What do you do with your gun while in a public restroom?


Thank God I'm alive!
Before anyone flags this post as inappropriate, it is a legitimate thread. Normally I try to avoid doing my business in public restrooms, but after having just done it there a few minutes ago and previously having never giving any thought to what I'd do with my firearm if I ever had to, I just figured this out on the fly. It also got me to wondering what everyone else does with their guns while handling their business.

In keeping with my number one priority of handling a loaded gun as little as possible, I took my gun while it was still in its IWB holster and put it (holster and all; the gun never came out of the holster), along with my cell phone, in the seat of my pants while they were on the floor.

Does anyone else encounter this problem? What do you do with your gun while using a publlic restroom?
Before anyone flags this post as inappropriate, it is a legitimate thread. Normally I try to avoid doing my business in public restrooms, but after having just done it there a few minutes ago and previously having never giving any thought to what I'd do with my firearm if I ever had to, I just figured this out on the fly. It also got me to wondering what everyone else does with their guns while handling their business.

In keeping with my number one priority of handling a loaded gun as little as possible, I took my gun while it was still in its IWB holster and put it (holster and all; the gun never came out of the holster), along with my cell phone, in the seat of my pants while they were on the floor.

Does anyone else encounter this problem? What do you do with your gun while using a publlic restroom?

After I make sure the door to the stall is securely locked I unload my pistol and get in some dry firing practice.

Okay, not really. You're thread is not a joke and if you check other forums you'll see this has been covered in some detail because it can be a real problem. I leave my holster on my pants and try to make sure nobody can see it casually from outside the stall. Other people have posted some pretty wild stuff they do.

I guess it all really depends on how you carry. My main concern is keeping the fact that I carry private.
Oh yes the old hang it on the door stop trick.Guy in next stall sees it in your pants. It really depends on how I'm carring. Most of the time I put it in the top of my boot while I'm setting .This is not a bad question.
It actually is a good question. And of course it does depend on how one is carrying. And it does assume the seated position.

Most of the time I am wearing shorts and carrying in my front pocket. I guess I usually try to suspend my shorts with my legs and not let them lay on the floor anyway which generally keeps my pocket accessable, but if some time is going to be involved, I often find myself rolling the pocket back to expose the butt so it would not be necessary to reach INTO the pocket since there is no resistance.

Seems really strange to try to write it because it is sort of automatic and also because it seems like a really strange subject to discuss, though it truly is important and interesting.

Oh and yes, I did go through the whole range of smart ass answers before I decide to write a serious one Link Removed
Who in their right mind would allow their pants to rest on the floor in the first place (well, that's just My opinion)?! IWB over here and the holster You have must hold that weapon in place. My pants are collapsed just at the knee's NOT my ankles. Try it at home a couple of times and I'm sure You will have no problem next time You're out doing business. Of course this depends how YOU carry the weapon. This was taught in the NRA "Out Of The Home Protection" course I took earlier in the year. IF it did happen that someone saw a weapon/s, I wouldn't worry about it because I have a license for it and they should'nt be looking at your business under the stall from their side in the first place.
Cop to Me: (guessing how this would go).....Sir, step away from the stall, etc...
Me to Cop: Yes officer, here is my identification, and also I have a LTC.
Cop to Me: Thank you Sir and have a nice day, etc.............
Stranger to Cop: I was looking under the stall next to me and saw the guy had a gun on his belt loop!
Cop to Stranger: What were You doing looking under the stall next to you?
I'm just saying, if I have a LTC I'm sure as hell not going to worry about it if someone saw my weapon just because of a wardrobe malfunction...as Janet would say :-)
Who in their right mind would allow their pants to rest on the floor in the first place (well, that's just My opinion)?! IWB over here and the holster You have must hold that weapon in place. My pants are collapsed just at the knee's NOT my ankles. Try it at home a couple of times and I'm sure You will have no problem next time You're out doing business. Of course this depends how YOU carry the weapon. This was taught in the NRA "Out Of The Home Protection" course I took earlier in the year. IF it did happen that someone saw a weapon/s, I wouldn't worry about it because I have a license for it and they should'nt be looking at your business under the stall from their side in the first place.
Cop to Me: (guessing how this would go).....Sir, step away from the stall, etc...
Me to Cop: Yes officer, here is my identification, and also I have a LTC.
Cop to Me: Thank you Sir and have a nice day, etc.............
Stranger to Cop: I was looking under the stall next to me and saw the guy had a gun on his belt loop!
Cop to Stranger: What were You doing looking under the stall next to you?
I'm just saying, if I have a LTC I'm sure as hell not going to worry about it if someone saw my weapon just because of a wardrobe malfunction...as Janet would say :-)

Well, the way I was doing it, there was no way anyone except myself could see my gun.
Just lower your pants to knee level and have a seat. Then buckle your belt at the 1st notch to keep tension on the holster and your pants in place. Works great for me.
I always pick the stall farthest to the end, so there is no one to the right of me (usually the wall is ultimately to the right). Pull the gun out of the holster and put it in my right pocket.

I really try to avoid public restrooms though.
If I'm trying to be discreet about having a weapon, then I usually have my Kel Tec, in which case I leave it in my pocket, just like my money, keys, cell phone, and other items.

But when I do have my 1911 I just keep my pants up at the urinal, so I've never had to go through all the acrobatics that you guys have described....

If I'm trying to be discreet about having a weapon, then I usually have my Kel Tec, in which case I leave it in my pocket, just like my money, keys, cell phone, and other items.

But when I do have my 1911 I just keep my pants up at the urinal, so I've never had to go through all the acrobatics that you guys have described....


I was referring to what I do when doing a number 2. When relieving myself at a urinal while standing, I don't have to do anything more than just unzip my pants. My gun always stays put during that.
Before anyone flags this post as inappropriate, it is a legitimate thread. Normally I try to avoid doing my business in public restrooms, but after having just done it there a few minutes ago and previously having never giving any thought to what I'd do with my firearm if I ever had to, I just figured this out on the fly. It also got me to wondering what everyone else does with their guns while handling their business.

In keeping with my number one priority of handling a loaded gun as little as possible, I took my gun while it was still in its IWB holster and put it (holster and all; the gun never came out of the holster), along with my cell phone, in the seat of my pants while they were on the floor.

Does anyone else encounter this problem? What do you do with your gun while using a publlic restroom?

This is a very legitimate concern. I just go to knee level and buckle the belt so that it won't slip. This works!
If I'm trying to be discreet about having a weapon, then I usually have my Kel Tec, in which case I leave it in my pocket, just like my money, keys, cell phone, and other items.

But when I do have my 1911 I just keep my pants up at the urinal, so I've never had to go through all the acrobatics that you guys have described....


Who in the hell drops their drawers to pee? What a bunch of tards! That's why they make a fly!
Try to keep it out of the toilet. No really if it is in cooler weather I have them in a Cornaco leather vest a lot of the time so no problem. Like others here I avoid public rest rooms as much as I can.
I'd rather have my arm amputated rather than using a public restroom other than a urinal. In my case I have a the perfect solution if it's an emergence. When I go out I'm in my electric wheelchair. I just pull it close to the toilet and place my firearm on the seat. Out of sight and completely accessible.
It has to be an unavoidable emergency for me to use a public restroom for anything other than the urinals.

In the off chance of an emergency, considering there is no shelf to place the holstered firearm, I guess I would opt for the crotch of the pants around the knees option listed earlier.
If inside the privacy of your own car, doors locked, with very few to no folks gawking thru the windows, the discreet and lo-visibility use of a 1-quart clear plastic urinal (hospital type available at many supermarkets/pharmacy sections) stashed inside your car they can be a useful solution to a full bladder, an urgent need to void while carrying a CCW and how simple it is for males to discreetly relieve themselves in a public parking area for later disposal, taking the need for say long distance road-trips with frequent piss-stops at public latrines a must do function out of the equation. The only draw-back is public exposure (a crime) or other problems should a cop walk up and U R filling a urinal, which can be stashed fast long B 4 they walk over and ask for your DL & PoI. All zipped-up and tucked-away sitting there & smiling. Other ablution needs do mean a crap stop, but in a closed cubical with the door locked from the inside, I doubt anyone will be concerned what you drop, flush and stroll out as discreetly as U waltzed in. Long distance truckers basic kit, I've even seen a female version that works with an uncomfortable catheter set-up, but if you are hydrating, travelling and packing then one of those $1.50 deals securely holds enough for you to make gassing-up and chow/rest the only need to stop on say a 1,000+ mile trip from Denver to El Paso. Speaking from experience and those public pull-over 'no facilities' just parking rest-stops on most freeways every 50 miles or so are the perfect place to void without ever leaving your car/truck except to stretch your legs and maybe dump a full container down the nearest drain.
Clean 'em up later with a little soapy water and there is no law about carrying one under your driver's seat. The sealed top makes a tip over no big deal & no spill. Large 3" opening hard to miss! It's the folks who wander off into the bushes at those stops who attract the attention no one wants from anyone. Just a proven way to beat public restrooms while packing and reduce the risk of alarming fellow patrons of the rest-room or running into a BG lurking inside one which is an MO for some freeway holdups.


No way, Jose. Besides, I don't own a car, so if I have to do a number 2, it's either outside or in a public restroom if I can't immediately get to my own toilet.