not meaning to offend anyone but whoever sent the email about the nra ?

I know I dont post alot here but IMHO I believe this guy should just be ignored and shut down, you know what they say " stupid is as stupid does"
His one single post written on 5/20, and no responses since. He has no friends (DUH!), and he definitely lives under a bridge. Hence - TROLL!

BUT - I found one rant that he may have used in his "case" against the NRA. Here it is, for your perusal: "Am I the NRA?.

Let it be known that I am a member of the NRA (And when I can afford it, will become a Lifetime member), and in addition, a member and supporter of the NRA-ILA.

I don't think this moron will be back...he's definitely picked the wrong forum to post his trash.
Have to agree

BUT - I found one rant that he may have used in his "case" against the NRA. Here it is, for your perusal: "Am I the NRA?.

I have to agree with the opinions of the essay writer. His wants actually follow very closely with the GOA and JPFO orginazations. I am a life NRA and would I do it again? HELL YES!!! I may not agree with everything the NRA does, but then again who does agree with everything anyone does?
"Sparkmaster" has some facts screwed up, but the writer of the essay is Spot On. Problem is, in the real world, a "no compromise" attitude gets you no where but, left behind. I do think the NRA should be a little stronger in the "Rights" department.
I have to agree with the opinions of the essay writer. His wants actually follow very closely with the GOA and JPFO orginazations. I am a life NRA and would I do it again? HELL YES!!! I may not agree with everything the NRA does, but then again who does agree with everything anyone does?
"Sparkmaster" has some facts screwed up, but the writer of the essay is Spot On. Problem is, in the real world, a "no compromise" attitude gets you no where but, left behind. I do think the NRA should be a little stronger in the "Rights" department.
No one can go with a "no compromise" situation. But it's in making those compromises that you get most (or more) of what you want.
SIXTH—and this may be the most important point I'll make, so pay attention—I'd want the NRA to adopt as its principal and publicly-acknowledged objective the repeal or nullification of every weapons law, at every level of government in America. The Second Amendment is explicit about this and requires no esoteric legal interpretation. Check the dictionary meaning of "enfringe" if you doubt my word.

A couple of things about the article. Until we do away with the Supreme Court there will never be the rejection of all gun laws. Remember that they interpret the constitution and their interpretation of 2A will probably not agree with yours but theirs carries more weight for the judicial branch of the government.

Second, I looked up "enfringe" as he requested and couldn't find a great deal on it other than "Did you mean infringe?" :wacko:

I just signed up for the NRA and got the $10 bucks off price. Now I am a member of GOA and NRA
effin uneducated illiterate lib's, why cant they all go have tea with obama and his little arab buddies! Its a shame that people like that are allowed on American soil.

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