Police at the door at 2 AM


New member
Ok guys. This no scenario. Monday night, about 9:30pm, I look out and see an officer in my back yard. I open the door and ask if I could help him? He was not looking at the door as he was walking by it. I startled him and he said he had a warrent for my 31 yr old son. I told him I threw him out about 2 months ago and since then he had burgled our home and I believe some others in the neighborhood. Now I think I had better tell him I am armed so as to comply with Ohio's laws. I do and two other officers pop up one with his hand on his weapon.
I explained that if I hear from him or see him I will call and all ended well that night.
Fast forward 2 am Thursday and I hear a loud thump and my wife scream downstairs. I grab my HK 45 and don't even take time to put on my pants like I would if I just heard a noise. I run down the stairs and my wife says she sees someone on the front porch. I turn on the lite and there is and officer, same dept., not one of the ones from the other nite. I opened the door and said "I am armed." When another officer comes out from behind cover of my work truck and stands to the side of the porch. I ask what this is about and the first officer says they found my son's wallet in Akron and just wanted to let him know where to pick it up.
Now that is a bad lie and I know they are just looking to see if he is there. Again I explain the situation to them and he says I should not answer the door with a gun when someone is just knocking. I said I am armed at all times for the defense of my loved ones and myself and even home invaders knock just to get someone to open the door.
The next morning I called the department and spoke to the captain to tell him about my situation and that I will call if I hear from him. I tell him what the young officer told me about the "wallet" and he says that sounds pretty lame to him and they probably had a "tip" that he was there. I told him I did not believe that for a moment. I told him about answering with gun in hand and he said he would have done the same thing, but that it was good that I informed immediately upon opening the door.
A few hours later I get a call from a close friend telling me that Akron picked my son up at 6 am that morning in a stolen van with a bunch of stolen property from various homes in that neighborhood. I was truly relieved that he was finally off the streets.
As promised, I called the captain and said you probably already know he has been picked up, he says no they did not know, but they would send an officer to Akron to make sure he did not get through the cracks and maybe bail out...guys keep us in your prayers and hope that this is the first day of the rest of my kids life....

well my prayers are with you. i too have been in similiar situation with my fiance's brother who stayed with us for a while. it was just bringing too much activity to my home of which i like to keep peaceful. so i put him out, we changed the locks and that was that. until we got a call from chicago police that they picked him up for three outstanding warrants and they were wondering if we were going to bail him out... SAY WHAT! as usual she wanted to bail her brother out... i opposed. we talked :pleasantry: and he is still in there going on about a month now. i feel he needs this and hopefully it will give him some meaning and purpose to get his life in order. its hard but sometimes you have to step back and let people see for themselves.
I'm sorry to hear you were put into the position you're in, Paul. I genuinely hope it works out for you and your family. I hope your son receives the wake-up call it sounds like he so desperately needs.

I am glad your local police captain seems to be a decent fellow. Even though you were well within your rights to react as you did, we've all read enough horror stories to know things could have gone down very differently. I'm glad everyone is safe.

Here's hoping for the best from an unpleasant situation.
I will pray that your son turns his life around. I"ve seen it happen before, Paul (me, in my teen years!), so don't give up on your son. I was in my 30's (I'm now 56) when my Mom told me she figured I was going to end up dead or in prison. Instead, went on to college, got married, raised a family of my own. All by the grace of the good Lord. Hang in there, brother.
I shall offer prayer for your son and your family. Some lose their compass in this world... Some find it again... Others will not...
I hope your son finds his compass and the path back to you and your family...

You don't rouse me from a sound sleep in the middle of the night on anything nearly that flimsy and smelling of BS. They didn't have A) a hot tip that he was there, B) his wallet, C) any idea where he was. If you wanna rouse me at 2:AM, you'd better know precisely where my son is, alive or dead. Otherwise, there is absolutely no value in disturbing my sleep cycle. If you need to ask my for information, there is nothing there that couldn't have been asked the day before or wait for the day after.

In such a situation, me showing up at my front door in my scivvies packing heat should be the LEAST which anyone slamming on my front door at 2:AM should expect. The door might be steel-clad solid wood... the window in the door is not.

Edit: As Bill Engvall said, "Nice stops at midnight."
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Don't know what to say....

Having never had a similar experience, I really can't truthfully say that I can relate to your pain. That said, just IMAGINING the same with a child of mine really brings tears.

I hope that he finds his way out of trouble, and can become a man that you can trust and respect.
Fast forward 2 am Thursday and I hear a loud thump and my wife scream downstairs. I grab my HK 45 and don't even take time to put on my pants like I would if I just heard a noise. I run down the stairs and my wife says she sees someone on the front porch. I turn on the lite and there is and officer, same dept., not one of the ones from the other nite. I opened the door and said "I am armed." When another officer comes out from behind cover of my work truck and stands to the side of the porch. I ask what this is about and the first officer says they found my son's wallet in Akron and just wanted to let him know where to pick it up.
Now that is a bad lie and I know they are just looking to see if he is there. Again I explain the situation to them and he says I should not answer the door with a gun when someone is just knocking.....

It's 2am and there is a knock at the door, why would you not show up armed? It's not like its 2pm in the middle of daylight. Who knows if the knock at the door is a distraction for someone to go around back and break in.
Man, that really sucks. I said a prayer that your son gets his act together and starts acting like his father, who sounds like he does have his act together. Good luck.
Prayers for you and your son. I agree that you were right in having your gun with you. How would you know that it was the police, especially at that time of the morning. I would be willing to bet that the police officer that told you that would have had his gun when he answered the door.
So very sorry for your situation and hope your son finds the right path. Sometimes we have to hit the bottom before we can look up. As for carrying at the door--those who do not will be in for a bad time. Lots of bad guys have "T" shirts and caps with logos on them.
... he says I should not answer the door with a gun when someone is just knocking.
Should'a asked him how he'd have answered his door at 2a.m. if someone unexpectedly came banging on it! Maybe he should examine his technique, especially when his Captain didn't seem to know about it in advance! Who's this Officer think he is...Dick Tracy? He's lucky you were composed...a lesser man might have launched a few through the front door just to soften it up a bit before answering.
Should'a asked him how he'd have answered his door at 2a.m. if someone unexpectedly came banging on it! Maybe he should examine his technique, especially when his Captain didn't seem to know about it in advance! Who's this Officer think he is...Dick Tracy? He's lucky you were composed...a lesser man might have launched a few through the front door just to soften it up a bit before answering.

+1 Ah, Yup...


Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. The "son" has been calling collect for two days, about 20 times, and we cannot recieve collect calls on our home phone plan or on our cell phones. You would think he would stop I was going to set up the account that the local jail said needed to be set up just to talk to him once but the place needs a $50 deposit non-refundable and my wife and I both decided that he can get a letter from us explaining everything.
My wife says " he traded diamonds for rocks!" and now it is his consequences and we do not have to suffer his consequences. Keep the prayers comeing. It is hard on us and especially his 3 yr old daughter.
Now that he is probably going to be a convicted felon, he cannot be welcome in my home because I have firearms there at all times. Another consequence for him, not me...
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. The "son" has been calling collect for two days, about 20 times, and we cannot recieve collect calls on our home phone plan or on our cell phones. You would think he would stop I was going to set up the account that the local jail said needed to be set up just to talk to him once but the place needs a $50 deposit non-refundable and my wife and I both decided that he can get a letter from us explaining everything.
My wife says " he traded diamonds for rocks!" and now it is his consequences and we do not have to suffer his consequences. Keep the prayers comeing. It is hard on us and especially his 3 yr old daughter.
Now that he is probably going to be a convicted felon, he cannot be welcome in my home because I have firearms there at all times. Another consequence for him, not me...
The firearms are in your possession, not his. Lock them up. It will be ok.
Call me a wuss and I stand by my comments but it is just my wife and I in our house (no kids, no nobody else) and I lock my bedroom door and if there is "thump" at 2am I call 911, activate my car alarm, and stay defensive behind my bedroom door in a preplanned position with preplanned firearms that WILL defeat anyone who decides to defeat that door. Any "stuff" in my house, although valuable, is insured and is NOT worth my life to defend; I appreciate my limitations and do not know if the thump causer is better than me. My call to 911, however, in the context of this original thread, should have some impact on what is going on outside my house--if anything, it should put the police in the embarrassing and legally tenuous position--not me.
Thank you all for your prayers and concerns. The "son" has been calling collect for two days, about 20 times, and we cannot recieve collect calls on our home phone plan or on our cell phones. You would think he would stop I was going to set up the account that the local jail said needed to be set up just to talk to him once but the place needs a $50 deposit non-refundable and my wife and I both decided that he can get a letter from us explaining everything.
My wife says " he traded diamonds for rocks!" and now it is his consequences and we do not have to suffer his consequences. Keep the prayers coming. It is hard on us and especially his 3 yr old daughter.
Now that he is probably going to be a convicted felon, he cannot be welcome in my home because I have firearms there at all times. Another consequence for him, not me...

My prayers go out for you and your Family. Stay committed, ask God for strength daily and do it one day at a time. ALL this was brought on by his actions. You said it the best "consequence for him, not me". Hopefully this young man has hit his bottom and will start anew. I had a similar experience with my Ex's child, very similar. I suggest counseling for you both, especially if your wife's emotional stability is uncertain.

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." --author and philosopher Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
Call me a wuss and I stand by my comments but it is just my wife and I in our house (no kids, no nobody else) and I lock my bedroom door

This is all good except my wife sleeps down stairs because she doesn't like my air conditioned room in the summer. So my only option was get down stairs and address the threat if any....

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