Not all liberals hate guns!


Y'know, I'm a liberal. And, I'm all for 2nd Amendment rights. I'm all for a lot of other rights, too. The right not to be lumped together with other people with whom I disagree and with whom I will never associate!

Most liberals dislike anything firearm. That does not mean it's a liberal thing. It's an individual thing, imho.

To say that ALL liberals dislike firearms is wrong.:nono:

Unless you absolutely abhor everyone liberal, which means you hate me (I hope not, but it's okay if you do) can we, henceforth, call anyone who dislikes firearms, "Anti's" rather than "Liberals?"

It would show tolerance and compassion, education and understanding.:yes4:

Y'know, I'm a liberal. And, I'm all for 2nd Amendment rights. I'm all for a lot of other rights, too. The right not to be lumped together with other people with whom I disagree and with whom I will never associate!

Most liberals dislike anything firearm. That does not mean it's a liberal thing. It's an individual thing, imho.

To say that ALL liberals dislike firearms is wrong.:nono:

Unless you absolutely abhor everyone liberal, which means you hate me (I hope not, but it's okay if you do) can we, henceforth, call anyone who dislikes firearms, "Anti's" rather than "Liberals?"

It would show tolerance and compassion, education and understanding.:yes4:
How do you define "liberal"?
How do you define Liberal?

If you mean that I enjoy diversity and equality, then I'm a liberal.

If you mean that I vote Democrat (mostly), then I'm a liberal. (I didn't vote Democrat this time!)

If you mean that I am for a woman's right to choose, then I'm liberal.

But, I don't want to get into an argument about rights and politics. I'm just tired of being lumped into a group that people love to hate because I'm a liberal. yet, I'm not anti guns, nor am I anti-2A. I think most people on here hate anti-2A people but instead they say that hate or dislike or disagree with liberals. I'm just trying to distinguish the difference and provide some education. No offense intended, and I'm not looking for any disagreements or arguments.
Y'know, I'm a liberal. And, I'm all for 2nd Amendment rights. I'm all for a lot of other rights, too. The right not to be lumped together with other people with whom I disagree and with whom I will never associate!

Most liberals dislike anything firearm. That does not mean it's a liberal thing. It's an individual thing, imho.

To say that ALL liberals dislike firearms is wrong.:nono:

Unless you absolutely abhor everyone liberal, which means you hate me (I hope not, but it's okay if you do) can we, henceforth, call anyone who dislikes firearms, "Anti's" rather than "Liberals?"

It would show tolerance and compassion, education and understanding.:yes4:

Actually as a Christian I should not abhor anyone. Scripture teaches us to hate sin but not an individual. Unfortunately being the imperfect humans we are we sometimes have a hard time separating the two. It is o.k. to hate actions or even beliefs but we should show love one to another. I will have to admit that I stll have a long way to go in my Christian walk before I am there. I am just glad that God loved me enough to pour out his grace on me rather than giving me what I deserve.
How do you define Liberal?

If you mean that I enjoy diversity and equality, then I'm a liberal.
"Diversity and equality" is something that few people are realistically going to publicly oppose. Most people will at least pay it lip service, even if they privately roll their eyes at it. Personally, I believe that most characteristics that evoke diversity are social constructions that have no basis in reality, so it's a somewhat moot point.

But, I don't want to get into an argument about rights and politics. I'm just tired of being lumped into a group that people love to hate because I'm a liberal. yet, I'm not anti guns, nor am I anti-2A. I think most people on here hate anti-2A people but instead they say that hate or dislike or disagree with liberals. I'm just trying to distinguish the difference and provide some education. No offense intended, and I'm not looking for any disagreements or arguments.
There doesn't seem to be a "bright-line rule" for who's a liberal/conservative/libertarian/etc. On many issues, people have mistakenly drawn political polarities where none should really exist. Food, clothing and vehicles, for example, really have nothing to do with politics, and yet people somehow attach their own ideas to these items. I'm not a vegetarian, but people at work noticed that I eat a lot of tofu and similar types of things, and automatically assumed I was a fellow Democrat (I eat that way selfishly, for my own well-being - not to help out any livestock animals). They were a bit shocked when I took off a week to attend the Republican Convention as a delegate. :meeting: Apparently they never took a good look at the back of my car. Anyway, the real philosophical differences between conservatives and liberals are far more important than our external lifestyles, and it's the political and ontological ideas that we should pay more attention to.

The people who originally introduced me to the gun community was a couple that were actually card-carrying members of the ACLU. I grew up in a rural area and there were lots of guns for hunting, I just couldn't get that excited about hunting. The guy was a lawyer, and could afford to get all sorts of interesting weapons. I went with them to a machine gun shoot in central Florida, and it was great fun. A while after that, I got my CWP and started acquiring and learning more about the tactical aspects of firearms. So, I have liberals to thank for that.
Thank you. I'm also a liberal who supports likes guns and it annoys me when I'm lumped in with people who are scared of inanimate objects.

I like defining myself as a liberal, because I don't vote either party line, I tend to go back and forth.I often vote democrat becuase I agree with the party on a number of social issues. I also vote republican because I'm pretty fiscally conservative. I also tend to vote on measures that will increase civil rights and decrease government control (thereby "liberating" people). I guess a more accurate description of my political stance would be "conservative liberal" but thats just an oxymoron.

Anyway, thanks for standing up for us quiet few here in the minority.
"Diversity and equality" is something that few people are realistically going to publicly oppose. Most people will at least pay it lip service, even if they privately roll their eyes at it. Personally, I believe that most characteristics that evoke diversity are social constructions that have no basis in reality, so it's a somewhat moot point.

So, does that mean that you think I was rolling my eyes :girl_wacko: and paying it lip service?
So, does that mean that you think I was rolling my eyes :girl_wacko: and paying it lip service?
No - just that there's not many people who will disagree with you on something that's fairly non-controversial. A lack of contrast means that diversity and equality tend to lose their meaning in most contexts these days. No one under the age of 70 who wants to retain any shred of credibility in society is going to publicly say that we need to reinstate Jim Crow laws or bring back segregation.

As an example, let's say that you live in a particular city in northeast Florida with a river running through it. Another city down in the middle of Florida with Disney World nearby wants to take some water from your river. People in your city are understandably angry about it. Election time comes around, and everyone who is running gets asked the same question: "What is your opinion on Orlando taking water out of the St. Johns River?" Every candidate says that it's the worst thing in the world, and that they'll oppose it as if their life depends on it. Obviously, no candidate is going to give an inch to Orlando, those Evil Water Stealers from Down South.

Anyway, since 80% (or more) of people in your city are adamantly opposed to tapping the river, and 100% of politicians and candidates are against it...well, voicing one's opinion that taking water from the river isn't exactly "taking a stand" or anything. It's really an extremely safe thing to do. Actually, without a contrasting point of view, it almost becomes meaningless.
I’ll add my bonnet to the list of armed liberals. My core group of friends range anywhere left of center, and all of them put me farthest to the left. Yet I have strong beliefs about the individual right to own guns (many in fact, as I own 7 and my boys have 6 between them). One of the first things I noticed about this site is the overwhelming sense of fear displayed by most of the posters. It does present a picture of people “clinging” to guns, not confident in their right and ability to own/carry/use them properly.

Every individual contact I have made on this site has been pleasant. However, almost every thread I have read or posted in would make me feel very unwelcome were I to take what’s said personally. By world standards Obama (who is to my right) is no communist and wouldn’t even make a good socialist. Yet I have read post here from people calling him such and appear to think Armageddon is upon us and we have to prepare to live out of bomb shelters (my father, the Rev, thinks he is the antichrist ) None of that is likely to happen unless we the people some how force it to happen.

For my children’s sake, I believe it will be centuries before this country has to face an armed revolution. Our system works very well I think. Put yourself in a liberals shoes for a moment. I lived through 8 years of governing by one of the worst presidents to ever hold office. 6 of those he had cooperative control of both houses of congress. Somehow most of us survived and just witnessed a great American revolution. Just as our founding fathers desired, the people of this country changed our government (and no one had to die in the process).

What happened last week should give heart to conservatives. Just like the revolution of 1994, the revolution of 2008 proves that We the People control our government. Like many times over our national history, starting with Jefferson, our government peacefully made an about face and transitioned into another direction. We have done it many times over peacefully. The one time arms were involved should have left us indelibly marked against repeating it.
Actually as a Christian I should not abhor anyone. Scripture teaches us to hate sin but not an individual. Unfortunately being the imperfect humans we are we sometimes have a hard time separating the two. It is o.k. to hate actions or even beliefs but we should show love one to another. I will have to admit that I stll have a long way to go in my Christian walk before I am there. I am just glad that God loved me enough to pour out his grace on me rather than giving me what I deserve.

Well said HK. I could not have said it better myself. Actually I am sure I could not have said it that well.
Well, at least you do have guns in common with us, gdcleanfun. After all, that's why we're all here, isn't it? I, for one, am glad you're here with us, even if I do disagree with your position on abortion. :biggrin:
My definition of Liberal

Someone who is hell bent on destroying the values that made America great in the first place. I believe that we all have rights and should abide by the laws of our nation. It pains me to see a bunch of people whine when the law does not go their way. Case in point the demonstartions in CA. The people clearly spoke for what they wanted and the others are whining.

If there is evidence that a law is being disregarded as in the Obama Birth Certificate Scandal, then the law needs to be upheld. If we don't like the law, put it before congress and the senate and change it the right way.

Screaming and yelling about unfair doesn't cut it. Changing the rules because they don't suite you doesn't cut it.

You folks who claim to be liberals with guns are not so liberal. You have morals and a conscience or you would not be who you are and what you are; A grown adult exercising a God Given Right to self defense inside the rule of law.

Independant yes, liberal not really.
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Is there a "liberal" gun owner website......where you can express your love of guns to the antis :shout:?
Someone who is hell bent on destroying the values that made America great in the first place. I believe that we all have rights and should abide by the laws of our nation. It pains me to see a bunch of people whine when the law does not go their way. Case in point the demonstartions in CA. The people clearly spoke for what they wanted and the others are whining.

If there is evidence that a law is being disregarded as in the Obama Birth Certificate Scandal, then the law needs to be upheld. If we don't like the law, put it before congress and the senate and change it the right way.

Screaming and yelling about unfair doesn't cut it. Changing the rules because they don't suite you doesn't cut it.

You folks who claim to be liberals with guns are not so liberal. You have morals and a conscience or you would not be who you are and what you are; A grown adult exercising a God Given Right to self defense inside the rule of law.

Independant yes, liberal not really.

Hmmm, so then, because I'm not screaming or yelling or whining means that I'm not a liberal? Saying that because I don't make noise makes me not a liberal doesn't cut it. Imho, there are tons of good and bad values/morals in America/around the world that deserve to be interpreted differently than how they've been interpreted before now. The Supreme Court's does that everyday. If we as a people didn't need new interpretations then the Supreme Court institution wouldn't be needed. Morals and values are SO very subjective that no one of them is right or wrong. They just are. They represent personal decisions, they guide both you and I on how to live one way and not another. My morals and values mean as much to me as yours probably do to you. But, I can tell you that my morals probably are not the same as your morals, and neither yours nor my moral/values are bad, just probably different. I don't want to get into a debate about all of them but I'm for many of the changes; since you brought it up - Prob 8 for instance. But that's neither here nor there because it has nothing to do with firearms or cc or 2A or anything else on this board. I do want to change some things because many things need to be changed. That's what makes me a liberal. However, I don't want to change the 2nd Amendment. So I disagree because that does not make me something other than a liberal. I suppose that maybe that makes me a middle of the road liberal, but I'm still a liberal, nonetheless.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.:biggrin:
It just seems to not matter what a politicians personal stance is on critical issues when they go ahead and vote along party lines. I'm sure there are some pro-gun liberal politicians, but I doubt many of them will vote against the assault weapon ban or any other anti-gun legislation.

It all comes down to a person's priorities. I believe the 2nd Amendment is the most important one and that you can judge a politicians character on their support or opposition to it. I believe in the values of our Forefathers who created this country. I believe that people who don't embrace the values of our Forefathers should find another place to live.

I am conservative. I'm a Christian. I'm also pro life, pro America and believe in smaller government.

I wouldn't hesitate to vote for a Democrat that shares these views if I believed they had the courage to vote the way they feel.
There exist at least three major potential physical threats to our nation; They include at least criminals, terrorists, and those who would disarm our nation. I agree that not all liberals do not like firearms. That is simply not the case in my experience. However, except for the Brady Campaign and a few others, the majority seem to be Democrats with political power. The problem is the White House will soon be occupied with a President who personally does not believe in individual carry permits and licenses. How that translates into Presidential edict and legislation remains to be seen. There is about, however, an almost irrational fear of an armed population. In the shall-issue states, now about 40. violent crimes are down overall. I am NOT advocating everyone carry, but that it remain legal and optional to every law-abiding American. If there were denial of our 2nd amendment guarantee and right, for example, with the tyranny of the government over the governed, then defense of the other two threats could be diminished or impossible. It is the latter problem that our forefathers so wrestled with as they drafted the Constitution. They had a good idea about the nature of man and the potential of tyranny of government over the governed. Smart guys! I sincerely hope Americans are willing to preserve this freedom, that is a natural, individual, pre-existing right, should it (when it becomes) be necessary.
Ok I have given this some more thought

Conservative Agendas (as defined by party political stances)
1. Promotes smaller governement
2. Promotes personal responsibility
3. Anti abortion
4. Pro Gun
5. Anti Same Sex Marriage
6. Want less welfare handouts as a means of helping smaller budget and government
7. More likely to be Pro military

Liberal Agendas (as defined by party political stances)
1. Promote larger government
2. Promotes a "I'm a victim of the system mentality"
3. Pro Abortion
4. Anti Gun
5. Pro Same sex Marriage
6. Promise more welfare handouts at election time
7. More likely to be Anti military

These are the guidelines that America seems to stick upon during the election process
It just seems to not matter what a politicians personal stance is on critical issues when they go ahead and vote along party lines. I'm sure there are some pro-gun liberal politicians, but I doubt many of them will vote against the assault weapon ban or any other anti-gun legislation.

It all comes down to a person's priorities. I believe the 2nd Amendment is the most important one and that you can judge a politicians character on their support or opposition to it. I believe in the values of our Forefathers who created this country. I believe that people who don't embrace the values of our Forefathers should find another place to live.

I am conservative. I'm a Christian. I'm also pro life, pro America and believe in smaller government.

I wouldn't hesitate to vote for a Democrat that shares these views if I believed they had the courage to vote the way they feel.

I agree. I vote generally for those who I feel holds the closest view as I do on moral values. Their second amendment stand is very importrant but there are other areas that are important. The right to life is one also the pro family issues. I am first and formost a Christian so I vote my beliefs and stand behind those. I do not do that to offend anyone but if it does offend them so be it. I live as the following verse says, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
It is my experience and opinion, that a liberal is more likely to be a single issue voter.......based on the group the liberal politicians have put them in
women, the right to abort
gays, the right to marry
tree hugger, the right to save a tree at the risk of destroying a farmers ability to farm.
etc etc other issues take a far back seat when making sure they gain that one thing.
I beleive that conservatives will try to put into perspective the many issues and take a route that is better for America as a whole. Yes there are fundamental differences in what "is good" for America and there in lies the biggest catch.
I know libs will say they see their position as the same but historically ( 40-50 years) it is not borne out that way. the last few replies have been right on the money with different emphatic points.
If one says they are liberal and in favor of 2ndA I have to beleive them, but wonder how they do that. most politicians that are liberal are focused on garnering the entire package ( welfare, bigger government etc) and if one issue they beleive in like the 2ndA is not in line with the rest they will forego that in favor of all the others that will ensure them more power and control ( and voters) which is their main goal. Its easy for them to attack guns because they know there are a lot of people who hate guns.....fact is more people die every year due to the automobile industry but people LOVE their cars. If they were seriously concerned about the dying of Americans they would ban cars......uh huh...
Its the same thing in reverse for me as a Christian when I hear someone say they too are a Christian, yet support abortion and politicians that support abortion. That just makes my head spin.
Its not an issue that is going to be solved easily, but one thing is certain; if we do not have our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, we will not have any of the other rights because we will not be able to fight for them if the need arises.
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