I'm new here but I've been shooting since I was old enough to keep both the butt and the barrel off the ground at the same time and I've been carrying concealed for about 20 years now.
Here's a nickel's worth of my free opinion on the matter. Like it or don't like it, agree or disagree as you wish. Don't bother arguing, because I really don't care if you agree or not.
If you are not comfortable carrying a loaded gun, don't waste your money on a concealed carry permit because you aren't ready to make use of it.
If you don't want to carry a loaded gun because 'it's dangerous' or you might have an 'accident', what makes you think you will actually be able to use it if -heaven forbid- that time comes?
If you are not comfortable carrying a particular gun with a round in the chamber, then it's not the gun for you to use as a concealed carry piece. Find one you are comfortable with.
Carrying an unloaded gun -and a gun that won't go BANG when you disengage any safeties it has and press the trigger is unloaded- is being a gun bearer for a mugger. Do the rest of us a favor and leave it at home. That way, the mugger(s) can't take it away from you and use it on ME later.
Yes, I have heard of the "Israeli Method". The Israelis that developed it are extraordinarily well trained warriors that have mastered multiple disciplines of both armed and unarmed combat.
When you have studied multiple martial arts forms (including Krav Magav) for years and practiced countless hours and shot thousands of rounds of live fire to perfect your technique and make it instinctual, we can talk. Me? I'm lucky if I get to shoot a couple hundred rounds a month most of the time. That's just enough to keep the rust from setting in.
Get Hollywood out of your mind. Muggers aren't going to slip out of an alley alone, walk right up to you with his hand in his coat pocket and say, "Gimme your wallet," like it's some '70's vigilante flick.
They'll catch you distracted, out of position to protect yourself and isolated. Maybe you are loading groceries in your car or you're walking through the mall parking lot. And they may not be alone. You may end up fighting off an attacker with your hands. You may end up on the ground from the very beginning because they blitz attacked you. You may be injured and one arm may be incapacitated.