I agree that it is a great advantage to the bad guy to know who is armed. It greatly aids in their target selection process. Why would the bad guy attempt to rob a convenience store if they can see there is an armed person present? Why would the bad guy pick the person on the street they can see is armed to attack? All the bad guy has to do is wait a few minutes for the armed person to leave the convenience store before robbing it. Or go to the next store down the street where there are no guns visible. Or let the armed person walk past them on the street and wait a few minutes for the next potential victim to come along who is not visibly armed.
So, yes, the bad guy knowing who is armed is a great advantage to them. It allows them the opportunity to avoid a confrontation with an armed victim, an opportunity which the vast majority of criminals will gladly take. Now, as the potential target that the criminal is likely to pass over because they can see my gun, I have accomplished my goal. Call me a coward. I don't carry my gun to dispatch the criminals of this world to whatever is beyond. I carry my gun to protect myself and my family and the greatest way to protect myself and my family is to be the undesirable target that most criminals just won't be willing to take the chance with.
There are no absolutes in life, only odds. And odds are in favor that, given the choice, most criminals of opportunity are going to seek the easy targets, not the targets that are showing the capability to end their lives.