For the record, I
never carry on arguments in PM's. I
only use the PM function of this site to converse with cyber-"friends," and exchange email addresses and phone numbers with people I think I'd like to get to know better off-site.
Anything said in my PM inbox that's in reply to a public thread is completely out of line, and since I didn't invite or acquiesce to it, I feel no responsibility to keep it private. So with that in mind......
What was that you were saying about being a coward, duke?
I can honestly say that I have never called a cop for help. I have called them to report a couple of crimes that I was either a witness to or a victim of, but the perps were long gone and I had no intention of them helping me because of the "trouble," I just did my civic duty and gave them information that could help them do their jobs. Lot of good that did. I never got a single phone call from the cops in the two instances where my home was burglarized, much less ever got my stuff back.
Whatever, duke ol' hoss, it's not that I'd care if you'd piss on me if I was on fire that's at issue, it's that I'm scared you and your swine brothers and sisters would be the ones that set the fire on my law-abiding, tax-paying, no-criminal-record, freedom-loving, Constitution-following, Oath-Keeping, "low-life" ass!
Be interesting to hear how you "dealt" with my "type" on several occasions before. Are they still alive? Pffft.