New LEO carry question

I carry and will continue to carry all over this country and I will protect myself, my family and even you.

You sure as Hell wouldn't protect me. I can smell pork from a mile away, and wouldn't be anywhere near you to begin with. I'd feel safer retreating to the Projects than being in close proximity to a plain-clothes "protector and server" with an attitude towards the citizens' rights who you supposedly "serve" like you have.

All of you that say LEO should not have a greater need to carry in 50 states than you, "How many of you have said you would only protect yourself and family in an active shooter situation? Someone who is a LEO or retired LEO is likely to take action out of habit, training, instink because that is what they were trained to do. I think that is where the idea stemmed from, not that criminal they arrested 5 years ago.
The question is not whether or not Joe Citizen will shoot back or not. It is about whether Joe Citizen has the legal ability to. If Joe Citizen is legally carrying his gun and doesn't shoot back, that is a hell of a lot better situation than if Joe Citizen NEEDS to shoot back but can't because he is obeying the no guns law.
What some people cannot grasp is that our repulsion is not about those who are legally able to defend themselves. Our repulsion is about the laws that make it illegal for everyone else.
All of you that say LEO should not have a greater need to carry in 50 states than you, "How many of you have said you would only protect yourself and family in an active shooter situation? Someone who is a LEO or retired LEO is likely to take action out of habit, training, instink because that is what they were trained to do. I think that is where the idea stemmed from, not that criminal they arrested 5 years ago.

ETA: The bold word appears to be a Freudian typo.

Otherwise, yeah, sounds just like what Obama called for back in 2008:

We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

Except for the "just as well-funded" part, he's got the foundation for a civilian thug-force inherent in the LEOSA law. Real hopey-changey kinda stuff, huh?

You sure as Hell wouldn't protect me. I can smell pork from a mile away, and wouldn't be anywhere near you to begin with. I'd feel safer retreating to the Projects than being in close proximity to a plain-clothes "protector and server" with an attitude towards the citizens' rights who you supposedly "serve" like you have.

I smell a two bit scum bag foul mouth "criminal", so do retreat back to your home in the projects. One more thing, don't you dare disrespect the men and woman who risk
their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.
the men and woman who risk
their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.

Sanitation workers? I have the utmost respect for my garbage man. I sure as heck wouldn't do his job for his hours and pay and level of thanks he gets from those he serves. At least police officers have some followers that put them on pedestals.
I would hardly call the 2nd Amendment right that all citizenry SHOULD have but has been taken away a LOLLYPOP.

Also, don't assume to much sir. I wear the badge of my Sheriff's department but am not paid for my services. I am fully trained as a LEO but since I do not get paid for it, I don't fit the criteria that this so called law suggests. So I certainly am not judging any cop.

I'm not ranting, I'm not raving. What am I saying is that 1) it is unconstitutional to say that just because there is a border between two states means that my right defend myself is no longer valid, and 2) cops are no more special than any other citizen in the United States. So, first our right had to be stripped, and THEN government officials (i.e. cops) had to get special privileges handed to them.

Sound fair? Sound legal? Sound constitutional? No, no and no.

First and foremost you are not a full time LEO paid or not , so you are not eligible under LEOSA . Lastly why are all you people so worried about a LEO having this one right to carry. It has not been to many years ago that retired LEO's did not have the right to carry concealed, as well as plain citizens. Most States did not allow anyone to carry concealed except active LEO's
so why all the venom ?
I smell a two bit scum bag foul mouth "criminal", so do retreat back to your home in the projects. One more thing, don't you dare disrespect the men and woman who risk their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.

Or else what?

And I'm a law-abiding citizen 'Panky (or is that "Porky?"), own my own home and have had one of the most dangerous jobs in the country (Steelworker who worked on several buildings over 40 stories from San Diego to Seattle), so don't think your lecture about risking your life means a damn thing to me. You chose that job, I owe you absolutely no consideration for making that choice, and from the above post trying to order me around from behind a freakin' computer screen, it would seem your choice was made as much out of a desire to hold authority over citizens as to help them in any way. So far you have been the shining example of exactly why I don't respect LE anymore. Go pound sand hot-rod.



Most States did not allow anyone to carry concealed except active LEO's....

I had my first CWP in 1978 in King County, WA. Alabama has had easily-obtainable pistol permits for decades before that, as have most Southern and other rural states. But Yippee for the Police State wherever you were that made the above blather true, eh? Pffft.
I smell a two bit scum bag foul mouth "criminal", so do retreat back to your home in the projects. One more thing, don't you dare disrespect the men and woman who risk
their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.

I smell bacon. Is that enough "respect" for your costume?

Sent from my HTCONE using USA Carry mobile app
For the record, I never carry on arguments in PM's. I only use the PM function of this site to converse with cyber-"friends," and exchange email addresses and phone numbers with people I think I'd like to get to know better off-site.

Anything said in my PM inbox that's in reply to a public thread is completely out of line, and since I didn't invite or acquiesce to it, I feel no responsibility to keep it private. So with that in mind......


What was that you were saying about being a coward, duke?

I can honestly say that I have never called a cop for help. I have called them to report a couple of crimes that I was either a witness to or a victim of, but the perps were long gone and I had no intention of them helping me because of the "trouble," I just did my civic duty and gave them information that could help them do their jobs. Lot of good that did. I never got a single phone call from the cops in the two instances where my home was burglarized, much less ever got my stuff back.

Whatever, duke ol' hoss, it's not that I'd care if you'd piss on me if I was on fire that's at issue, it's that I'm scared you and your swine brothers and sisters would be the ones that set the fire on my law-abiding, tax-paying, no-criminal-record, freedom-loving, Constitution-following, Oath-Keeping, "low-life" ass!

Be interesting to hear how you "dealt" with my "type" on several occasions before. Are they still alive? Pffft.

I smell a two bit scum bag foul mouth "criminal", so do retreat back to your home in the projects. One more thing, don't you dare disrespect the men and woman who risk
their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.

Bite me.
You and your kind are the very reason I carry a gun.
You obnoxious piece of fecal matter.
You get zero respect because you are the kind of idiot who demands respect.
You are no better than I am. Your job garners no respect from me.
Don't like it? Tough sh!t...
And by the way, I handle my own business. I don't need to call you or your kind for help..

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.
I smell a two bit scum bag foul mouth "criminal", so do retreat back to your home in the projects. One more thing, don't you dare disrespect the men and woman who risk
their lives daily to protect the citizens of this country.


I would dare say that many cops perform their job well and do wish to serve and protect. The problem has come that many cops (both active and retired) have done incredibly heinous acts against the citizenry that they claim to protect and serve. Add to this that the Supreme Court in 2005 ruled that no cop has a duty to protect us.

When you put these two facts together, the law for cops being able to carry in all 50 states where as the subjects of this land cannot does not make a bit of sense. One law for the government officials and one law for the subjects is exactly what monarchies and dictatorships do, not what a free country whose people are supposed to be the government do.
First and foremost you are not a full time LEO paid or not , so you are not eligible under LEOSA . Lastly why are all you people so worried about a LEO having this one right to carry. It has not been to many years ago that retired LEO's did not have the right to carry concealed, as well as plain citizens. Most States did not allow anyone to carry concealed except active LEO's
so why all the venom ?

Yes, I said as much that I'm not eligible in the post that you replied to. We are not upset that anyone has a right to carry... we are upset at the disparity of the law. When a government seeks to create laws for one class of persons and not another, how in the world does that fit in with the ideology of America?

I do not chastise you or any other LEO for taking advantage of this law. What I take umbrage with is that there are two laws on the books. There are laws for government officials and then there are laws for their subjects. How can you not see this disparity and how against the American way this is?
All of you that say LEO should not have a greater need to carry in 50 states than you, "How many of you have said you would only protect yourself and family in an active shooter situation? Someone who is a LEO or retired LEO is likely to take action out of habit, training, instink because that is what they were trained to do. I think that is where the idea stemmed from, not that criminal they arrested 5 years ago.

And how many of our professions have been ruled by the Supreme Court that we do not have a duty to protect the public? *raises hand* I know the answer... in 2005 the Supreme Court ruled that cops do not have a duty to protect anyone. I can give many cites to show that this is what many of them have done. Would you care to see? They are all over these forums.
Sanitation workers? I have the utmost respect for my garbage man. I sure as heck wouldn't do his job for his hours and pay and level of thanks he gets from those he serves. At least police officers have some followers that put them on pedestals.

Sanitation workers here are all union and they probably make just as much yearly as you do as an 04
For the record, I never carry on arguments in PM's. I only use the PM function of this site to converse with cyber-"friends," and exchange email addresses and phone numbers with people I think I'd like to get to know better off-site.

Anything said in my PM inbox that's in reply to a public thread is completely out of line, and since I didn't invite or acquiesce to it, I feel no responsibility to keep it private. So with that in mind......


What was that you were saying about being a coward, duke?

I can honestly say that I have never called a cop for help. I have called them to report a couple of crimes that I was either a witness to or a victim of, but the perps were long gone and I had no intention of them helping me because of the "trouble," I just did my civic duty and gave them information that could help them do their jobs. Lot of good that did. I never got a single phone call from the cops in the two instances where my home was burglarized, much less ever got my stuff back.

Whatever, duke ol' hoss, it's not that I'd care if you'd piss on me if I was on fire that's at issue, it's that I'm scared you and your swine brothers and sisters would be the ones that set the fire on my law-abiding, tax-paying, no-criminal-record, freedom-loving, Constitution-following, Oath-Keeping, "low-life" ass!

Be interesting to hear how you "dealt" with my "type" on several occasions before. Are they still alive? Pffft.

If you like that one, I can add some more just for you piss ant.
Bite me.
You and your kind are the very reason I carry a gun.
You obnoxious piece of fecal matter.
You get zero respect because you are the kind of idiot who demands respect.
You are no better than I am. Your job garners no respect from me.
Don't like it? Tough sh!t...
And by the way, I handle my own business. I don't need to call you or your kind for help..

Sent from behind Enemy Lines.

You are stating you carry a gun because of your disdain for "POLICE OFFICERS, with this being noted publicly, I may also place your post on another for further scurrility.
Sir,by you're own admission you may be a danger to the public, LEO,s and society in general.
It is one thing for members to banter back and forth , however, when "Threats are made" this should not be tolerated, and i will not participate any longer in this discussion in view of
the aforementioned. I also feel the site monitor should be made aware.
If you like that one, I can add some more just for you piss ant.

Go ahead. I've made it clear that I don't welcome your communication via PM's. Any further PM's would be purposeful cyber-stalking and a good reason for you to be banned. I didn't report the first one because I try to be objective in sussing out whether I contributed to bringing it on myself. I think I did with the "Porky" thing, but in my last post and in this one, I'm just making it clear that you should stay out of my inbox from now on because i have little doubt that your hair-trigger temper will make you say things that will get you banned. Up to you though. No skin off my teeth either way. Fire away if it floats your boat. I'm your huckleberry.


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