Man Accidentally Shoots Toilet After Gun in His Pants Goes Off


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Not sure what he was carrying but most DBL action revolvers and autos do not as a rule go off when droped.

Man Accidentally Shoots Toilet After Gun in His Pants Goes Off

Man Accidentally Shoots Toilet After Gun in His Pants Goes Off
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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CENTERVILLE, Utah — The man escaped with a few cuts to his arm, but the toilet made out much worse.

Police say a man's gun fell out of its holster while he pulled up his pants after using the bathroom at a Carl's Jr. restaurant Tuesday. The gun fired when it hit the floor and shattered the commode.

A few shards of porcelain cut the man's arm, and a woman in an adjacent restroom who was frightened by the noise reported she was having chest pain. Both people were checked at the scene and released.

Police say they confiscated the 26-year-old man's firearm while they review the incident. The man had a concealed weapons permit. No charges are being filed.
He's just lucky that his negligence didn't result in anyone getting killed. If his license doesn't get revoked, I bet this will serve as a wakeup call for him.
My guess is that the holster didn't have a retention device and the gun was probably modified or improperly holstered.

This is why I have always worn this: Link Removed as you never have to worry about your gun even in its holster hitting the floor.
These types of accidents (irresponsible gun owners) gives the anti's more ammunition to promote their cause.
This is why I have always worn this: Link Removed as you never have to worry about your gun even in its holster hitting the floor.

I got one of those for Christmas and love it. It conceals my Taurus revolver just fine, but unfortunately the Baby Eagle's grip sticks out a bit unless I'm wearing really baggy clothing.
Chalk one more reason up, as to why unless you are carrying a cashbag to the bank, you might want to reconsider having one in the chamber. BTW, I carry with a chambered round.
These types of accidents (irresponsible gun owners) gives the anti's more ammunition to promote their cause.

I live in Texas now. However, I was born and raised in Jacksonville, Ala. I miss it sometimes. The people in Tx are great but the ones in Bama are really great.

I just got my first Glock for Christmas (33 for me, 26 for Wifey) I love 'em. Still getting used to them.
No, I believe he cleared his system before all the ceramic settled. Having a gun go off between your legs might have that effect
People often have heart issues after the vagus nerve is stimulated, by the way that is what happens when you forcibly eject fecal matter. What I'm saying is she had the s&*t scared out of her.
It wasn't long ago a commercial airline pilot blew a hole through the cockpit wall unloading his .40 S&W because the stupid law says they're not allowed to carry on the ground or something like that. :wacko: Who the heck dreams these laws up? ya ya I know. Liberals who've never held a gun.
The news only gets a portion of these stories correct. Of course, this could have been this guy's story he told police. I think it's more likely he was doing something stupid in the bathroom with his gun when he NDd it into the toilet. I don't think we'll ever know the real story.

Regardless of what happened, this kind of thing doesn't look good for the rest of us.
It wasn't long ago a commercial airline pilot blew a hole through the cockpit wall unloading his .40 S&W because the stupid law says they're not allowed to carry on the ground or something like that. :wacko: Who the heck dreams these laws up? ya ya I know. Liberals who've never held a gun.

The incident happened about a year ago. Link Removed The round went through the floor of the cockpit. I wasn't able to locate the story online, but as I recall, further investigation determined that the incident probably occurred due to improperly securing the pistol while the plane was making the final approach to land. The holster used to secure the firearm was either this model or something similar.

The padlock somehow got in front of the trigger, which caused the ND.

If there was another incident that you were thinking about, Let me know and I'll see if I can find it.

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