advantage to the enemy.
If inside the privacy of your own car, doors locked, with very few to no folks gawking thru the windows, the discreet and lo-visibility use of a 1-quart clear plastic urinal (hospital type available at many supermarkets/pharmacy sections) stashed inside your car they can be a useful solution to a full bladder, an urgent need to void while carrying a CCW and how simple it is for males to discreetly relieve themselves in a public parking area for later disposal, taking the need for say long distance road-trips with frequent piss-stops at public latrines a must do function out of the equation. The only draw-back is public exposure (a crime) or other problems should a cop walk up and U R filling a urinal, which can be stashed fast long B 4 they walk over and ask for your DL & PoI. All zipped-up and tucked-away sitting there & smiling. Other ablution needs do mean a crap stop, but in a closed cubical with the door locked from the inside, I doubt anyone will be concerned what you drop, flush and stroll out as discreetly as U waltzed in. Long distance truckers basic kit, I've even seen a female version that works with an uncomfortable catheter set-up, but if you are hydrating, travelling and packing then one of those $1.50 deals securely holds enough for you to make gassing-up and chow/rest the only need to stop on say a 1,000+ mile trip from Denver to El Paso. Speaking from experience and those public pull-over 'no facilities' just parking rest-stops on most freeways every 50 miles or so are the perfect place to void without ever leaving your car/truck except to stretch your legs and maybe dump a full container down the nearest drain.
Clean 'em up later with a little soapy water and there is no law about carrying one under your driver's seat. The sealed top makes a tip over no big deal & no spill. Large 3" opening hard to miss! It's the folks who wander off into the bushes at those stops who attract the attention no one wants from anyone. Just a proven way to beat public restrooms while packing and reduce the risk of alarming fellow patrons of the rest-room or running into a BG lurking inside one which is an MO for some freeway holdups.


Not to be rude or poke fun, But who the hell has a plastic urinal hospital type stashed inside there car? people may have used a soda bottle at one time in there life. If they where on the interstate and the rest area was a few miles down the road. But most people i know do not have a Plastic bottle in there car at all times to take a piss in. I like most try vary hard not to use the public rest rooms for any more then number one.
Have been watching this thread

I have been watching the responses to this thread with much amusement. So here goes...
I usually carry IWB so when I pull my pants down I flip the waistband of my under drawers over the grip of the pistol and it holds it to my leg. No problem.
This is why I am a firm believer in using a stall, even for the standing up job. Urinals give too much advantage to the enemy.

I have always tried to be as aware of my surroundings as possible while carrying (and while not carrying, for that matter), but I must say that honestly, I never really thought about this scenario. As for doing my business in a stall, hanging a loaded gun on a hook by its trigger guard is not safe. I prefer keeping it on my person; sure on the hook it's right where you can see it, but it's not on your person, and therefore, not in your immediate control. But, to each his own, I suppose.
This is why I am a firm believer in using a stall, even for the standing up job. Urinals give too much advantage to the enemy.

I agree that there is some limited advantage to being not seen however.... you cannot see either, marginal stall locks and a kick to the door behind you while you are in a compromising stance could just ruin your day. I still prefer to be fully advised of what is going on in the room.
I agree that there is some limited advantage to being not seen however.... you cannot see either, marginal stall locks and a kick to the door behind you while you are in a compromising stance could just ruin your day. I still prefer to be fully advised of what is going on in the room.

Ah yes, but unless they have been actively following you, they would be kicking the door open on the unknown (to them) and most people who are robbed like that have been marked and possibly stalked, and if you are aware then you should notice the tail and set up a counter attack. :ph34r:
And for those of you who keep your gun on the hook, that gun will come flying off if the door is kicked in. Yet another reason why doing that is unsafe. That's why I keep my it on my person.
And for those of you who keep your gun on the hook, that gun will come flying off if the door is kicked in. Yet another reason why doing that is unsafe. That's why I keep my it on my person.

This is true.

However I pray it never happens to anyone, but there still is the chance it could.

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