Les Brers
That is lucid, intelligent, well thought-out essay on open carry that may fly in some parts of the US. I agree that most criminals never take resistance into consideration when planning or committing their crimes and that maybe, just maybe seeing your gun might deter them. I mean if I was a mugger and I had my chance at a person waling by themselves or a person walking with large dog, I'm going to go after the person by themselves. However, it might also drawl them to you like a magnet. Using the mugging thing again, if I'm desperate and your the only target I have, dog or not, I'm coming after you. Knowing you have a dog allows me to take that into consideration and how best to rid the threat so I can mug you. By openly showing them your gun you are showing them who is a threat and that you should be taken out first. So, while I get your point, I think the element of surprise in cc is a much better option.
Thanks for a great post.
Nobody who actually open carries has ever said it's a sure thing that their OC'ed weapon will always deter. We believe it has the strong potential to deter, but acknowledge that it's not a sure thing.
On the other hand, concealed carry has absolutely zero potential to deter until after the threat is made apparent by the bad guy, at some point between when showing your weapon would be considered brandishing and when it would be appropriate, which in some cases might be a very fine line. In many, if not most cases, the threat is made apparent by some sort of attack already being commenced, making getting at your weapon that much more difficult as you're defending against blows or grappling while trying to draw at the same time, possibly with multiple attackers.
The "element of surprise" that many CC-only carriers seem to think is a positive can necessarily only occur from the perp's perspective after they've chosen the CC'er as their victim because the CC'er looked just as defenseless as anybody else.
The same element of surprise from the perp's perspective regarding an OC'er is when he/she is sizing them up as a potential victim and is surprised with the sight of a means of defense that he/she may decide they're not up to the task of taking on. If they do decide to pursue the attack anyway, the OC'er has faster and easier access to his/her weapon than a CC'er does, so tactically, it's a more sound decision to OC all the way around.