open carriers will be murdered

.... or judicious use of the Death Penalty.


If you look at his video list, most of them have a high amount of dislikes, a few are even @ 100% dislikes! I only noticed 1 in the green and it was 50%.
I think he was dropped on his head when he was born, hit by a bus at age 5 and ran over by a truck at age 10. Of course he's a nut. I wouldn't be surprised that day he tries to run over one of us so called gun nuts, whoever it may be, see's him coming and has to actually use that gun in self defense. So who really is advocating violence here?
I guess this is the most extreme polar opposite to us folks here on the USA Carry boards and others. The fact he's singling out a particular individual, a Michigan CPL instructor is interesting... I can understand disliking guns, or even being uncomfortable around them. That's a persons personal choice. But to advocate open murder... yyeeeesssssh..
So if he is shot through the front window of his car, this video screams self defense. Peace, Love and Colt 45.
So if he is shot through the front window of his car, this video screams self defense. Peace, Love and Colt 45.

Exactly. Nothing like having good solid evidence even before the fact. He is openly saying he will commit murder on anyone with a gun. He gave us the evidence we need to defend ourselves in court after we have to defend ourselves from him.
Timothy is the Reason

That firearm ownership is necessary! He is scarier and more violent than ANY responsible gun owner I have ever known.

Why is it that so many anti-gun people are so bloodthirsty?
Isn't CA such a warm, friendly place with a loving pacifist population. How about those anti-gunners, they're so non-violent aren't they? Ever look into the eyes of Diane Feinstein or Nancy (Bela Lugosi) Pelosi. Insanity defined. Scarier than an old Frankenstein movie.
He looks too old to live in his moms basement, but he probably lives in his own basement.

"It rubs the lotion into its skin or it gets the hose again."

Okay... okay... okay. Mister, if you let me go, I won't - I won't press charges I promise. See, my mom is a real important woman... I guess you already know that
Jame "Buffalo Bill" Gumb. LOL, good movie!
Are our guys in blue (LEOS) taking any action against the anti-gunner. My guess would be that the LEOS will not do a thing.
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im not even sure where to begin here..i dont think ive seen such a reckless idiot in quite some time.."just run him over and kick the gun out of his holster" ?...the ironic thing is he looks like jeff from

I hate to admit this but just for the record this nut Timothy Allen Campbell is from Eastpointe Michigan. You should be safe in CA.
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