NO longer required by law to inform LEO if you are carrying in Texas.


New member
FYI. In Texas as of this month if you do not inform an LEO when stopped that you are carrying there is no longer a penalty. Before you could lose your license.
It's funny, the code still states you must display your CHL whenever a Peace Officer or Magistrate demands your Identification. like the previous message states, they removed the penalty. Is that what Al Gore meant when he said there was no legal controlling authority?
I fail to understand the logic in not presenting, even if not asked. LEOs are jumpy on traffic stops because so many of them are killed during the apparently routine stops they process. If I can make the LEO more comfortable - especially if I'm carrying at the time, you can bet your anal pore that I will volunteer the info.
But voluntarily presenting (especially if you're carrying at the time) is the smart play.

I fail to understand why people are so happy and excited about this...
9 times out of 10 contact with LEO for 'normal citizens' is traffic related, or speeding tickets.

If the LEO doesn't ask, no way I'm telling - thankfully I live in AZ where we've had this law in our favor for years.
But voluntarily presenting (especially if you're carrying at the time) is the smart play.

I fail to understand why people are so happy and excited about this...

A police officer is a government employee. As such, they are supposed to be servants of the people. Everyone has to make their own decisions, but I would choose to hold fast to my liberties and not divulge any information that I am not legally required to do.

My state says I don't have to inform, so I don't. I don't care if the LEO gets jumpy, that's his problem. I'm a citizen who knows his rights, and if knowing and enforcing my rights makes a LEO jumpy, so be it.

The only way I would voluntarily present my carry license is if there was an incident that involved me and my gun somehow.
Years ago in PA my wife got her permit because a BG was impersonating a LEO (with flashing light) in our area and raping women after pulling them over. Do you trust that every unmarked car is really a LEO?
For those who feel their liberties are being infringed--have at it. I will be where I want to be, have had dinner,relaxed, and still have my liberties while you are sitting in your car waiting for the LEO's supervisor and then going thru some sort of police procedural circle jerk. If it makes you feel better good for you.
For those who feel their liberties are being infringed--have at it. I will be where I want to be, have had dinner,relaxed, and still have my liberties while you are sitting in your car waiting for the LEO's supervisor and then going thru some sort of police procedural circle jerk. If it makes you feel better good for you.

LOL - +1

On the comment about saying a government employ is a servant of the peple is like saying that an employee of a corporation is a servant of the shareholders. Go buy a couple of shares of stock in Toyota then go try to tell the Toyota employees that they better quit screwing up the gas pedals on new cars. The same principle. On the other side does anyone on here work for a publicly owned corporation? How about letting the stockholders tell you that you are their servant.
My thoughts on notifying LEO of CHL

I have lived in Texas for a number of years and have a CHL.

I used be a special agent in the government and I will provide the stopping officer both my DL and CHL. I know it's very important for them to feel they are in control of the stop and giving it to them up front shows you are responsible.

I would also remove my weapon and place it in the console or glove compartment so you can tell them you've moved it to a less accessible place.

As for not telling them or giving them the CHL up front, the first thing they're doing is checking out your license plate and the return info will indicate one of the owners of the car has a CHL. They will most likely know ahead of time that you are a CHL holder.

So, I recommend presenting the LEO with your DL, Insurance Card, and CHL without them asking for it. It's good courtesy.
I have lived in Texas for a number of years and have a CHL.

I used be a special agent in the government and I will provide the stopping officer both my DL and CHL. I know it's very important for them to feel they are in control of the stop and giving it to them up front shows you are responsible.

I would also remove my weapon and place it in the console or glove compartment so you can tell them you've moved it to a less accessible place.

As for not telling them or giving them the CHL up front, the first thing they're doing is checking out your license plate and the return info will indicate one of the owners of the car has a CHL. They will most likely know ahead of time that you are a CHL holder.

So, I recommend presenting the LEO with your DL, Insurance Card, and CHL without them asking for it. It's good courtesy.

I think removing the firearm from your holster and placing it somewhere else is a terrible idea. (with all respect) If the officer catches a glimpse of the firearm through the rear windshield and starts to think that a gun is waiting for him... things could go very badly.

The only time I will inform the officer is if he or she asks me to get out of the car or the state that I am in at the time requires a notification.
Not required to tell LEO in MA. I always wondered why it was that way in the Lone Star State.

I live in NH. When we go to the beach here, I have to leave my gun at home. Because of the traffic/construction I may be detoured over the Mass. line. Getting stopped in Mass. with a licence is bad enough. Without one, will cost you dearly. Time and money.
Moving the firearm before being instructed to do so may raise more concerns than you are trying to calm.

When I visit TX, the LEO won't know if I'm carrying unless/until I tell them. CCW info is not tied to either my FL DL or my FL car tag.
I have lived in Texas for a number of years and have a CHL.

I used be a special agent in the government and I will provide the stopping officer both my DL and CHL. I know it's very important for them to feel they are in control of the stop and giving it to them up front shows you are responsible.

I would also remove my weapon and place it in the console or glove compartment so you can tell them you've moved it to a less accessible place.

As for not telling them or giving them the CHL up front, the first thing they're doing is checking out your license plate and the return info will indicate one of the owners of the car has a CHL. They will most likely know ahead of time that you are a CHL holder.

So, I recommend presenting the LEO with your DL, Insurance Card, and CHL without them asking for it. It's good courtesy.

All good advice??. Especially coming from a government special agent? Government agencies and their employees do indeed work for the people. If a L.E.O.( government employee ) in my state gets info that you have a CCL from any dispatcher, the dispatcher has broken the state law. Here there is NO conection be it state or federal, between the info excessable to the dispatcher and the records of CCL. Your constitutional right to keep and bear arms is an ultimate protection from the influience of a tyranical government. You ( the colective you that is ) as a special government agent, are the reason for the second amendment in the first place, to keep you in your place. I don't have to tell you I'm licenced to carry consealed. Kinda like a "Constitutional Special Agent" making sure that you don't abuse the athority that we the people have loan to YOU. Respect! Pass it on.
Just my oppinion.
I would not remove my gun unless ask to do so by the officer. When pulled over the officer often times will ask you where the weapon is. Sometimes they will say something to the effect to just keep your hands away from it.
LOL - +1

On the comment about saying a government employ is a servant of the peple is like saying that an employee of a corporation is a servant of the shareholders. Go buy a couple of shares of stock in Toyota then go try to tell the Toyota employees that they better quit screwing up the gas pedals on new cars. The same principle. On the other side does anyone on here work for a publicly owned corporation? How about letting the stockholders tell you that you are their servant.

HUGE difference. If I choose not to buy anything Toyota, I have other options, or I can ride a bicycle, walk, etc. I don't have such direct choices in the areas of law. That, and a government LEO is required to adhere to the law and not infringe on my rights. If s/he does, s/he has the potential of having charges placed against him/her.

My rights and liberties are paramount. I'm not going to simply roll over and do what a LEO would like just because s/he would like it. To do so is to voluntarily give up those rights we still have.

Laugh if you want, present your papers if you so choose. I'd rather hold the duty each one of us has to stand up to those in power and retain our liberties.
Maybe we won't be penalized for not announcing to the cop, but it is still just that - no penalty.
All cop computers will have the chl as part of your electronic 'rap sheet' and so they will know you have a CHL whether you tell them or not, if they read the screen completely.
I want to be as cozy as I can with any cop that stops me - so I will always let them know the status of the stop they are involved in.
That's like when they ask for license and insurance papers - they don't have to ask me because I already have all that out for them.
And on top of all this, I give them a big friendly smile, at least to start out with. :biggrin:

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