To Chamber or Not to Chamber?

With out knowing the details I have to ask why he had his hand in front of a loaded gun? was he stopping the bullet or using his hand for good muzzle control? until I have checked atleast 2 times mostly three times and the action is open and will prolly still check for a round and clip another time I will then and only then allow my hand to go infront of the barrel for what ever the intended purpose would be. Just my thought process right or wrong but I would have to say if INDEED the "booger finger" didnt touch the "bang button" then there was a weapon malfunction and that is whole nother problem and i have to wonder when the last time that weapon was torn down cleaned and inspected throughly. I am not saying your cousin didnt have a legitimate accidental discharge but with his hand infront of the weapon I have to wonder what happened.

As I read in another post some one hangs their glock on the stall door by the trigger gaurd while using a public restroom this reminds me its not just the booger finger you have to keep off but you must make sure nothing enters the trigger gaurd until the trigger is ready to be pulled.

You have pretty much answered your own question there. It is not only fingers and muzzle control that create issues with safety. I have no idea how he managed to shoot himself in the hand. None. He is an experienced shooter with a load of year under his belt. I can only attribute the folly to overconfidence and a fraction of a second of memory lapse and foolishness. Go figure. And if you asked me if it was possible for him to do that I would have bet the house on it NOT being a possibility, yet, here we are. He done did it. Fortunately it was his weak hand that took the damage. What a mess. I have yet to talk to him about it to be honest as he just does not want to broach the subject for obvious reasons.... here is a guy who has handled firearms both personally and professionally for ten or twenty years and in a split second.... well, you got the story as much as I did.
By the way, I do the same as you do. Muzzle control regardless of what you may read on some other boards lately about holstered guns with one in the chamber and ready to go being exempt. And I check for a round in the chamber and a magazine several times while handling my guns. SEVERAL TIMES. I assume that ANY gun I touch is loaded and cocked, ready to go. Period.
Hey Y'all: The number of "accident stories" be it in-house with firearms or outside while hunting probably exceed by factors the number of actual successful defense scenarios. Bottom line is that as long as we go around with a bullet just waiting a trigger pull, there is a greater chance of an accident of some sort--the statistics prove that over and over again. We can discuss til we are blue in the face and the fact that we are up to page 9 in this thread proves that out. No one can argue that having a bullet in the chamber lessens any "downtime", if the firearm is needed right away. We can all agree, regardless of whether you chamber or not that SAFETY and the lessons learned by all of us MUST be followed everytime we touch our firearms. If you chamber, your safety level must also increase somewhat with the realization that you are one step closer to an accident. Thanks for all your replies--think I have had enough.
Safety levels in handling firearms aren't adjustable, loaded weapons are approached and cleared just as unloaded/non-chambered are, every weapon gets cleared the same way... all the time. If someone hands me a weapon and tells me "its not loaded" or "not chambered", should i believe him/her... or should i clear it and render it safe. When it comes to safety do the same thing all the the time to all weapons, CREATE HABITS... DO NOT ALTER YOUR HABITS... DO NOT TAKE SHORTCUTS... DON'T ASSUME... TREAT EVERY WEAPON AS LOADED... remember those famous last words... I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS LOADED.

If someone is not happy or doesn't want to talk or discuss chamber/non-chamber weapons, by all means feel free to by-pass this thread, many people join gun forums who are new shooters, or start threads and allow people to state their opinion. If this topic is old, worn out, redundant to some, please ignore this thread, we will not be offended.

Talking to people over the years i never found tactics, training, or safety REDUNDANT.

ANY TIME i unholster my weapon (NON shooting purposes) it gets cleared and render safe.

I personally carry Israeli style (My Choice), when i feel i go into a hot area, i Lock n Load, i don't treat my weapon any differently, Do's and Don'ts are the same, ALL THE TIME.
Some very good and well thought out posts in the last bit here and I think we can put this topic to rest. Those that have gone through the thread will know just about all they need to know about carrying with or without one in the chamber. It depends on a great number of factors and it depends on one's proficiency, safety and comfort levels.

I will continue to carry with one in the chamber with certain guns (like my HK P7 series) and hesitatingly with others (like my Glocks) as a matter of personal comfort and safety.

Thanks to all for inputs received. This has been an interesting thread to follow.

Now if I could only carry in NY state with my seven other permits I would be a happy guy. And to think we were only two votes short of a national reciprocity law last year! I hope that they keep working on it and the next vote picks up the two we needed. Two votes short. Sic.
I personally carry Israeli style (My Choice), when i feel i go into a hot area, i Lock n Load, i don't treat my weapon any differently, Do's and Don'ts are the same, ALL THE TIME.

I have no problem with someone who wants to carry using the Israeli style. I do however, have to comment on this.

I had a partner on duty who did the same thing. His reason? 'I might need it around here, I wanna make sure its ready to go'.

If you're confident enough to carry an unloaded gun thinking you're fast enough then being in an area 'you might need it' or a 'hot area' shouldn't change that. I think people should be consistent with their method of carry. Not to mention, afterwards he would forget that he chambered it...
I have no problem with someone who wants to carry using the Israeli style. I do however, have to comment on this.

I had a partner on duty who did the same thing. His reason? 'I might need it around here, I wanna make sure its ready to go'.

If you're confident enough to carry an unloaded gun thinking you're fast enough then being in an area 'you might need it' or a 'hot area' shouldn't change that. I think people should be consistent with their method of carry. Not to mention, afterwards he would forget that he chambered it...

Hot areas are subjective... my hot areas are very rare and usually with LE, no one should be racking on a constant bases to where it causes confusion of knowing whether your gun is chambered or not.
Hot areas are subjective... my hot areas are very rare and usually with LE, no one should be racking on a constant bases to where it causes confusion of knowing whether your gun is chambered or not.

The problem with that is when you draw in the heat of the moment then you have to think about if one is chambered or not. I still say you should carry chambered but carry how you Are comfortable and always carry AND practise the same way so you don't wonder if you already chambered one or not
I like how some post are just so plainly cut and dry, you must carry a gun with a round in the chamber, if you don't you are carrying a hammer and are a complete idiot because you don't know how to chamber a round and your are "f*****". I am pretty sure with the practice I have and the muscle memory of drawing my gun and chambering, is faster than most that just draw, or reach down to draw from an ankle holster or where you have to un-tuck your over shirt for a compression shirt holster. So with some of these replies saying that I am dead if I don't chamber one is completely false.

I have an honest question, has there been a situation where somebody who carries a CCW, actually had to react to a situations where they shot an assailant? I feel we are there to keep peace by being prepared to act. Now has there been a situation where somebody was killed or injured because "it wasn't loaded" and accidentally discharged a round?

Maybe I am being too cautious or too safe, but I would rather have the split second to chamber, then somebody to be injured or killed. This is my comfort level right now. With 4 daughters under the age of 10, why take that chance? I could be unconscious from an auto accident, or a reaction to a prescription drug, slip and fall on the ice, these are more likely to happen then when/if I need to draw my gun. The only way I would be dead before I could draw and chamber is if the assailant had me in his scopes.

Please don't refer to me as an idiot that's just carrying a hammer and is automatically dead because it will take me 5 minutes to chamber a round. But as a concerned CCW holder that is taking my constitutional right with understanding the consequences that come along with it.

What most of us are trying to say is, if you don't want an answer, don't ask the question or rephrase the question. The majority of us carry chambered. You asked, we told, now you can do what you want. If you like to carry unchambered have at it. there is a big difference between training for war and traiing for the pair of crack heads that jump you in the Wally World parking lot. In the latter, you will be lucky if you can get your gun into play, let alone rack the slide. Makes no difference what you do to me or anyone on this
Forum. I know I will get at least one good shot off before I have a possible malfunction. If you dont have one chambered, can you say the same? If I am at an intersection in my auto, I don't wait for an opening in traffic and them put the car in gear. I am in gear at the stop and ready to roll. All we are saying is you should be ready to roll........

AS far as being in an accident or other situation where your children would or could find your weapon loaded, that is why my son could clear all of my weapons at age 5. Don't hide them EDUCATE them. Even at 2 they can be taught to leave the gun alone and alert an adult if you are unable to function.

I will end this now as it is very hard to type with three fingers and one eye. Da@$, make that two fingers........gotta get a holster :)
You shouldn't be dammed if you do... or dammed if you don't... if possible get some training to enhance your carrying skills. Everyone has their preference, the key is to take that preference and train it until you create a reaction of habit.

Don't brow beat anyone... good luck
Train like your gonna fight, fight like you train. That is as simple as it gets. That is why all elite combat forces or even athletes win ...they train. They take all the best tactics they can find and add to their training and through repetition and Honest after action reviews at squad level they perfect these tactics and find out how they can do better.
I carry one in the chamber, however I don't have kids to worry about so I will not KNOCK anyone who is not at that comfort level because of his/her children. No matter what, we all must train with our arms to master them. Youtube has a huge resource with both novice and Expert advise, suggestions, and techniques that we can sort through and apply to our individual needs. Just don't be closed minded when it comes to new positions or drills. Learn as much as possible from as many soarses as possible.
The never-ending thread...............

I believe that there are situations where both chambered and unchambered are called for. Depends on the risk level and how the gun is being carried. Depends on the gun.

Again, I hesitate to carry a standard Glock chambered. No grip safety. No thumb safety. 3.5 - 5.5# trigger. I will only carry a Glock with one chambered in a solid retention holster OWB. My level of comfort. I don't like it but that is it.

Sig P239 first shot 8.5#, subsequent shots 3#. I am okay in a good holster.

1911's. Thumb safety. Grip safety. Good holster. I have no hesitation whatsoever carrying cocked and locked concealed. None.

HK P7 series. I am happy to carry the gun stuck in my underpants with one in the chamber. It is a squeeze cocker and about the safest handgun I own that I will carry but too heavy.

Reasons to carry with one in the chamber? Let me give you one example. You are in Orlando and stopped at a traffic light. Some guy bumps into you from behind, gets out of his car and walks up to your window. You are carrying but its on your strong side, there is nothing in the chamber and you are wearing your seatbelt to boot. No big deal right? Wrong. This guy gets to your window, hauls out a single action what looks like a Colt 45 and cocks the trigger while putting the business end in your face and telling you to get out of the car; no stay in the car; do you have money; do you have drugs; where are you going; do you have money? Etc. Get the picture? And his gun is all over the place. Up in the air... pointing downtown, etc. You try and pull your gun to defend yourself and you are a dead man. And your family is with you... what do you think their odds of survival are?

YOU DO NOT have time to chamber a round.

And how do I know? I am that guy in the car. And that was the experience that made me decide to carry whenever it was legal for me to do so. I did not even have a gun on me that day. As it turned out, the guy started retching, the light turned green and I floored it... leaving him in a cloud of dust at the entrance to the home of Mickey and gave thanks for a year that he did not open up on us with that huge huge .45. I have got to assume that any whacko carrying a single action .45 in chrome has either stolen it or owns it and is a desperately good shot. I'm just glad I never had to find out.

Now. Go out and make your decision. It's been five years and I'm still working on it.
I haved carried my 1911 for 12yrs cocked and locked ready to rock one in the pipe,always remember where to put the booger picker :pleasantry:
Well I'm a newbie to this site.Yes still a newbie to the CCW Permit.Not quite a yr but close! Hubby & I both have ours! Hes very comfortable with a full mag & hot! I because of all our talking & his guidance also care full mag & hot! Both of my weapons ready if needed!
Reasons like some have already listed! To carry Hot are very valid & I Totally Agree!
My reasons & my hubby's are;
1) I'm female & most will think an easy prey!
2) I'm little enough if a big guy comes along,(or two) I can easyly be picked up & carted off!
3) Theres NO WAY I can run, I'm an Ampute' running something even has a child I could not do!
4) I'd rathet NOT fumble with racking if I'm in a postion where I need to fire!
5) I don't see where you have the time to do anything but draw & fire. To protect your life or that of a loved one if the perp is with the 21ft rule!
6) I got my CCW Permit so I can use it if needed! It might has well be at the ready!
7) I'd rather be Alive & ready,rather than dead because I wasn't!
Everyones entidled to there own opinion. Thats one of the reason I like this site! I just hope it don't come back to bite anyone!
Always be Safe!
Well I'm a newbie to this site.Yes still a newbie to the CCW Permit.Not quite a yr but close! Hubby & I both have ours! Hes very comfortable with a full mag & hot! I because of all our talking & his guidance also care full mag & hot! Both of my weapons ready if needed!
Reasons like some have already listed! To carry Hot are very valid & I Totally Agree!
My reasons & my hubby's are;
1) I'm female & most will think an easy prey!
2) I'm little enough if a big guy comes along,(or two) I can easyly be picked up & carted off!
3) Theres NO WAY I can run, I'm an Ampute' running something even has a child I could not do!
4) I'd rathet NOT fumble with racking if I'm in a postion where I need to fire!
5) I don't see where you have the time to do anything but draw & fire. To protect your life or that of a loved one if the perp is with the 21ft rule!
6) I got my CCW Permit so I can use it if needed! It might has well be at the ready!
7) I'd rather be Alive & ready,rather than dead because I wasn't!
Everyones entidled to there own opinion. Thats one of the reason I like this site! I just hope it don't come back to bite anyone!
Always be Safe!

Everyone makes adjustments and re-adjustment, your concerns should be training to learn, Identifying a target, assessing situations, where you carry your weapon (placement: back hip/shoulder/ankle/frontal) and the type of holster (retention/IWB/back).

I've seen pictures in photo threads displaying " HOW PEOPLE CARRY ", Tactically speaking, a NIGHTMARE, conceal carry speaking, GREAT. Carrying a chambered/loaded weapon and thinking your ready, is a false positive. Carrying a loaded weapon is one thing, knowing where, when, and how to use it, is another. At least learn point shooting, drawing your loaded weapon is one thing, hitting your target is vital.
Everyone makes adjustments and re-adjustment, your concerns should be training to learn, Identifying a target, assessing situations, where you carry your weapon (placement: back hip/shoulder/ankle/frontal) and the type of holster (retention/IWB/back).

I've seen pictures in photo threads displaying " HOW PEOPLE CARRY ", Tactically speaking, a NIGHTMARE, conceal carry speaking, GREAT. Carrying a chambered/loaded weapon and thinking your ready, is a false positive. Carrying a loaded weapon is one thing, knowing where, when, and how to use it, is another. At least learn point shooting, drawing your loaded weapon is one thing, hitting your target is vital.

You allude to a very good point for consideration and that is very simply to carry based on the conditions you expect to be in. For instance, if I am wearing a suit I can carry one way (full size 1911 in OWB holster, cocked and locked) whereas if I am in shorts and a T shirt what and how I carry are different. Ditto where I carry (and don't get too fancy for crying out loud). I carry based also on what I am doing. If driving a lot I do not carry IWB on my hip but rather at 1 or 2 oclock OWB if I can (I purposely buy darker Dickies T shirts for such occasions as they conceal better and look okay when not tucked in ). And so on. Simply carrying 'hot' is indeed "a false positive" as you say. One needs to think about the overall picture. And one needs to get into the mindset that not one handgun fits all situations. I wish I could carry a snubbie at times but I have to (at present anyway) consider that I need to bring it back across the border into Canada with me and I cannot do that (barrel length minumum is 105mm or about 4.2 inches). Like I said in prior post. Five years and still working on the situation but about ready to start whittling down what I DO carry and how. If I could carry one of my AR's on a regular basis that's probably what I would do (just kidding).
You allude to a very good point for consideration and that is very simply to carry based on the conditions you expect to be in. For instance, if I am wearing a suit I can carry one way (full size 1911 in OWB holster, cocked and locked) whereas if I am in shorts and a T shirt what and how I carry are different. Ditto where I carry (and don't get too fancy for crying out loud). I carry based also on what I am doing. If driving a lot I do not carry IWB on my hip but rather at 1 or 2 oclock OWB if I can (I purposely buy darker Dickies T shirts for such occasions as they conceal better and look okay when not tucked in ). And so on. Simply carrying 'hot' is indeed "a false positive" as you say. One needs to think about the overall picture. And one needs to get into the mindset that not one handgun fits all situations. I wish I could carry a snubbie at times but I have to (at present anyway) consider that I need to bring it back across the border into Canada with me and I cannot do that (barrel length minumum is 105mm or about 4.2 inches). Like I said in prior post. Five years and still working on the situation but about ready to start whittling down what I DO carry and how. If I could carry one of my AR's on a regular basis that's probably what I would do (just kidding).

I sometimes have to make adjustments, because my lifestyle dictates me too, i carry Glocks, but different models, a 36 and a 29, they're operationally the same, but size and weight differ. I never have cause to doubt my carry style... because my training doesn't allow me to.

When we see training videos of shooting courses of people wearing their weapons in a hot open carry, drawing and firing 2,3, rounds from a ready stance, and we tend to believe that relates to the street, it doesn't. For training purposes it makes sense, and a great PLATFORM for tactical training, but... it portrays ideal conditions, street life is not ideal conditions, your training has to advance.

The more you know... the more your able to learn. Good Luck in training.
I always carry with one in the chamber. In a defensive situation there is not enough time to call time-out while you rack your slide and load a round.

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